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Category:Government of Scotland

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<nowiki>Gobierno de Escocia; Eskoziako Gobernua; kerajaan Scotland; Schottische Regierung; Scottish Government; دولت اسکاتلند; 蘇格蘭政府; Guvernul scoțian; 蘇格蘭政府; ממשלת סקוטלנד; 蘇格蘭政府; स्कॉटलैंड की सरकार; 스코틀랜드 정부; Skotia Registaro; Governo scozzese; gouvernement écossais; урад Шатляндыі; 苏格兰政府; regering van Schotland; 苏格兰政府; Skotlannin hallitus; Scottish Government; Շոտլանդիայի կառավարություն; Llywodraeth yr Alban; Govern d'Escòcia; รัฐบาลสกอต; Škotijos parlamentas; škotska vlada; Škotska vlada; Scottish Executive; 苏格兰政府; Pemerintah Skotlandia; スコットランド政府; Riaghaltas na h-Alba; 蘇格蘭政府; 蘇格蘭政府; Scots Govrenment; Rialtas na hAlban; правительство Шотландии; Goberno de Escocia; الحكومة الاسكتلندية; Goerno scosezo; 苏格兰政府; esecutivo della Scozia, una delle quattro nazioni costitutive del Regno Unito; スコットランドの自治政府; gouvernement dévolu de l'Écosse; kerajaan terturun bagi Scotland; Regierung in Schottland; organul executiv al Parlamentului scoțian; devolved government of Scotland; devolved Government of Scotland; 蘇格蘭的地方自治行政機關; órgano superior colegiado que dirige la política y la Administración de Escocia; Guvernul Scoției; スコットランド自治政府; Exécutif écossais; Executif ecossais; Administration écossaise; Scots Executive; Skottlands regjering; govern escocès; Government of Scotland; Government of Scotland; Scottish Executive; Scottish Administration; UK - Scottish Government; Skotlanda Registaro; Skota Registaro; 苏格兰行政院; 蘇格蘭行政院; pemerintah Scotland; pentadbiran Scotland</nowiki>
Scottish Government 
devolved government of Scotland
логотип Правительства Шотландии
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Instance of
Part of
  • UK statistical system
Facet of
  • devolution in the United Kingdom
LocationEdinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland
Applies to jurisdiction
Has part(s)
  • 1999
  • Scottish Office
official website
Authority file
Wikidata Q32521
ISNI: 0000000106980044
VIAF cluster ID: 143616643
GND ID: 10203691-3
Library of Congress authority ID: nr00001078
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 14442721m
IdRef ID: 147893208
NORAF ID: 9017672
BabelNet ID: 02047568n
J9U ID: 987007267823505171
Union List of Artist Names ID: 500291334
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Media in category "Government of Scotland"

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