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Category:Giants kettles

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English: Giant's kettles, also known as giants cauldrons or potholes, are cavities or holes which have been drilled in the surrounding rocks by eddying currents of water-bearing stones, gravel and other detrital matter
Français : Marmites de géants, ou marmites du diable, formes circulaires creusées dans la roche par des cours d'eau charriant des pierres, graviers ou débris divers
<nowiki>Marmita de gigante; gleccsertál; Skessuketill; исполинские котлы; Gletschertopf; Giant's kettle; 壺穴; Jættegryde; Marmită de eroziune; 甌穴; Marmitte dei Giganti; jättegryta; מכתש קרחוני; hiidenkirnu; Marmito de giganto; Obří hrnec; marmitta dei giganti; marmite du diable; Hiiukirn; marmita de gigante; draslja; กุมภลักษณ์; Marmit; jettegryte; Jettegryte; Еворзионен котел; Marmita dels gegants; Obrov hrnec; ജയന്റ്സ് കെറ്റിൽ; giant's kettle; غلاية العملاق; Giant's kettle; Olla de chigant; naravna votlina, ki so jo v skalo izdolbli nekdanji vodotoki; cavité naturelle percée dans la roche par d'anciens cours d'eau; fördjupning urholkad i berg; элемент рельефа местности; olvadékvíz által pörgetett kövek révén kialakult sziklamélyedés; tiefer Strudeltopf am Grund eines Gletscherabflusses; jääkaudella syntynyt kuoppa kalliossa; cavity or hole which appears to have been drilled in the surrounding rocks by eddying currents of water bearing stones, gravel and other detrital matter; díra ve skále, geologický útvar; hole drilled in the rock by Eddy currents of water bearing gravel; cavidade com forma cilíndrica e alongada que se forma no leito de rios como resultado do movimento giratório de calhaus; Olla de diaple; Olla d'o diaple; ポットホール; かめ穴; Marmite de géant; Marmites de géant; Soome hiiukirnud; Hiiukirnud; Jättegrytor; Jättergrytor; obří hrnce; jettegryter; gjettegryte; marmitte dei giganti; исполиновы котлы; Hiidenkirnut; Hiidenkattila; Noidanpata; Riesentöpfe; Strudellöcher; marmita; giant's cauldron; pothole; moulin pothole; glacial pothole; مرجل العملاق; giant's cauldron; pothole; moulin pothole; glacial pothole; Marmitas de gigante; Pilancón</nowiki>
giant's kettle 
cavity or hole which appears to have been drilled in the surrounding rocks by eddying currents of water bearing stones, gravel and other detrital matter
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Wikidata Q1358604
NDL Authority ID: 00568802
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