branch of science concerned with the phenomena of electricity and magnetism | |||||
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This category has the following 35 subcategories, out of 35 total.
- Biot-Savart law (19 F)
- Field magnet (2 F)
- Fine-structure constant (5 F)
- Skin effect (24 F)
Media in category "Electromagnetism"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 238 total.
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1.5 v electromagnet.png 449 × 196; 67 KB
16 nm 2-bar CD asymmetry through focus.png 738 × 289; 8 KB
2DTLMmes.png 272 × 260; 2 KB
3 façons retournement aimantation.png 663 × 387; 30 KB
8shape.jpg 1,500 × 1,500; 114 KB
9 v 1.5 v electromagnet.png 176 × 104; 16 KB
9 v electromagnet.png 269 × 405; 96 KB
A wire moving in a magnetic Field.jpg 1,263 × 1,034; 141 KB
A young uniformed man sitting with a pillow on his chair, fa Wellcome V0029751.jpg 2,376 × 3,072; 2.34 MB
Aharonov–Bohm effect apparatus.svg 586 × 541; 35 KB
Anyon as a charge-flux composite.svg 166 × 195; 40 KB
Anyon worldline topology.svg 331 × 206; 73 KB
Applus2.png 246 × 190; 125 KB
Basic principles of electromagnetism -es.jpg 2,316 × 2,717; 521 KB
Boltzmann Bicykel, fig 14.png 708 × 956; 289 KB
Boltzmann Bicykel, fig 15.png 427 × 662; 27 KB
Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary b80 514-3.jpg 541 × 664; 65 KB
Campo y corriente.jpg 820 × 308; 16 KB
Campogira.gif 491 × 491; 24 KB
Campogiratorio.jpg 658 × 221; 32 KB
Charged particle in uniform B field.svg 365 × 386; 27 KB
Chorus electromagnetic palmer 2003-02-27 T085030.png 1,868 × 702; 325 KB
Circuito magnetico simple detalle.jpg 2,260 × 1,436; 374 KB
Circuito.jpg 800 × 600; 88 KB
Complex-reflection-transmission coefficients-in-complex-plane.PNG 862 × 702; 48 KB
Cylindrical Coaxial Cable.jpg 320 × 150; 10 KB
Cylindrical multipole.png 217 × 211; 3 KB
Dipole inside circle.svg 600 × 600; 15 KB
Dipooli j.jpg 155 × 357; 13 KB
Domain of singular 2 cube.jpg 281 × 267; 24 KB
Domain of singular 2 cube.svg 281 × 267; 48 KB
Domains in soft iron.png 448 × 90; 1 KB
Dual directional coupler.jpg 4,288 × 3,216; 3.23 MB
EB1911 Electromagnetism -Fig. 1.jpg 128 × 347; 13 KB
EB1911 Electromagnetism -Fig. 2.jpg 266 × 120; 10 KB
EB1911 Electromagnetism -Fig. 3.jpg 414 × 424; 63 KB
EB1911 Electromagnetism -Fig. 4.jpg 650 × 413; 94 KB
EB1911 Electromagnetism -Fig. 5.jpg 356 × 434; 59 KB
Eccentric capacitor.svg 470 × 270; 21 KB
Ele eng.png 64 × 110; 2 KB
Electric and magnetic circuit realtive positions.svg 744 × 319; 13 KB
Electric dipole moment definition.svg 329 × 187; 8 KB
Electric dipole torque uniform field.svg 217 × 186; 13 KB
Electric field in a transmission line showing skin effect.png 5,625 × 3,806; 379 KB
Electric Field.svg 400 × 400; 18 KB
Electromagnetic cavity perturbation.svg 800 × 326; 35 KB
Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum Infographic.svg 4,000 × 4,000; 324 KB
Electromagnetic shape perturbation.svg 800 × 326; 40 KB
Electromagnetic wave equation.png 1,263 × 514; 18 KB
Electromagneticgunlaunch.jpg 546 × 375; 114 KB
ElectroMagneticPropulsionModelShip SEMD1.jpg 2,784 × 1,568; 867 KB
Electromagnetism (31488743765).jpg 720 × 1,280; 49 KB
Electromagnetism.jpg 2,280 × 1,770; 415 KB
Electromagnetismo1.svg 709 × 567; 2 KB
Elektromagnetinio debitomačio schema.jpg 809 × 599; 55 KB
Elektromagnetische Induktion.svg 159 × 177; 11 KB
Elektromagnit tolqin.png 406 × 356; 6 KB
Elettrete.png 1,401 × 1,029; 70 KB
Em monopoles.svg 746 × 453; 23 KB
EMI coupling modes et.png 1,144 × 719; 153 KB
Entrehierro.png 502 × 372; 89 KB
Es-Electromagnetismo-Article.ogg 7 min 10 s; 3.58 MB
Esfera condutora 222.png 567 × 207; 25 KB
Espira.jpg 241 × 295; 32 KB
Essial logo-01.png 600 × 600; 16 KB
Estructura de la magnetosfera.svg 709 × 528; 76 KB
Evanescentni val.pdf 1,833 × 860; 927 KB
Example of 2D mesh.png 534 × 488; 37 KB
Exemple 1 induction mutuelle.jpg 256 × 235; 6 KB
Faraday-electromagnetic-rotations.png 538 × 309; 18 KB
Feldgleichungen, Hertzscher Dipol 02.07.07.png 669 × 414; 7 KB
Fhsst wrkeng3.png 364 × 209; 5 KB
Field2D.jpg 960 × 720; 56 KB
Fig5Elektromagnetizmi.png 528 × 208; 67 KB
Fig6Elektromagnetizmi.png 606 × 147; 79 KB
Figura 10.Makina katerpolare me pole të theksuara në rotor.png 339 × 340; 83 KB
Figura 2. Lakoret e magnetizimeve.png 550 × 793; 431 KB
Figura 3. Qarku magnetik i përbërë.png 485 × 277; 54 KB
Figura 4.Karakteristika e qarkut magnetik.png 360 × 292; 25 KB
Figura 5. Qarku magnetik i përbërë me degë paralele.png 370 × 269; 39 KB
Figura 7. Analogjia e qarkut magnetik me qarkun elektrik.png 255 × 346; 46 KB
Figura 8.Makina dypolare me pole të theksuara në stator.png 350 × 342; 87 KB
Figura 9.Makina katerpolare me pole të theksuara në stator.png 345 × 342; 93 KB
Figure2.3.svg 225 × 225; 24 KB
Fleming's right hand rule.png 682 × 864; 245 KB
Flux pyramid element.svg 838 × 114; 29 KB
Força magnética sobre espira.jpg 714 × 1,155; 70 KB
Free field attenuation.gif 402 × 389; 10 KB
Frozen image method.png 470 × 483; 17 KB
Gauss nit.svg 283 × 531; 5 KB
General AC circuit small letter.png 300 × 275; 7 KB
Guass Symmetries.png 400 × 163; 21 KB
Hartmann decouverte 400.png 400 × 411; 149 KB
Henri Poincaré - Électricité et optique, 1901.djvu 4,267 × 6,570, 678 pages; 79.19 MB
Hering.PNG 516 × 238; 7 KB
Hiss electromagnetic palmer 2003-01-30 T215005.png 1,868 × 702; 347 KB
Homopolar generator principle.png 660 × 580; 10 KB
Homopolar motor.png 660 × 580; 9 KB
InteraccionesenMn12.png 970 × 646; 103 KB
KMW+Bus.jpg 2,107 × 1,474; 409 KB
La-importancia-de-la-guiaondas.GIF 390 × 145; 5 KB
Larger core electromagnet.png 420 × 237; 90 KB
LC obvod.png 216 × 171; 3 KB
Legea Biot-Savart (schemă).png 327 × 261; 7 KB
Leis de Maxwell, Faraday e Gauss.gif 503 × 250; 7 KB
Lenz law demonstration.png 1,191 × 800; 20 KB
Lenz law.png 600 × 600; 69 KB
Ley de lenz.gif 2,891 × 915; 67 KB
Line charge.png 338 × 226; 15 KB
Lonely magnet.jpg 4,185 × 2,670; 5.63 MB
Lorentz boost electric charge.svg 604 × 756; 124 KB
Lorentz force particle.svg 699 × 847; 2 KB
Love and Schelkunoff equivalence.png 1,997 × 1,423; 202 KB
Lugemis- kirjutamispea.png 960 × 540; 18 KB
Lyot-filter.png 978 × 483; 171 KB
Líderequation.JPG 756 × 84; 10 KB
Macchina elettromagnetica sperimentale, xix secolo ca.jpg 4,068 × 2,700; 5.32 MB
Magnetic Current Produces Electric Field By Left Hand Rule.svg 759 × 610; 9 KB
Magnetic dipole uniform field.svg 241 × 159; 12 KB
Magnetic Field Detection.png 1,428 × 464; 73 KB
Magnetic Frill Driving Dipole Antenna.png 1,725 × 3,225; 93 KB
Magnetiline Tunnelventiil.png 464 × 505; 15 KB
Main physical theories.svg 512 × 302; 264 KB
Materials for pulley.jpg 124 × 166; 4 KB
Maxwell's equations.svg 1,200 × 600; 17 KB
Maxwell's flywheel model of induction.png 318 × 754; 47 KB
Meeresrauschen.ogg 35 s; 435 KB
Mem1a.PNG 425 × 250; 1 KB
Meyers b11 s0081 b2.png 364 × 417; 36 KB
Meyers b5 s0536 b2.png 206 × 82; 3 KB
Mn12lateral.png 832 × 649; 234 KB
Mn12superior.png 832 × 649; 249 KB
Molecular Vortex Model.jpg 300 × 300; 47 KB
Molecular Vortex Model.svg 521 × 564; 6 KB
Moving particle 2 mag fields with vectors on M.svg 357 × 227; 18 KB
Moving particle 2 mag fields.svg 331 × 220; 15 KB
NearField-Earth-eField.png 842 × 409; 33 KB
New Timeline Ferroelectric.png 960 × 720; 22 KB
Nguyentodongdien.GIF 373 × 281; 2 KB
Oersted discovers electromagnetism.jpg 1,293 × 965; 646 KB
Otto Wiener Standing Waves Experiment.png 800 × 1,277; 274 KB
Otto Wiener Standing Waves Experiment.svg 1,636 × 2,611; 169 KB
Parallel Wire Capacitance.svg 470 × 270; 3 KB
Particle worldline topology.svg 313 × 176; 41 KB
Photon arrow.svg 103 × 38; 4 KB
Plane Wave Oblique View.jpg 1,950 × 975; 104 KB
Point axial multipole.png 271 × 261; 3 KB
Prinzip lorentzkraft.svg 481 × 241; 47 KB
PSM V07 D704 Straw beam apparatus.jpg 1,531 × 2,416; 136 KB
PSM V07 D705 Barometer.jpg 1,347 × 418; 63 KB
PSM V09 D180 Electricity attraction and repulsion.jpg 589 × 688; 48 KB
PSM V09 D181 Electricity measurement experiment.jpg 1,402 × 735; 67 KB
PSM V09 D182 Electricity measurement experiment.jpg 1,441 × 949; 80 KB
PSM V51 D761 Electrical potential of the air.png 1,346 × 846; 38 KB
PSM V56 D0331 Diagram of magentic attraction and repulsion.png 809 × 630; 33 KB
Přímětice, památník, interiér (edit1).jpg 4,176 × 3,238; 6.53 MB
Přímětice, památník, interiér (edit2).jpg 4,176 × 3,238; 9.3 MB
Přímětice, památník, interiér.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.7 MB
Qutblanish.png 421 × 228; 13 KB
Ranura dielectrico.jpg 684 × 444; 37 KB
RC graf.PNG 457 × 230; 9 KB
RC graf2.PNG 501 × 302; 11 KB
RC obvod.png 216 × 170; 3 KB
Repartition courant dans conducteur cylindrique.png 640 × 480; 2 KB
RL graf.PNG 424 × 208; 10 KB
RL graf2.PNG 429 × 297; 12 KB
RL obvod (střídavý).png 223 × 170; 4 KB
RL obvod.png 216 × 170; 3 KB
RL RC průběh proudu.png 733 × 481; 41 KB
RLC obvod (střídavý).png 225 × 170; 5 KB
RLC obvod.png 216 × 170; 4 KB
Saturable reactor measured.png 400 × 470; 12 KB
Sc type1.png 541 × 212; 5 KB
Sc type2.png 541 × 212; 5 KB
Skflrk 01.jpg 1,141 × 657; 36 KB
Skflrk 02.jpg 1,150 × 598; 33 KB
Skflrk 03.jpg 1,141 × 734; 38 KB
Skflrk 04.jpg 1,150 × 732; 35 KB
SPANNING.png 960 × 720; 43 KB
Spherical multipole angles.png 431 × 423; 7 KB
Spherical multipole directions.png 431 × 423; 7 KB
Spherical multipoles.png 281 × 306; 4 KB
Spires.svg 1,600 × 900; 10 KB
Stator elliptical mode 2.gif 339 × 310; 593 KB
Study figure of electromagnetism and maxwell's equations.png 2,000 × 2,283; 2.46 MB
Tempcoul.jpg 600 × 100; 7 KB
Termdifinoj.jpg 903 × 166; 101 KB
Terminologiaondo.jpg 1,122 × 260; 83 KB