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Category:Dan II of Wallachia

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<nowiki>Dan II de Valaquia; II. Dan havasalföldi fejedelem; Дан II; Dan II da Valáquia; Dan II of Wallachia; دن دوم از والاشیا; Дан II; Dan al II-lea; ダン2世; Dan II da Valáquia; Dan II.; Dan II; Дан ІІ; Dan II of Wallachia; דן השני, שליט ולאכיה; Dan II.; Dan II de Valachie; Dan II di Valacchia; Dan II of Wallachia; Dan II of Wallachia; Νταν Β΄ της Βλαχίας; II. Dan; principe di Valacchia; Havasalföld fejedelme; Voivode of Wallachia; войвода на Влашко; kníže Valašského knížectví; prins uit Vorstendom Walachije (-1431); Dan II di Vallachia; Dan al ii-lea; Dan al II-lea al Ţării Româneşti; Dan al II-lea al Țării Românești; Dan II; Dan ii de valachie; Dan II De Valachie; Dan II. Valašský; Dan II. (Valašsko)</nowiki>
Dan II of Wallachia 
Voivode of Wallachia
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Date of birth14th century
Date of death1 June 1432
Country of citizenship
Position held
Noble title
  • House of Dănești
  • Dan I of Wallachia
Authority file
Wikidata Q1059969
VIAF cluster ID: 309870051
NL CR AUT ID: xx0187532
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Media in category "Dan II of Wallachia"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.