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Category:Cities of Refuge

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<nowiki>Città di rifugio; ערי מקלט; Asylstadt; Cidade de refúgio; 逃城; mesto zatočišča; 逃れの町; Kota perlindungan untuk pembunuh; Miasto ucieczki; עיר מקלט; Vrijplaats; เมืองลี้ภัย; 도피성; Cities of Refuge; مدن الملجأ; útočištné město; Города убежища; šest levitskih mest v Izraelskem in Judovskem kraljestvu, v katerih so storilci nenamernega uboja lahko zahtevali pravico do azila; biblisches Thema; tema bíblico; Six Levitical towns in the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in which the perpetrators of accidental manslaughter could claim the right of asylum; 6 مدن في مملكة إسرائيل ويهوذا، والتي يستطيع القاتل من غير عمد الفرار لها.; מקום שייעדה התורה למיפלט הרוצח בשגגה; 우발적 살인을 저지른 사람들이 피난할 권리를 주장할 수 있는 여섯 성읍; עיר מקלט; Zufluchtsstädte; Zufluchtsstadt; ערי מקלט; Vrijstad</nowiki>
Cities of Refuge 
Six Levitical towns in the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in which the perpetrators of accidental manslaughter could claim the right of asylum
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  • Levitical city
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Media in category "Cities of Refuge"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.