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<nowiki>Jupá; Houppa; Хупа; Chuppa; Chupá; خوپا; 天篷 (猶太); フッパー; Khuppah; chupa; Хупа; Choepa; Chuppa; חופה; huppa; chuppah; Ĥupah; Chupa; חופה; palio nupcial; Traubaldachin einer jüdischen Hochzeitsfeier; Tenda Judaica onde se realizam casamentos segundo as tradições da religião; Canopy under which a Jewish couple stand during their wedding; ślubny baldachim w judaiźmie; označení pro baldachýn používaný při židovské svatbě; huppa; chuppa; chuppa; chuppah; kidušin; חֻפָּה</nowiki>
Canopy under which a Jewish couple stand during their wedding
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Media in category "Chuppah"

The following 28 files are in this category, out of 28 total.