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Category:Aircraft rescue and firefighting

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English: Aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF)
<nowiki>cuerpo de bomberos aeroportuario; 空港消防; Service de sauvetage et de lutte contre l'incendie des aéronefs; Fluchhafepompjeeën; lotniskowa straż pożarna; Авіаційне рятування та пожежогасіння; 机场救援和消防; 機場救援和消防; 机场救援和消防; Flughafenfeuerwehr; 야전군(군); Aircraft rescue and firefighting; 飛機救援消防; Záchrana letadel a hašení požárů; εναέρια διάσωση και πυρόσβεση; special category of firefighting; services de secours sur les aérodromes; zvláštní kategorie hašení požárů; Feuerwehr, die für einen Flughafen in Betrieb ist; airport fire department; Airport Authority Fire and Rescue Department; Airport Fire and Rescue Department; fire department; 航空機救助消火; 机场救援和消防; 空中救援和消防; Services de Sauvetage et de Lutte contre l'Incendie des Aéronefs; SSLIA</nowiki>
Aircraft rescue and firefighting 
special category of firefighting
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  • airport firefighter
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Media in category "Aircraft rescue and firefighting"

The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total.