Battle of the Philippine Sea

Deutsch: Die Schlacht in der Philippinensee war eine Seeschlacht zwischen der US-Navy und der Imperialen Japanischen Marine während des Pazifikkriegs im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sie fand am 19. und 20. Juni 1944 bei den Marianeninseln statt.
English: The Battle of the Philippine Sea was an air-sea battle of the Pacific campaign of World War II fought between the US Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy on June 19 and June 20, 1944, off the Mariana Islands.
日本語: フィリピン海戦(マリアナ沖海戦)とは太平洋戦争(大東亜戦争)中、マリアナ諸島沖とパラオ諸島沖で1944年6月19日から6月20日にかけて、アメリカ海軍と日本海軍の間で行われた海戦。
Fighter plane contrails mark the sky over Task Force 58, during the "Great Marianas Turkey Shoot" phase of the battle, 19 June 1944. Photographed from on board USS Birmingham (CL-62). (Battle of the Philippine Sea, June 1944)
Japanese Carrier Division Three under attack by Task Force 38 planes, 20 June 1944. The battleship in the lower center is either Haruna or Kongo. The carrier Chiyoda is at right.
Japanese aircraft carrier Zuikaku (center) and two destroyers maneuvering, while under attack by U.S. Navy carrier aircraft, during the late afternoon of 20 June 1944. Zuikaku was hit by several bombs during these attacks, but survived. (Battle of the Philippine Sea, June 1944)
USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) is near-missed by a Japanese bomb, during the air attacks of 19 June 1944. (Battle of the Philippine Sea, June 1944)
Fleet organisation (French)
Fleet organisation (English)