Addax nasomaculatus
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Classis: Mammalia • Subclassis: Theria • Infraclassis: Eutheria • Ordo: Artiodactyla • Subordo: Ruminantia • Familia: Bovidae • Subfamilia: Hippotraginae • Genus: Addax • Species: Addax nasomaculatus Blainville, 1816
- English: Addax
- العربية: مهاة أبو عدس, مها أبو عدس
- مصرى: مها ابو عدس
- asturianu: adax
- авар: Аддакс
- Kotava: Putcungol
- azərbaycanca: Addaks
- беларуская: Аддакс
- български: Адакс
- brezhoneg: Adaks
- català: Addax
- čeština: Adax núbijský
- dansk: Addax
- Deutsch: Addax, Mendesantilope, Mendesantilope, Addax
- Ελληνικά: Άδακας
- American English: addax
- Esperanto: Adakso
- español: Addax
- eesti: Addaks
- فارسی: تابیدهشاخ
- suomi: Saharanantilooppi
- français: Addax, Antilope Blanche, Addax, Antilope à nez tacheté
- Nordfriisk: Adaksantiloop
- Gaeilge: Adacs
- galego: Addax
- עברית: דישון מקראי
- hrvatski: Adaks antilopa
- magyar: Mendeszantilop, Addax
- հայերեն: Ադդաքս
- Bahasa Indonesia: Adaks
- íslenska: Snúðhyrna
- italiano: Addax, antilope dalle corna a vite
- 日本語: アダックス
- қазақша: Аддакс
- قازاقشا (تٴوتە): ادداكس
- قازاقشا (جۇنگو): ادداكس
- қазақша (кирил): Аддакс
- қазақша (Қазақстан): Аддакс
- qazaqşa (latın): Addaks
- qazaqşa (Türkïya): Addaks
- 한국어: 아닥스
- кыргызча: Аддакс
- лезги: Аддакс
- lietuvių: Adaksas
- олык марий: Аддакс
- македонски: адакс
- norsk bokmål: Mendesantilope
- Nederlands: Addax, Mendes-antilope
- norsk nynorsk: Mendesantilope
- norsk: Mendesantilope
- Diné bizaad: Deeyisdiz łigaaígíí
- polski: Adaks pustynny
- português: Adax
- русский: Аддакс
- Scots: Addax
- srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Adaks antilopa
- slovenčina: Adax
- slovenščina: mendeška antilopa
- shqip: Adaks
- српски / srpski: Адакс антилопа
- српски (ћирилица): Адакс антилопа
- srpski (latinica): Adaks antilopa
- svenska: Addaxantilop
- தமிழ்: வெள்ளை மறிமான்
- ไทย: แอดแดกซ์
- Türkçe: Addaks
- удмурт: Аддакс
- українська: Адакс
- Tiếng Việt: Linh dương sừng xoắn châu Phi
- 中文: 旋角羚
- 中文(中国大陆): 旋角羚
- 中文(简体): 旋角羚
- 中文(繁體): 旋角羚
- 中文(香港): 旋角羚
- 中文(新加坡): 旋角羚
- 中文(臺灣): 旋角羚
Wikispecies has an entry on:
- Note: For ITIS & Mammal Species of the World (2005), this is currently the only extant (living) species in the genus Addax (Retrieved on 4 June 2012).
- Mammal Species of the World (v3, 2005) link: Addax
- Mammal Species of the World (v3, 2005) link: Addax nasomaculatus de Blainville, 1816
- ITIS link: Addax nasomaculatus (Blainville, 1816)
Addax nasomaculatus (de Blainville, 1816) (old web site) (Critically endangered)
Long-horned Addax nasomaculatus at Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Addax nasomaculatus at Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Addax nasomaculatus at Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Addax nasomaculatus at Ramat-Gan Safari
Addax at Louisville Zoo
Addax at Louisville Zoo
Addax at Louisville Zoo
Addax at Louisville Zoo
Addax at Louisville Zoo
Baby Addax at Louisville Zoo
Baby Addax at Louisville Zoo, Kentucky
Louisville Zoo, Kentucky
Louisville Zoo, Kentucky
Louisville Zoo, Kentucky
San Diego Zoo, California
Zoological Center of Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan, Israel
Louisville Zoo, Kentucky
Louisville Zoo, Kentucky
Louisville Zoo, Kentucky
ZOO Olomouc, Czech Republic
Beijing zoo, China
ZOO Olomouc, Czech Republic
Zoo Hannover
Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Addax in Kolmården zoo
Addax nasomaculatus at Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
ZOO Praha, Czech Republic
ZOO Praha, Czech Republic
Addax nasomaculatus at Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
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