
Codepip Animation

pip (noun)

1. One of the dots found on game pieces like dominoes, playing cards, and dice.

2. A tiny seed that has potential to grow into a towering tree.

Codepip makes games that help people learn to code

Games and learning don’t have to be an either/or proposition. If designed well, they provide a challenging but fun path to mastery.

This is what we learned when we released our first game in 2015. The reception to Flexbox Froggy showed us there was a thirst for these kind of experiences in the development community.

What started with a single game has become a library of offerings that teach HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and beyond, built through learner-centered design and backed by peer-reviewed research. Today, Codepip has served 250k+ learners and hundreds of schools, bootcamps, and other organizations.

Check out our FAQ to learn more about Codepip.