Product Icon Reference
Visual Studio Code contains a set of built-in icons that are used in views and the editor, but can also be used in hovers, the status bar, and by extensions. These icons are product icons as opposed to file icons, which are used next to file names throughout the UI.
The product icons that ship with VS Code are contained in the Codicon icon font and form the default product icon theme. Extensions can provide new Product Icon Themes to redefine these icons and give VS Code a new appearance.
In order to allow this, all product icons are identified by an ID. The icon identifier is what's used in UI components in labels ($(pencil)
), in the API as ThemeIcon
and in contributions when icons are needed.
The association of icon identifier to an actual icon font glyph happens the product icon theme.
Icons in labels
Icons can be used in Markdown labels in hovers, in the StatusBarItem text and QuickPickItem label API. The syntax for adding an icon in Markdown is $(iconIdentifier)
You can also embed text and use multiple icons:
$(eye) $(heart) $(mark-github) GitHub
To place a literal ${...}
text inside a label, escape the $
with a backslash:
You can apply a spinning animation to the following icons by appending ~spin
to the icon name:
Icon contribution point
The icon contribution point allow extensions to define additional icons by ID, along with a default icon. The icon ID can then be used by the extension (or any other extensions that depend on the extension) in labels ($(iconId)
) or at all places where a ThemeIcon
can be used (new ThemeIcon("iconId")
"contributes": {
"icons": {
"distro-ubuntu": {
"description": "Ubuntu icon",
"default": {
"fontPath": "./distroicons.woff",
"fontCharacter": "\\E001"
"distro-fedora": {
"description": "Ubuntu icon",
"default": {
"fontPath": "./distroicons.woff",
"fontCharacter": "\\E002"
Product icon themes can redefine the icon (if they know about the icon ID).
Icon Listing
Below is a listing of the built-in product icons by identifier.
The ID of the icon identifies the location where the icon is used. The default codicon ID describes which icon from the codicon library is used by default, and the preview shows what that icon looks like.
Product Icon Themes can replace each icon individually, as well as all icons from the codicon library.
preview | identifier | default codicon ID | description |
accounts-view-bar-icon | account | Accounts icon in the view bar. | |
breakpoints-activate | activate-breakpoints | Icon for the activate action in the breakpoints view. | |
breakpoints-remove-all | close-all | Icon for the Remove All action in the breakpoints view. | |
breakpoints-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the breakpoints view. | |
callhierarchy-incoming | call-incoming | Icon for incoming calls in the call hierarchy view. | |
callhierarchy-outgoing | call-outgoing | Icon for outgoing calls in the call hierarchy view. | |
callstack-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the call stack view. | |
callstack-view-session | bug | Icon for the session icon in the call stack view. | |
chat-editor-label-icon | comment-discussion | Icon of the chat editor label. | |
comments-view-icon | comment-discussion | View icon of the comments view. | |
debug-breakpoint | debug-breakpoint | Icon for breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional | debug-breakpoint-conditional | Icon for conditional breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled | debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled | Icon for disabled conditional breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified | debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified | Icon for unverified conditional breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-data | debug-breakpoint-data | Icon for data breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-data-disabled | debug-breakpoint-data-disabled | Icon for disabled data breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-data-unverified | debug-breakpoint-data-unverified | Icon for unverified data breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-disabled | debug-breakpoint-disabled | Icon for disabled breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-function | debug-breakpoint-function | Icon for function breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-function-disabled | debug-breakpoint-function-disabled | Icon for disabled function breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-function-unverified | debug-breakpoint-function-unverified | Icon for unverified function breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-log | debug-breakpoint-log | Icon for log breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-log-disabled | debug-breakpoint-log-disabled | Icon for disabled log breakpoint. | |
debug-breakpoint-log-unverified | debug-breakpoint-log-unverified | Icon for unverified log breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-unsupported | debug-breakpoint-unsupported | Icon for unsupported breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-unverified | debug-breakpoint-unverified | Icon for unverified breakpoints. | |
debug-collapse-all | collapse-all | Icon for the collapse all action in the debug views. | |
debug-configure | gear | Icon for the debug configure action. | |
debug-console | debug-console | Icon for the debug console open action. | |
debug-console-clear-all | clear-all | Icon for the clear all action in the debug console. | |
debug-console-evaluation-input | arrow-small-right | Icon for the debug evaluation input marker. | |
debug-console-evaluation-prompt | chevron-right | Icon for the debug evaluation prompt. | |
debug-console-view-icon | debug-console | View icon of the debug console view. | |
debug-continue | debug-continue | Icon for the debug continue action. | |
debug-disconnect | debug-disconnect | Icon for the debug disconnect action. | |
debug-gripper | gripper | Icon for the debug bar gripper. | |
debug-hint | debug-hint | Icon for breakpoint hints shown on hover in editor glyph margin. | |
debug-pause | debug-pause | Icon for the debug pause action. | |
debug-restart | debug-restart | Icon for the debug restart action. | |
debug-restart-frame | debug-restart-frame | Icon for the debug restart frame action. | |
debug-reverse-continue | debug-reverse-continue | Icon for the debug reverse continue action. | |
debug-stackframe | debug-stackframe | Icon for a stackframe shown in the editor glyph margin. | |
debug-stackframe-focused | debug-stackframe-focused | Icon for a focused stackframe shown in the editor glyph margin. | |
debug-start | debug-start | Icon for the debug start action. | |
debug-step-back | debug-step-back | Icon for the debug step back action. | |
debug-step-into | debug-step-into | Icon for the debug step into action. | |
debug-step-out | debug-step-out | Icon for the debug step out action. | |
debug-step-over | debug-step-over | Icon for the debug step over action. | |
debug-stop | debug-stop | Icon for the debug stop action. | |
default-view-icon | window | Default view icon. | |
diff-editor-next-change | arrow-down | Icon for the next change action in the diff editor. | |
diff-editor-previous-change | arrow-up | Icon for the previous change action in the diff editor. | |
diff-editor-toggle-whitespace | whitespace | Icon for the toggle whitespace action in the diff editor. | |
diff-insert | add | Line decoration for inserts in the diff editor. | |
diff-remove | remove | Line decoration for removals in the diff editor. | |
diff-review-close | close | Icon for 'Close' in diff review. | |
diff-review-insert | add | Icon for 'Insert' in diff review. | |
diff-review-remove | remove | Icon for 'Remove' in diff review. | |
disassembly-editor-label-icon | debug | Icon of the disassembly editor label. | |
explorer-view-icon | files | View icon of the explorer view. | |
extensions-clear-search-results | clear-all | Icon for the 'Clear Search Result' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-configure-recommended | pencil | Icon for the 'Configure Recommended Extensions' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-editor-label-icon | extensions | Icon of the extension editor label. | |
extensions-filter | filter | Icon for the 'Filter' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-info-message | info | Icon shown with an info message in the extensions editor. | |
extensions-install-count | cloud-download | Icon shown along with the install count in the extensions view and editor. | |
extensions-install-local-in-remote | cloud-download | Icon for the 'Install Local Extension in Remote' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-install-workspace-recommended | cloud-download | Icon for the 'Install Workspace Recommended Extensions' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-manage | gear | Icon for the 'Manage' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-rating | star | Icon shown along with the rating in the extensions view and editor. | |
extensions-refresh | refresh | Icon for the 'Refresh' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-remote | remote | Icon to indicate that an extension is remote in the extensions view and editor. | |
extensions-star-empty | star-empty | Empty star icon used for the rating in the extensions editor. | |
extensions-star-full | star-full | Full star icon used for the rating in the extensions editor. | |
extensions-star-half | star-half | Half star icon used for the rating in the extensions editor. | |
extensions-sync-enabled | sync | Icon to indicate that an extension is synced. | |
extensions-sync-ignored | sync-ignored | Icon to indicate that an extension is ignored when syncing. | |
extensions-view-icon | extensions | View icon of the extensions view. | |
extensions-warning-message | warning | Icon shown with a warning message in the extensions editor. | |
find-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon to indicate that the editor find widget is collapsed. | |
find-expanded | chevron-down | Icon to indicate that the editor find widget is expanded. | |
find-next-match | arrow-down | Icon for 'Find Next' in the editor find widget. | |
find-previous-match | arrow-up | Icon for 'Find Previous' in the editor find widget. | |
find-replace | replace | Icon for 'Replace' in the editor find widget. | |
find-replace-all | replace-all | Icon for 'Replace All' in the editor find widget. | |
find-selection | selection | Icon for 'Find in Selection' in the editor find widget. | |
folding-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon for collapsed ranges in the editor glyph margin. | |
folding-expanded | chevron-down | Icon for expanded ranges in the editor glyph margin. | |
getting-started-beginner | lightbulb | Icon used for the beginner category of getting started | |
getting-started-codespaces | github | Icon used for the codespaces category of getting started | |
getting-started-item-checked | pass-filled | Used to represent getting started items which have been completed | |
getting-started-item-unchecked | circle-large-outline | Used to represent getting started items which have not been completed | |
getting-started-setup | heart | Icon used for the setup category of getting started | |
goto-next-location | arrow-down | Icon for goto next editor location. | |
goto-previous-location | arrow-up | Icon for goto previous editor location. | |
keybindings-add | add | Icon for the add action in the keybinding UI. | |
keybindings-edit | edit | Icon for the edit action in the keybinding UI. | |
keybindings-editor-label-icon | keyboard | Icon of the keybindings editor label. | |
keybindings-record-keys | record-keys | Icon for the 'record keys' action in the keybinding UI. | |
keybindings-sort | sort-precedence | Icon for the 'sort by precedence' toggle in the keybinding UI. | |
loaded-scripts-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the loaded scripts view. | |
marker-navigation-next | chevron-down | Icon for goto next marker. | |
marker-navigation-previous | chevron-up | Icon for goto previous marker. | |
markers-view-filter | filter | Icon for the filter configuration in the markers view. | |
markers-view-icon | warning | View icon of the markers view. | |
markers-view-multi-line-collapsed | chevron-down | Icon indicating that multiple lines are collapsed in the markers view. | |
markers-view-multi-line-expanded | chevron-up | Icon indicating that multiple lines are shown in the markers view. | |
multi-diff-editor-label-icon | diff-multiple | Icon of the multi diff editor label. | |
notebook-clear | clear-all | Icon to clear cell outputs in notebook editors. | |
notebook-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon to annotate a collapsed section in notebook editors. | |
notebook-delete-cell | trash | Icon to delete a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-edit | pencil | Icon to edit a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-execute | play | Icon to execute in notebook editors. | |
notebook-execute-all | run-all | Icon to execute all cells in notebook editors. | |
notebook-expanded | chevron-down | Icon to annotate an expanded section in notebook editors. | |
notebook-kernel-configure | settings-gear | Configure icon in kernel configuration widget in notebook editors. | |
notebook-kernel-select | server-environment | Configure icon to select a kernel in notebook editors. | |
notebook-mimetype | code | Icon for a mime type in notebook editors. | |
notebook-move-down | arrow-down | Icon to move down a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-move-up | arrow-up | Icon to move up a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-open-as-text | file-code | Icon to open the notebook in a text editor. | |
notebook-render-output | preview | Icon to render output in diff editor. | |
notebook-revert | discard | Icon to revert in notebook editors. | |
notebook-split-cell | split-vertical | Icon to split a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-state-error | error | Icon to indicate an error state in notebook editors. | |
notebook-state-success | check | Icon to indicate a success state in notebook editors. | |
notebook-stop | primitive-square | Icon to stop an execution in notebook editors. | |
notebook-stop-edit | check | Icon to stop editing a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-unfold | unfold | Icon to unfold a cell in notebook editors. | |
notifications-clear | close | Icon for the clear action in notifications. | |
notifications-clear-all | clear-all | Icon for the clear all action in notifications. | |
notifications-collapse | chevron-down | Icon for the collapse action in notifications. | |
notifications-configure | gear | Icon for the configure action in notifications. | |
notifications-expand | chevron-up | Icon for the expand action in notifications. | |
notifications-hide | chevron-down | Icon for the hide action in notifications. | |
open-editors-view-icon | book | View icon of the open editors view. | |
outline-view-icon | symbol-class | View icon of the outline view. | |
output-view-icon | output | View icon of the output view. | |
panel-close | close | Icon to close a panel. | |
panel-maximize | chevron-up | Icon to maximize a panel. | |
panel-restore | chevron-down | Icon to restore a panel. | |
parameter-hints-next | chevron-down | Icon for show next parameter hint. | |
parameter-hints-previous | chevron-up | Icon for show previous parameter hint. | |
ports-forward-icon | plus | Icon for the forward action. | |
ports-open-browser-icon | globe | Icon for the open browser action. | |
ports-stop-forward-icon | x | Icon for the stop forwarding action. | |
ports-view-icon | plug | View icon of the remote ports view. | |
preferences-clear-input | clear-all | Icon for clear input in the settings and keybinding UI. | |
preferences-open-settings | go-to-file | Icon for open settings commands. | |
private-ports-view-icon | lock | Icon representing a private remote port. | |
public-ports-view-icon | eye | Icon representing a public remote port. | |
refactor-preview-view-icon | lightbulb | View icon of the refactor preview view. | |
remote-explorer-documentation | book | Documentation icon in the remote explorer view. | |
remote-explorer-feedback | Feedback icon in the remote explorer view. | ||
remote-explorer-get-started | star | Getting started icon in the remote explorer view. | |
remote-explorer-report-issues | comment | Report issue icon in the remote explorer view. | |
remote-explorer-review-issues | issues | Review issue icon in the remote explorer view. | |
remote-explorer-view-icon | remote-explorer | View icon of the remote explorer view. | |
review-comment-collapse | chevron-up | Icon to collapse a review comment. | |
run-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the Run and Debug view. | |
runtime-extensions-editor-label-icon | extensions | Icon of the runtime extensions editor label. | |
search-clear-results | clear-all | Icon for clear results in the search view. | |
search-collapse-results | collapse-all | Icon for collapse results in the search view. | |
search-details | ellipsis | Icon to make search details visible. | |
search-editor-label-icon | search | Icon of the search editor label. | |
search-expand-results | expand-all | Icon for expand results in the search view. | |
search-hide-replace | chevron-right | Icon to collapse the replace section in the search view. | |
search-new-editor | new-file | Icon for the action to open a new search editor. | |
search-refresh | refresh | Icon for refresh in the search view. | |
search-remove | close | Icon to remove a search result. | |
search-replace | replace | Icon for replace in the search view. | |
search-replace-all | replace-all | Icon for replace all in the search view. | |
search-show-context | list-selection | Icon for toggle the context in the search editor. | |
search-show-replace | chevron-down | Icon to expand the replace section in the search view. | |
search-stop | search-stop | Icon for stop in the search view. | |
search-view-icon | search | View icon of the search view. | |
settings-add | add | Icon for the add action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-discard | discard | Icon for the discard action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-edit | edit | Icon for the edit action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-editor-label-icon | settings | Icon of the settings editor label. | |
settings-folder-dropdown | triangle-down | Icon for the folder dropdown button in the split JSON Settings editor. | |
settings-group-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon for a collapsed section in the split JSON Settings editor. | |
settings-group-expanded | chevron-down | Icon for an expanded section in the split JSON Settings editor. | |
settings-more-action | gear | Icon for the 'more actions' action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-remove | close | Icon for the remove action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-sync-view-icon | sync | View icon of the Settings Sync view. | |
settings-view-bar-icon | settings-gear | Settings icon in the view bar. | |
source-control-view-icon | source-control | View icon of the Source Control view. | |
suggest-more-info | chevron-right | Icon for more information in the suggest widget. | |
tasks-list-configure | gear | Configuration icon in the tasks selection list. | |
tasks-remove | close | Icon for remove in the tasks selection list. | |
terminal-kill | trash | Icon for killing a terminal instance. | |
terminal-new | add | Icon for creating a new terminal instance. | |
terminal-rename | gear | Icon for rename in the terminal quick menu. | |
terminal-view-icon | terminal | View icon of the terminal view. | |
test-view-icon | beaker | View icon of the test view. | |
testing-cancel-icon | close | Icon to cancel ongoing test runs. | |
testing-debug-icon | debug-alt | Icon of the "debug test" action. | |
testing-error-icon | warning | Icon shown for tests that have an error. | |
testing-failed-icon | close | Icon shown for tests that failed. | |
testing-passed-icon | pass | Icon shown for tests that passed. | |
testing-queued-icon | watch | Icon shown for tests that are queued. | |
testing-run-all-icon | run-all | Icon of the "run all tests" action. | |
testing-run-icon | run | Icon of the "run test" action. | |
testing-show-as-list-icon | list-tree | Icon shown when the test explorer is disabled as a tree. | |
testing-skipped-icon | debug-step-over | Icon shown for tests that are skipped. | |
testing-unset-icon | circle-outline | Icon shown for tests that are in an unset state. | |
timeline-open | history | Icon for the open timeline action. | |
timeline-pin | pin | Icon for the pin timeline action. | |
timeline-refresh | refresh | Icon for the refresh timeline action. | |
timeline-unpin | pinned | Icon for the unpin timeline action. | |
timeline-view-icon | history | View icon of the timeline view. | |
variables-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the variables view. | |
view-pane-container-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon for a collapsed view pane container. | |
view-pane-container-expanded | chevron-down | Icon for an expanded view pane container. | |
watch-expressions-add | add | Icon for the add action in the watch view. | |
watch-expressions-add-function-breakpoint | add | Icon for the add function breakpoint action in the watch view. | |
watch-expressions-remove-all | close-all | Icon for the Remove All action in the watch view. | |
watch-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the watch view. | |
widget-close | close | Icon for the close action in widgets. | |
workspace-trust-editor-label-icon | shield | Icon of the workspace trust editor label. |
The Codicon library contains all the icons used in VS Code views, as well as a set of useful icons.
VS Code extensions can use these icons in labels, views, and trees.
preview | identifier |
account | |
activate-breakpoints | |
add | |
alert | |
archive | |
array | |
arrow-both | |
arrow-circle-down | |
arrow-circle-left | |
arrow-circle-right | |
arrow-circle-up | |
arrow-down | |
arrow-left | |
arrow-right | |
arrow-small-down | |
arrow-small-left | |
arrow-small-right | |
arrow-small-up | |
arrow-swap | |
arrow-up | |
azure-devops | |
azure | |
beaker-stop | |
beaker | |
bell | |
bell-dot | |
bell-slash | |
bell-slash-dot | |
bold | |
book | |
bookmark | |
bracket-dot | |
bracket-error | |
bracket | |
briefcase | |
broadcast | |
browser | |
bug | |
calendar | |
call-incoming | |
call-outgoing | |
case-sensitive | |
check | |
check-all | |
checklist | |
chevron-down | |
chevron-left | |
chevron-right | |
chevron-up | |
chip | |
chrome-close | |
chrome-maximize | |
chrome-minimize | |
chrome-restore | |
circle-filled | |
circle-large-filled | |
circle-large-outline | |
circle-outline | |
circle-slash | |
circuit-board | |
clear-all | |
clippy | |
clock | |
clone | |
close | |
close-all | |
close-dirty | |
cloud | |
cloud-download | |
cloud-upload | |
code | |
coffee | |
collapse-all | |
color-mode | |
combine | |
comment | |
comment-add | |
comment-discussion | |
comment-draft | |
comment-unresolved | |
compare-changes | |
compass-active | |
compass-dot | |
compass | |
console | |
copilot | |
copy | |
credit-card | |
dash | |
dashboard | |
database | |
debug-all | |
debug | |
debug-alt | |
debug-alt-small | |
debug-breakpoint | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified | |
debug-breakpoint-data | |
debug-breakpoint-data-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-data-unverified | |
debug-breakpoint-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-function | |
debug-breakpoint-function-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-function-unverified | |
debug-breakpoint-log | |
debug-breakpoint-log-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-log-unverified | |
debug-breakpoint-unsupported | |
debug-breakpoint-unverified | |
debug-console | |
debug-continue-small | |
debug-continue | |
debug-coverage | |
debug-disconnect | |
debug-hint | |
debug-line-by-line | |
debug-pause | |
debug-rerun | |
debug-restart | |
debug-restart-frame | |
debug-reverse-continue | |
debug-stackframe | |
debug-stackframe-active | |
debug-stackframe-dot | |
debug-stackframe-focused | |
debug-start | |
debug-step-back | |
debug-step-into | |
debug-step-out | |
debug-step-over | |
debug-stop | |
desktop-download | |
device-camera | |
device-camera-video | |
device-desktop | |
device-mobile | |
diff | |
diff-added | |
diff-ignored | |
diff-modified | |
diff-removed | |
diff-renamed | |
discard | |
edit | |
editor-layout | |
ellipsis | |
empty-window | |
error-small | |
error | |
exclude | |
expand-all | |
export | |
extensions | |
eye | |
eye-closed | |
eye-unwatch | |
eye-watch | |
feedback | |
file | |
file-add | |
file-binary | |
file-code | |
file-directory | |
file-directory-create | |
file-media | |
file-pdf | |
file-submodule | |
file-symlink-directory | |
file-symlink-file | |
file-text | |
file-zip | |
files | |
filter-filled | |
filter | |
flame | |
fold | |
fold-down | |
fold-up | |
folder | |
folder-active | |
folder-library | |
folder-opened | |
game | |
gather | |
gear | |
gift | |
gist | |
gist-fork | |
gist-new | |
gist-private | |
gist-secret | |
git-branch | |
git-branch-create | |
git-branch-delete | |
git-commit | |
git-compare | |
git-fetch | |
git-fork-private | |
git-merge | |
git-pull-request | |
git-pull-request-abandoned | |
git-pull-request-closed | |
git-pull-request-create | |
git-pull-request-draft | |
git-pull-request-new-changes | |
git-pull-request-go-to-changes | |
github | |
github-action | |
github-alt | |
github-inverted | |
globe | |
go-to-file | |
grabber | |
graph | |
graph-left | |
graph-line | |
graph-scatter | |
gripper | |
group-by-ref-type | |
heart | |
history | |
home | |
horizontal-rule | |
hubot | |
inbox | |
indent | |
info | |
insert | |
inspect | |
issue-closed | |
issue-draft | |
issue-opened | |
issue-reopened | |
issues | |
italic | |
jersey | |
json | |
kebab-horizontal | |
kebab-vertical | |
key | |
keyboard | |
law | |
layers-active | |
layers-dot | |
layers | |
layout-activitybar-left | |
layout-activitybar-right | |
layout-centered | |
layout-menubar | |
layout-panel-center | |
layout-panel-justify | |
layout-panel-left | |
layout-panel-right | |
layout-panel | |
layout-sidebar-left | |
layout-sidebar-right | |
layout-statusbar | |
layout | |
library | |
light-bulb | |
lightbulb | |
lightbulb-autofix | |
link | |
link-external | |
list-filter | |
list-flat | |
list-ordered | |
list-selection | |
list-tree | |
list-unordered | |
live-share | |
loading | |
location | |
lock-small | |
lock | |
log-in | |
log-out | |
logo-github | |
magnet | |
mail-read | |
mail-reply | |
mark-github | |
markdown | |
megaphone | |
mention | |
menu | |
merge | |
mic | |
mic-filled | |
microscope | |
milestone | |
mirror | |
mirror-private | |
mirror-public | |
more | |
mortar-board | |
move | |
multiple-windows | |
music | |
mute | |
new-file | |
new-folder | |
newline | |
no-newline | |
note | |
notebook | |
notebook-template | |
octoface | |
open-preview | |
organization | |
organization-filled | |
organization-outline | |
output | |
package | |
paintcan | |
pass | |
pass-filled | |
pencil | |
person | |
person-add | |
person-filled | |
person-follow | |
person-outline | |
pie-chart | |
piano | |
pin | |
pinned | |
pinned-dirty | |
play | |
play-circle | |
plug | |
plus | |
preserve-case | |
preview | |
primitive-dot | |
primitive-square | |
project | |
pulse | |
question | |
quote | |
radio-tower | |
reactions | |
record | |
record-keys | |
record-small | |
redo | |
references | |
refresh | |
regex | |
remote | |
remote-explorer | |
remove | |
remove-close | |
repl | |
replace | |
replace-all | |
reply | |
repo | |
repo-clone | |
repo-create | |
repo-delete | |
repo-force-push | |
repo-forked | |
repo-pull | |
repo-push | |
repo-sync | |
report | |
request-changes | |
rocket | |
root-folder | |
root-folder-opened | |
rss | |
ruby | |
run | |
run-all | |
run-above | |
run-below | |
run-errors | |
save | |
save-all | |
save-as | |
screen-full | |
screen-normal | |
search | |
search-save | |
search-stop | |
search-fuzzy | |
selection | |
send | |
server | |
server-environment | |
server-process | |
settings | |
settings-gear | |
shield | |
| |
sign-out | |
smiley | |
snake | |
sparkle | |
sort-precedence | |
source-control | |
split-horizontal | |
split-vertical | |
squirrel | |
star | |
star-add | |
star-delete | |
star-empty | |
star-full | |
star-half | |
stop | |
stop-circle | |
symbol-array | |
symbol-boolean | |
symbol-class | |
symbol-color | |
symbol-constant | |
symbol-constructor | |
symbol-enum | |
symbol-enum-member | |
symbol-event | |
symbol-field | |
symbol-file | |
symbol-folder | |
symbol-function | |
symbol-interface | |
symbol-key | |
symbol-keyword | |
symbol-method | |
symbol-misc | |
symbol-module | |
symbol-namespace | |
symbol-null | |
symbol-number | |
symbol-numeric | |
symbol-object | |
symbol-operator | |
symbol-package | |
symbol-parameter | |
symbol-property | |
symbol-reference | |
symbol-ruler | |
symbol-snippet | |
symbol-string | |
symbol-struct | |
symbol-structure | |
symbol-text | |
symbol-type-parameter | |
symbol-unit | |
symbol-value | |
symbol-variable | |
sync | |
sync-ignored | |
tag-add | |
tag-remove | |
tag | |
target | |
tasklist | |
telescope | |
terminal-bash | |
terminal-cmd | |
terminal-debian | |
terminal-linux | |
terminal-powershell | |
terminal-tmux | |
terminal-ubuntu | |
terminal | |
text-size | |
three-bars | |
thumbsdown | |
thumbsdown-filled | |
thumbsup | |
thumbsup-filled | |
tools | |
trash | |
trashcan | |
triangle-down | |
triangle-left | |
triangle-right | |
triangle-up | |
type-hierarchy | |
type-hierarchy-sub | |
type-hierarchy-super | |
unfold | |
ungroup-by-ref-type | |
unlock | |
unmute | |
unverified | |
variable | |
verified-filled | |
verified | |
versions | |
vm | |
vm-active | |
vm-connect | |
vm-outline | |
vm-running | |
vr | |
warning | |
watch | |
whitespace | |
whole-word | |
window | |
word-wrap | |
workspace-trusted | |
workspace-unknown | |
workspace-untrusted | |
wrench | |
wrench-subaction | |
x | |
zap | |
zoom-in | |
zoom-out |