Citizens' Nuclear Information Center Blog

Subcommittee on Specified Radioactive Waste Reports Nos. 9 & 10 – Discussions End on the Draft Literature Survey Report and the Review of the Communication Gatherings

By Takano Satoshi (CNIC) The 4th and 5th meetings of the Specified Radioactive Waste Subcommittee were held on June 17 and August 1, respectively. The discussions on the draft literature survey report and the...

Is it Possible for Citizens to Engage in Dialog with the Ministry of the Environment as it Promotes the Recycling of Soil Contaminated by Radioactivity

By Yumiko Fuseya, NPO Shinjuku Yoyogi Citizen Monitoring Center, Citizens Against Dissemination of Radioactivity What is the recycling of removed soil? I would like first to introduce myself. I am Fuseya Yumiko from the...