The truth
I was young, fertility made mutiple people, they sued and took my stocks, I tried to hide the truth for they ment the drink as some type of weapon.
He took my fucking stocks, i sent herthat stuff, I got the Oh, but slaves why?
I made a game it was fake just pc work, they made it real or at least took it as to be real.
The Forehead at the party was sent from the hostel to find more vitims, they ant know no better either, they been apar of that life since birth.
my storage and weapons i couldnt sale was all down their, and First gen smart phones and tv thats why no year just time, any "" movie with that stuff same timeline.
I'm dead and my spirit goes down their why the kick, I had a contract to destroy the city, and they got that contract.
Cloverfield Anthology TV idea (and thoughts in general)
Hi guys, here's a short video we made about the Cloverfield universe, summarising our thoughts on the franchise, what the three films have done for the series, and where to head next, potentially having an anthology style TV show. Check it out! Let us know what you think :)
Predictions For 10 Cloverfield Lane
Since I Am Going To See 10 Clovefield Lane Tonight (I'm In The U.K) I'm Going To Give A Few Predictions For The Movie So, Bear With Me Here.
1. The Monster Is Clover's Mother: I Believe It's The Monster's Mother As The Roar Sounds Alot The One From The First Movie, The Mother Could Be Angry Of Clover's Death And Starts Going On A Rampage For Clover
2. The Light Has Something To Do With Hammer Down: The Light Could Be Hammer Down Going Off From Far Away While The Mom Sees, Thefor, She Destroys The House And Chases Michelle. As It Looks Like A Mushroom Cloud.
3. John Goodman Is One Of The "Monsters": Seeming Like How They Potrayed Him In The Trailer, It Looks To Be That Way. As In A Bad Person.
4. Clover Is Not Dead: Clover Might've Survived The…
Ask Cloverfield Monster
Hello Humans! I am the cloverfield Monster. But please call me Clover. You probably know me from the movie Cloverfield. But that's not the point. The point is, this is my 1st blog. In it, you can ask me any question by commenting on this blog and I might answer it. You can ask me anything your human brains can think of, like how it felt to be the star in the movie Cloverfield, or what my solution to the Gulf Oil spill problem is? Go ahead and bring on the questions and I might answer them.
-The Cloverfield Monster
P.S. Stop looking at my external espohogi(those tubes on my chest). It makes me feell uncomfortable when people look at them.
Lego Cloverfield
These videos are remakes of Cloverfield in lego version. Here's some i know best: