Create a Filestore instance by using the gcloud CLI

This quickstart shows you how to get up and running quickly with Filestore using the Google Cloud CLI. In this quickstart, you learn how to:

  • Create a Filestore instance.
  • Mount the file share from that instance on a Compute Engine client VM.
  • Create a file on the mounted file share.
  • Delete the Filestore instance.

Before you begin

  1. Select or create a project:

    Create a project

     gcloud projects create project-id

    Select a project

     gcloud config set project project-id

    where project-id is the ID of the Google Cloud project.

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your project. Learn how to enable billing.

  3. Install and initialize the gcloud CLI.

    If you already have the gcloud CLI installed, run the following command to update it:

    gcloud components update

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Create a Compute Engine VM to be the client


  1. Create a Compute Engine instance. Configure the instance as follows:
    • Name the instance nfs-client.
    • Set the --zone flag to us-central1-c.
    • Set the --image-project flag to debian-cloud.
    • Set the --image-family flag to debian-11.
    • Set the --tags flag to http-server,.
    gcloud compute instances create nfs-client --zone=us-central1-c --image-project=debian-cloud --image-family=debian-11 --tags=http-server,


  1. Create a Compute Engine instance. Configure the instance as follows:
    • Name the instance nfs-client.
    • Set the --zone flag to us-central1-c.
    • Set the --image-project flag to windows-cloud.
    • Set the --image-family flag to windows-2012-r2.
    • Set the --tags flag to http-server,http-server,.
    gcloud compute instances create nfs-client --zone=us-central1-c --image-project=windows-cloud --image-family=windows-2012-r2 --tags=http-server,http-server,

Create a Filestore instance

  1. Create a Filestore instance. Configure the instance as follows:

    • Name the instance nfs-server.
    • Set the --zone flag to us-central1-c.
    • Set the --tier flag to BASIC_HDD.
    • Set the --file-share flag to name="vol1",capacity=1TB.
    • Set the --network flag to name="default".
    gcloud filestore instances create nfs-server --zone=us-central1-c --tier=BASIC_HDD --file-share=name="vol1",capacity=1TB --network=name="default"
  2. Get information about the Filestore instance you created:

    gcloud filestore instances describe nfs-server --zone=us-central1-c

    The command returns something like:

    createTime: '2019-10-11T17:28:23.340943077Z'
    - capacityGb: '1024'
     name: vol1
    name: projects/yourproject/locations/us-central1-c/instances/nfs-server
    - ipAddresses:
     network: default
    state: READY
    tier: BASIC_HDD

    Copy down the IP address of the instance for use when mounting the file share. For this quickstart, we use the IP address

Mount the Filestore file share on the nfs-client instance


  1. Establish an SSH connection to the nfs-client instance:
    gcloud compute ssh nfs-client
  1. Install NFS by running the following commands on the terminal window of nfs-client:

    sudo apt-get -y update &&
    sudo apt-get -y install nfs-common
  2. Create a mount directory on the nfs-client instance for the Filestore file share:

    sudo mkdir /mnt/test
  3. Mount the file share to the nfs-client instance with the mount command by specifying the IP address of the Filestore instance, the name of the file share, and the mount directory to mount to:

    sudo mount /mnt/test
  4. Make the file share accessible by changing its permissions:

    sudo chmod go+rw /mnt/test


Sign in to the nfs-client instance and open a Command Prompt as an administrator

  1. Create an account and set an initial password for the nfs-client instance:

    gcloud compute reset-windows-password nfs-client
  2. Configure your instance to enable connecting to serial ports:

    gcloud compute instances add-metadata nfs-client --metadata=serial-port-enable=1
  3. Enter an interactive session:

    gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port nfs-client --port=2
  4. At the SAC> prompt, create a new channel:


    A channel with the name Cmd0001 is created.

  5. Connect to the channel:

    ch -sn Cmd0001
  6. Enter the username and password of the nfs-client instance and leave the Domain field blank. You are connected to the Command Prompt interface of the nfs-client instance.

Install NFS client

  1. In the Command Prompt of nfs-client, switch to Windows PowerShell:

  2. Install the NFS client:

    Install-WindowsFeature -Name NFS-Client
  3. Restart the nfs-client instance when prompted:

  4. At the SAC> prompt, wait for the following notification to appear:

    EVENT: The CMD command is now available.

    Then, run the cmd and ch -sn commands as previously instructed to sign in and reconnect to the nfs-client instance.

Configure the user ID used by the NFS client

  1. In the Command Prompt, run powershell to switch to Windows PowerShell.
  2. In PowerShell, run the following commands to create two new registry entries, AnonymousUid and AnonymousGid:

    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default" `
        -Name "AnonymousUid" -Value "0" -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default" `
        -Name "AnonymousGid" -Value "0" -PropertyType DWORD
  3. Restart the NFS client service:

    nfsadmin client stop
    nfsadmin client start

Map the vol1 file share to the nfs-client instance

  1. Exit PowerShell:

  2. From Command Prompt, mount the file share to the nfs-client instance with the mount command by specifying the IP address of the Filestore instance, the name of the file share, and the drive letter to mount to:

    mount -o mtype=hard z:

Create a file on the mounted file share


  1. In the nfs-client terminal window, create a file named testfile by running the following command:

    echo 'This is a test' > /mnt/test/testfile
  2. Confirm the file was created by running the following command and verifying that testfile is in the directory contents returned:

    ls /mnt/test


  1. In the Command Prompt window of the nfs-client instance, create a file named testfile:

    echo 'This is a test' > Z:\testfile
  2. Confirm the file was created by running the following command:

    dir Z:

    and verifying that testfile is in the directory contents returned.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used on this page, delete the Google Cloud project with the resources.

Delete the Google Cloud project

    Delete a Google Cloud project:

    gcloud projects delete PROJECT_ID

Delete the Filestore instance

Delete the nfs-server instance:

gcloud filestore instances delete nfs-server --zone=us-central1-c

Delete the Compute Engine instance

Delete the instance:
gcloud compute instances delete nfs-client

What's next