Troubleshooting Cloud Endpoints configuration deployment

This page describes how to troubleshoot errors that you might encounter when you deploy your Cloud Endpoints configuration. The error messages that you see contain information specific to your project. For example, you might see an error message that has your project ID in it. On this page you'll see placeholder values such as YOUR_PROJECT_ID.

After each step, run the gcloud endpoints services deploy command again to see if the error is resolved.

Cannot convert to service config

ERROR: unknown location: http: In path template '[PATH]': unexpected end of input '/'.'

This error is displayed when one or more paths in your OpenAPI document includes a trailing slash (/) character. To fix this issue, remove the trailing slash from all paths. For example, the following snippet in an OpenAPI document results in this error:

      description: "Echo back a given message."

To fix this, remove the trailing slash from /echo/:

      description: "Echo back a given message."

Not allowed to get project settings

Not allowed to get project settings for project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

  1. Authenticate with gcloud CLI again to confirm that you authenticated with an account that has permission to access the project displayed in the error message:
    gcloud auth login

    A new browser tab opens and you are prompted to choose an account.

  2. Confirm that the project ID displayed in the error message corresponds to the Google Cloud project that you intend to deploy the Endpoints configuration to:
    gcloud projects list
  3. Confirm that gcloud CLI has the correct project ID set as the current project:
    gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

Caller does not have permission

Caller does not have permission '' on project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

When you first deploy the Endpoints configuration, Service Management creates a managed service for your API. To create a managed service, at a minimum you must have the Editor role at the project level. After Service Management creates the managed service, the minimum required permissions to redeploy an Endpoints configuration is the Service Config Editor role (roles/servicemanagement.configEditor) on the service. For more information, see Granting access to the API.

Ownership for domain name cannot be verified

Ownership for domain name YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME on project YOUR_PROJECT_ID cannot be verified

  • If you have a custom domain (such as configured in the host field of your OpenAPI document, you must verify the domain name before you can deploy your OpenAPI document.
  • If you are using the domain, confirm that the value for the host field is in the following format, and that the project ID is correct:
  • If you are using the domain (supported for App Engine only), confirm that the host field is in the following format, and that the project ID is correct:

Troubleshooting other errors

If you received an error not listed here, or if the information didn't solve your problem, run the gcloud command again with the flag to display debug information:

gcloud --verbosity=debug endpoints services deploy openapi.yaml

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