Public Notice – Environmental ...
Public Notice – Environmental ...
Public Notice – Environmental Permit
PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To seek public comment on a draft permit from the Department of Environmental Quality that will allow the release of treated wastewater into a water body in King William County, Virginia. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: January 23, 2025 to February 21, 2025
PERMIT NAME: Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit – Wastewater issued by DEQ pursuant to applicable water laws and regulations.
APPLICANT NAME, ADDRESS AND PERMIT NUMBER: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD); 1434 Air Rail Ave Virginia Beach, VA 23455; VA0091537
FACILITY NAME AND LOCATION: HRSD Mount Olive Sewage Treatment Plant; 1827 Mount Olive Cohoke Road, King William, VA 23086
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) has applied for reissuance of a permit for the public HRSD Mount Olive Sewage Treatment Plant. The applicant proposes to release treated sewage wastewaters from residential areas at a rate of 0.0080 MGD (Million Gallons Per Day) into a water body. The sludge will be hauled offsite to HRSD West Point STP for further treatment and disposal. The facility proposes to release the treated sewage in the Mallory Creek in King William in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A watershed is the land area drained by a river and its incoming streams. The permit will limit the following pollutants to amounts that protect water quality: physical and chemical properties, nutrients, organic matter, solids, and bacteria.
HOW TO COMMENT AND/OR REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING: DEQ accepts comments and requests for public hearing on the draft permit by hand-delivery, e-mail, or postal mail. All comments and requests must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period. DEQ must receive hand-delivery and postal mail by close of business and email comments by 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. Submittals must include the names, mailing addresses or email addresses of the commenter/requester and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester. A request for public hearing must also include: 1) The reason why a public hearing is requested. 2) A brief, informal statement regarding the nature and extent of the interest of the requester or of those represented by the requester, including how and to what extent such interest would be directly and adversely affected by the permit. 3) Specific references, where possible, to terms and conditions of the permit with suggested revisions. A public hearing may be held, including another comment period, if public response is significant, based on individual requests for a public hearing, and there are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the permit. CONTACT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS, DOCUMENT REQUESTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Kelley West; Piedmont Regional Office, 4949A Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060; Phone: 804-432-7946; E-mail: [email protected]; The public may review the draft permit and application at the DEQ office named above or may request copies of the documents from the contact person listed above.
Tax Map Nos. 69A3 86 1282, 1284, 1285 and 1287
Lots 1282 through 1291, Town of West Point
King William County, Virginia
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated January 4, 2008, made by West Point Glass, LLC and recorded in the Clerk's Office of t he Circuit Court for the County of King William, Virginia, as Instrument Number 0800 0006 1, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, any one or all of whom may act, will offer for sale on the front steps of the King William County Courthouse, 351 Courthouse Lane, King William, VA 23086, on March 14, 2014 at 12:30 o'clock p.m., property located in King William County, Virginia, which property is more particularly described as follows:
All those certain lots or parcels of land in the Town of West Point, King William County, Virginia, together with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging, shown and designated on plat of said Town made by J. M. Daniel, Esquire, as Lot Nos. 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1290 and 1291. The map of the Town is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for King William County, Virginia. Reference is here made to the map for a more complete and accurate description of t he property conveyed.
This sale is subject to all easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described.
TERMS OF SALE: Cash. A bidder's deposit of up to ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in cash or certified funds may be required. Settlement within thirty days of sale. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee's Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement which will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale.
Travis A. Knobbe, Douglas T. Stark, James F.
McKell, Jr. and Carrie M. Harris, Substitute
For Information Contact:
Travis A. Knobbe
[email protected]
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone
540-342-4480 Facsimile PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To seek public comment on a draft permit from the Department of Environmental Quality that will allow the release of treated wastewater into a water body in King William County, Virginia. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: January 23, 2025 to February 21, 2025
PERMIT NAME: Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit – Wastewater issued by DEQ pursuant to applicable water laws and regulations.
APPLICANT NAME, ADDRESS AND PERMIT NUMBER: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD); 1434 Air Rail Ave Virginia Beach, VA 23455; VA0091537
FACILITY NAME AND LOCATION: HRSD Mount Olive Sewage Treatment Plant; 1827 Mount Olive Cohoke Road, King William, VA 23086
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) has applied for reissuance of a permit for the public HRSD Mount Olive Sewage Treatment Plant. The applicant proposes to release treated sewage wastewaters from residential areas at a rate of 0.0080 MGD (Million Gallons Per Day) into a water body. The sludge will be hauled offsite to HRSD West Point STP for further treatment and disposal. The facility proposes to release the treated sewage in the Mallory Creek in King William in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A watershed is the land area drained by a river and its incoming streams. The permit will limit the following pollutants to amounts that protect water quality: physical and chemical properties, nutrients, organic matter, solids, and bacteria.
HOW TO COMMENT AND/OR REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING: DEQ accepts comments and requests for public hearing on the draft permit by hand-delivery, e-mail, or postal mail. All comments and requests must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period. DEQ must receive hand-delivery and postal mail by close of business and email comments by 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. Submittals must include the names, mailing addresses or email addresses of the commenter/requester and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester. A request for public hearing must also include: 1) The reason why a public hearing is requested. 2) A brief, informal statement regarding the nature and extent of the interest of the requester or of those represented by the requester, including how and to what extent such interest would be directly and adversely affected by the permit. 3) Specific references, where possible, to terms and conditions of the permit with suggested revisions. A public hearing may be held, including another comment period, if public response is significant, based on individual requests for a public hearing, and there are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the permit. CONTACT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS, DOCUMENT REQUESTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Kelley West; Piedmont Regional Office, 4949A Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060; Phone: 804-432-7946; E-mail: [email protected]; The public may review the draft permit and application at the DEQ office named above or may request copies of the documents from the contact person listed above.
Public Notice – Environmental Permit
PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To seek public comment on a draft permit from the Department of Environmental Quality that will allow the release of treated wastewater into a water body in King William County, Virginia. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: January 23, 2025 to February 21, 2025
PERMIT NAME: Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit – Wastewater issued by DEQ pursuant to applicable water laws and regulations.
APPLICANT NAME, ADDRESS AND PERMIT NUMBER: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD); 1434 Air Rail Ave Virginia Beach, VA 23455; VA0091537
FACILITY NAME AND LOCATION: HRSD Mount Olive Sewage Treatment Plant; 1827 Mount Olive Cohoke Road, King William, VA 23086
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) has applied for reissuance of a permit for the public HRSD Mount Olive Sewage Treatment Plant. The applicant proposes to release treated sewage wastewaters from residential areas at a rate of 0.0080 MGD (Million Gallons Per Day) into a water body. The sludge will be hauled offsite to HRSD West Point STP for further treatment and disposal. The facility proposes to release the treated sewage in the Mallory Creek in King William in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A watershed is the land area drained by a river and its incoming streams. The permit will limit the following pollutants to amounts that protect water quality: physical and chemical properties, nutrients, organic matter, solids, and bacteria.
HOW TO COMMENT AND/OR REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING: DEQ accepts comments and requests for public hearing on the draft permit by hand-delivery, e-mail, or postal mail. All comments and requests must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period. DEQ must receive hand-delivery and postal mail by close of business and email comments by 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. Submittals must include the names, mailing addresses or email addresses of the commenter/requester and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester. A request for public hearing must also include: 1) The reason why a public hearing is requested. 2) A brief, informal statement regarding the nature and extent of the interest of the requester or of those represented by the requester, including how and to what extent such interest would be directly and adversely affected by the permit. 3) Specific references, where possible, to terms and conditions of the permit with suggested revisions. A public hearing may be held, including another comment period, if public response is significant, based on individual requests for a public hearing, and there are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the permit. CONTACT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS, DOCUMENT REQUESTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Kelley West; Piedmont Regional Office, 4949A Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060; Phone: 804-432-7946; E-mail: [email protected]; The public may review the draft permit and application at the DEQ office named above or may request copies of the documents from the contact person listed above.
Tax Map Nos. 69A3 86 1282, 1284, 1285 and 1287
Lots 1282 through 1291, Town of West Point
King William County, Virginia
In execution of a credit line deed of trust dated January 4, 2008, made by West Point Glass, LLC and recorded in the Clerk's Office of t he Circuit Court for the County of King William, Virginia, as Instrument Number 0800 0006 1, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, any one or all of whom may act, will offer for sale on the front steps of the King William County Courthouse, 351 Courthouse Lane, King William, VA 23086, on March 14, 2014 at 12:30 o'clock p.m., property located in King William County, Virginia, which property is more particularly described as follows:
All those certain lots or parcels of land in the Town of West Point, King William County, Virginia, together with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging, shown and designated on plat of said Town made by J. M. Daniel, Esquire, as Lot Nos. 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1290 and 1291. The map of the Town is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for King William County, Virginia. Reference is here made to the map for a more complete and accurate description of t he property conveyed.
This sale is subject to all easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the property hereinabove described.
TERMS OF SALE: Cash. A bidder's deposit of up to ten percent (10%) of the successful bid in cash or certified funds may be required. Settlement within thirty days of sale. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Memorandum of Trustee's Sale outlining additional terms of sale and settlement which will be available for review prior to the announcement of sale.
Travis A. Knobbe, Douglas T. Stark, James F.
McKell, Jr. and Carrie M. Harris, Substitute
For Information Contact:
Travis A. Knobbe
[email protected]
Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
P.O. Box 90
Roanoke, Virginia 24002
540-512-1800 Telephone
540-342-4480 Facsimile PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To seek public comment on a draft permit from the Department of Environmental Quality that will allow the release of treated wastewater into a water body in King William County, Virginia. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: January 23, 2025 to February 21, 2025
PERMIT NAME: Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit – Wastewater issued by DEQ pursuant to applicable water laws and regulations.
APPLICANT NAME, ADDRESS AND PERMIT NUMBER: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD); 1434 Air Rail Ave Virginia Beach, VA 23455; VA0091537
FACILITY NAME AND LOCATION: HRSD Mount Olive Sewage Treatment Plant; 1827 Mount Olive Cohoke Road, King William, VA 23086
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) has applied for reissuance of a permit for the public HRSD Mount Olive Sewage Treatment Plant. The applicant proposes to release treated sewage wastewaters from residential areas at a rate of 0.0080 MGD (Million Gallons Per Day) into a water body. The sludge will be hauled offsite to HRSD West Point STP for further treatment and disposal. The facility proposes to release the treated sewage in the Mallory Creek in King William in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A watershed is the land area drained by a river and its incoming streams. The permit will limit the following pollutants to amounts that protect water quality: physical and chemical properties, nutrients, organic matter, solids, and bacteria.
HOW TO COMMENT AND/OR REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING: DEQ accepts comments and requests for public hearing on the draft permit by hand-delivery, e-mail, or postal mail. All comments and requests must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period. DEQ must receive hand-delivery and postal mail by close of business and email comments by 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. Submittals must include the names, mailing addresses or email addresses of the commenter/requester and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester. A request for public hearing must also include: 1) The reason why a public hearing is requested. 2) A brief, informal statement regarding the nature and extent of the interest of the requester or of those represented by the requester, including how and to what extent such interest would be directly and adversely affected by the permit. 3) Specific references, where possible, to terms and conditions of the permit with suggested revisions. A public hearing may be held, including another comment period, if public response is significant, based on individual requests for a public hearing, and there are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the permit. CONTACT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS, DOCUMENT REQUESTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Kelley West; Piedmont Regional Office, 4949A Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060; Phone: 804-432-7946; E-mail: [email protected]; The public may review the draft permit and application at the DEQ office named above or may request copies of the documents from the contact person listed above.
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