Submit your article to the Blog

Write about Apple development
At Cindori, we love developing for Apple platforms. The languages and frameworks are constantly changing and evolving, and there is always something new to learn. We want to share our knowledge, but also help other developers to do the same.
By submitting an article to our blog, you can promote your profile, open-source package or product to our massive audience of Apple users, while also giving back to the developer community.
Some examples of what your article could focus on:
- Document how to use some part of a framework related to Apple development.
- Detail how developers can add support for a specific feature in their app.
- Share useful app development workflows (external tools, settings or plugins).
- Share insight into related topics, such as design or entrepreneurship.
- Spread information about an useful open-source package.
If you are unsure about your article topic, format or scope, feel to reach out and we'll be happy to provide you with feedback.
Submitting your article
Article Contents
Your submission should contain the following parts:
40-80 characters
Make sure to include relevant keywords that reflect your content.
- Building a next-gen Mac app using latest SwiftUI in Xcode 14
- Migrating an app from Combine to Swift concurrency
120-220 characters
A short summary that will be included in the beginning of the article and used for SEO, such as the Google search result description. Catch the attention of a potential reader while outlining the contents of the article. Include any relevant keywords that reflect your content.
- Learn how to build a Mac app in Xcode 14 using SwiftUI and AppKit. This tutorial will cover everything you need to know about the SwiftUI App structure and how to build out your interface with Views and View Modifiers.
- What is driving your UI updates? Learn how to troubleshoot SwiftUI performance and optimise your data model for declarative view hierarchies.
Article Content
500 - 1500 words
A technical article that is focused around a certain topic related to Apple platform development. Should be educational, with the goal of teaching the reader about something interesting (an approach, technique, tool or common problem & solution). Can be aimed at either beginner, intermediate or advanced developers.
Structure the article using sections and subheadings where appropriate. Try to include at least:
- One list (ordered or unordered).
- 2-5 images (screenshots or other artwork, gifs) with alt-tags and optional caption.
- 2-5 code blocks.
- A section at the end with a closing statement that can include short recap of the article contents, advice on further reading, links to GitHub repo etc.
The article must be unique, and cannot be a repost of existing content published elsewhere.
Author Info
- Author Name
- Your occupation (eg. SwiftUI Magician, Hobby Developer, iOS Engineer)
- Company Name
- Website URL
- Social Links (Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn)
Include a text file with 5-20 comma separated tags related to the article. This will be used for guiding more visitors to your article.
Author Avatar
Include a 400x400px (or as close to) PNG avatar. Could be a photo of yourself, Memoji or other artwork. Note: Will be cropped to a circle when displayed on the website.
Write your article in Markdown syntax using your favourite editor. Our Blog platform features an advanced custom engine powered by MDX, and is built specifically for Swift-oriented content. We support code blocks and inline code with the best syntax highlighting out there.
Our code blocks support optional line numbering and line highlighting. The following snippet showcases the use of a title, line numbering, and a highlight of row #10:

Once posted on the Blog, it will render like this:
import Foundation
import os
@MainActor final class ProductsViewModel: ObservableObject {
private static let logger = Logger(
subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!,
category: String(describing: ProductsViewModel.self)
@Published private(set) var products: [Product] = []
We recommend to use a title or a line highlight if it helps the reader follow along your description. Line numbering should be reserved for very long snippets. We also support mathematical notation via KaTeX.
Include article images as PNG’s of the highest quality. Images should be at least 980px wide and preferably in Retina (2x) resolution (= 1960px wide) if possible. They will be displayed in full width, so keep the reading experience in mind when choosing your image aspect ratios.
The post thumbnail should be a 1312x738px PNG. If you are unsure of what to use as the post thumbnail, we will design one for you.
Sending in your submission
We are working on an online editor/submission page, but until then you can send in your submission manually. Either include the article markdown (.md) file and all the assets in a zip file and send it to oskar[at]cindori.org, or create a private GitHub repository for it and send an invite using the same email. We’ll get back to you with a link where you can preview your draft ahead of publication.
Looking forward to your submission!