This release fixes two issues:

  • Fix to prevent crashes with the LastPass extension (Issue 38857)
  • Add the option to disable 'Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language I read' in Options > Under the Hood

This release also addresses one minor security issue:

If you find issues, please let us know:

--Mark Larson, Google Chrome Team

This release includes:
  • An integrated Adobe Flash Player Plug-in. We're integrating Adobe Flash Player (10.1 beta 3) with Google Chrome so that you don't have to install it or worry about keeping it up-to-date. See the blog post on the Chromium blog for more details.

    To use the bundled Flash Player plug-in, add --enable-internal-flash to your command line or shortcut for starting Google Chrome.

  • A basic plug-in manager. The about:plugins page now lets you disable any plug-in from loading on all web pages. See the Known Issues section: this doesn't work in all cases yet if you already have Adobe Flash Player for Windows Firefox, Safari, or Opera installed.
Known Issues:
  • On Windows, if you have Adobe Flash Player for Windows Firefox, Safari, or Opera installed, the Flash plug-in will still work in some cases even if you decline the license agreement (when using --enable-internal-flash) or disable the Flash plugin from about:plugins. We're working on it.
  • If you disable (or enable) a plugin on about:plugins, your change does not take effect until you restart Google Chrome.
  • There is no bundled Adobe Flash Player plug-in for 64-bit Linux.
--Anthony LaForge, Google Chrome Program Manager

We have released Google Chrome 5.0.356.2 to the Dev channel on Windows and Mac to fix an issue where dragging anything with your mouse would freeze the tab. See issue 38414.

--Mark Larson, Google Chrome Team

More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revision.

You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here:

If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at

Anthony Laforge
Google Chrome

Chrome Frame
Known Issues
  • Cannot drag anything (text or images) in a content area. For example, dragging a thumbnail on the new tab page hangs the page. (Issues: 38414, 38556)
More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revision.

You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here:

If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at

Anthony Laforge
Google Chrome
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The stable channel has been updated to for Windows, and includes the following features and security fixes (since 4.0):

Please see this feature announcment post for more info about translate and privacy.

Security Fixes and rewards:
Please see the Chromium security page for more detail. Note that the referenced bugs may be kept private until a majority of our users are up to date with the fix.

Congratulations to Sergey Glazunov on receiving the first $1337 Chromium Security Reward for bug 35724.

List of all changes:

- Orit Mazor, Google Chrome Team
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The Dev channel has been updated to 5.0.342.3 for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms

This release improves stability and fixes some known crashers (such as Issues: 370353767437567)

Known Issues
More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revisions.

You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here:

If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at

Karen Grunberg
Google Chrome
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