A640 for HDR Bracketing[]
I've made this cheat sheet to help me remember all the ALT-shortcuts on the A640, and to teach my wife how to take HDR exposure-bracketed sequences. Hope that one or the other might find it as useful as I do. Feel free to modify it to your needs. Some of the text is camera and/or script file dependent.
The drawing is in SVG format and was done with Inkscape. Just print and cut out front and back. Some details are rather small, so using a good, crisp printer is a good idea. You can laminate the card for better durability. Hopefully, there won't be too many problems with the fonts. I used DejaVu Sans.
--Blumpsy 15:23, 4 October 2007 (UTC)
A620 mini cheat sheet[]
Based on the above one, I've created a mini cheat sheet for gluing behind the display of the A620. Maybe it fits other models. For using, here's the PDF and the SVG for editing.