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Tiger paw on a shield graphic

Awareness & Training

Cybersecurity Alerts

Cybersecurity Operations Center

How To

IT Policies & Procedures

Clemson University’s Office of Information Security is committed to protecting the privacy of its students, alumni, faculty, and staff, as well as protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. To support these goals, the CCIT Office of Information Security promotes awareness through education to assist with understanding, recognizing and implementing security best practices.



New Bring Your Own Device Policy

The purpose of this new policy is to make sure that your devices meet the minimum requirements before they are granted access to Clemson University IT Resources and Systems. Visit the BYOD FAQ page for answers to common questions.

Learn More

Popular Pages

Email Encryption Icon

Email Encryption

If you need to email Confidential or Restricted data, your email must be encrypted.

Hand holding cell phone with the word DUO underneath.

Duo Authentication

Setting up Duo to enable two factor authentication to protect your Clemson users accounts.

White Tiger paw on top of an orange shield over a purple background

Report Security Incident

If you get a suspicious email or see something that could be malicious on your computer, you can report it to CCIT Security.

Female student working at a computer.

Protect Yourself

Here are some tips to avoid Identity Theft, Scams, Vishing, Credit Card Skimmers and other useful information to help keep you and your information safe from Cybercriminals.

Hands typing on a keyboard.

User Names & Passwords

Information on your Clemson username and password. Also, how to change or reset your password and more.

Laptop keyboard and iPad on a desk.

Securing Your Devices

Learn how to keep your devices secure and avoid problems.