Research and Discovery
Research and Discovery (RESEARCH) is a required Reflection and Integration course in the IDEAs in Action curriculum.
Code | Title | Hours |
Approved Courses | ||
AAAD 333 | Race and Public Policy in the United States | 3 |
AAAD 395 | Undergraduate Research Seminar | 3 |
AAAD 460 | Race, Culture, and Politics in Brazil | 3 |
AAAD 485 | Transnational Black Feminist Thought and Practice | 3 |
AAAD 486 | Africa in the American Imagination | 3 |
AAAD 691H | Honors Research I | 3 |
AAAD 692H | Honors Research II | 3 |
AMST 55 | First-Year Seminar: Birth and Death in the United States H | 3 |
AMST 252 | Muslim American Literatures and Cultures | 3 |
AMST 257 | Melville: Culture and Criticism | 3 |
AMST 258 | Captivity and American Cultural Definition | 3 |
AMST 269 | Mating and Marriage in America | 3 |
AMST 315 | Privacy and Surveillance in America | 3 |
AMST 320 | Critical Issues and Theories in American Studies | 3 |
AMST 352 | The Asian American Experience | 3 |
AMST 691H | Honors in American Studies | 3 |
AMST 692H | Honors in American Studies | 3 |
ANTH 204 | From Ayahuasca to Zoloft: Anthropological Approaches to Drugs and Drug Use | 3 |
ANTH 278 | Women in Science | 3 |
ANTH 341 | Anthropology of Fitness Culture | 3 |
ANTH 370 | Southern Legacies: The Descendants Project | 4 |
ANTH 389 | Special Topics in Medical Anthropology - Research Methods and Experiences | 3 |
ANTH 413 | Laboratory Methods: Archaeobotany | 3 |
ANTH 414 | Laboratory Methods: Human Osteology | 3 |
ANTH 415 | Laboratory Methods: Zooarchaeology | 3 |
ANTH 424 | Ritual, Festival, and Public Culture | 3 |
ANTH 430 | War, Medicine, and the Military | 3 |
ANTH 432 | Science and Society in the Middle East | 3 |
ANTH 450 | Ethnographic Research Methods | 3 |
ANTH 691H | Seniors Honors Project in Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 692H | Senior Honors Thesis in Anthropology | 3 |
APPL 295 | Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering | 1-3 |
APPL 495 | Mentored Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering | 3 |
ARAB 432 | Science and Society in the Middle East | 3 |
ARCH 691H | Seniors Honors Thesis, Part 1 | 3 |
ARCH 692H | Senior Honors Thesis, Part 2 | 3 |
ARTH 61 | First-Year Seminar: African American Art of the Carolinas | 3 |
ARTH 275 | 18th-Century Art | 3 |
ARTH 282 | Modern Art in Europe 1850-1900: Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism | 3 |
ARTH 283 | Picturing Paris: 1800-2000 | 3 |
ARTH 284 | Modern Art in Europe 1900-1960: Avant-Gardes and Politics | 3 |
ARTH 330 | Art, History, and the Modern Museum | 3 |
ARTH 370 | Visual Art in the Age of Revolution | 3 |
ARTH 383 | Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Modern Architecture But Were Afraid to Ask | 3 |
ARTH 391 | Undergraduate Research Seminar | 3 |
ARTH 446 | The Invention of the Modern Artist | 3 |
ARTH 453 | Africa in the American Imagination | 3 |
ARTH 474 | Roman Sculpture | 3 |
ARTH 595 | Experience in Research | 1-3 |
ARTH 691H | Honors in Art History | 3 |
ARTH 692H | Honors in Art History | 3 |
ARTS 691H | Senior Honors Thesis Project in Studio Art | 3 |
ARTS 692H | Senior Honors Thesis Project in Studio Art | 3 |
ASIA 331 | Cracking India: Partition and Its Legacy in South Asia H | 3 |
ASIA 350 | The Asian American Experience | 3 |
ASIA 358 | Religion and Tradition in Israeli Cinema, TV, and Literature | 3 |
ASIA 442 | Postcolonial Literature of the Middle East | 3 |
ASIA 471 | Gender and Sexuality in Middle Eastern Literature | 3 |
ASIA 485 | Gender and Sexuality in Islam | 3 |
ASIA 522 | Beauty and Power in the Classical Indian World | 3 |
ASIA 691H | Senior Honors Thesis I | 3 |
ASIA 692H | Senior Honors Thesis II | 3 |
ASTR 502 | Modern Research in Astrophysics | 3 |
ASTR 519 | Observational Astronomy | 4 |
BIOL 214H | Mathematics of Evolutionary Processes | 3 |
BIOL 221 | Seafood Forensics | 3 |
BIOL 255 | The Evolution of Extraordinary Adaptations H | 4 |
BIOL 295 | Educational and Social Research in Biology | 1-3 |
BIOL 395 | Undergraduate Research in Biology H | 1-3 |
BIOL 423 | Genetics Experiments | 3 |
BIOL 465 | Global Biodiversity and Macroecology | 3 |
BIOL 542 | Light Microscopy for the Biological Sciences | 3 |
BIOL 544L | Laboratory in Diseases of the Cytoskeleton | 3 |
BIOL 692H | Senior Honors Thesis in Biology | 3 |
BIOS 693H | Honors Research in Biostatistics | 3 |
BIOS 694H | Honors Research in Biostatistics | 3 |
BMME 295 | Research in Biomedical Engineering for Undergraduates | 1-3 |
BMME 495 | Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Engineering as a Technical Elective | 3 |
BMME 691H | Honors Thesis | 3 |
BMME 692H | Honors Thesis | 3 |
BMME 698 | Biomedical Engineering Senior Design: Product Implementation and Strategy | 3 |
BUSI 691H | Honors Research Proposal | 3 |
BUSI 692H | Honors Thesis | 3 |
CHEM 210 | Service Learning in Chemistry | 1 |
CHEM 262L | Laboratory in Organic Chemistry | 1 |
CHEM 295 | Educational and Social Research in Chemistry | 1-3 |
CHEM 395 | Research in Chemistry for Undergraduates H | 3 |
CHEM 520L | Polymer Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM 530L | Laboratory Techniques for Biochemistry | 3 |
CHEM 541L | Advanced Instrumentation and Analytical Measurement Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM 550L | Synthetic Chemistry Laboratory I | 2 |
CHIN 346 | History as Fiction or Fiction as History? Early Chinese History in Film and Literature | 3 |
CHIN 367 | Illustration and the Animation of Text | 3 |
CHIN 439 | Environmental China: Premodern Political Ecology | 3 |
CHIN 475 | Confucianism: Origin, History, and Contemporary Relevance | 3 |
CHIN 476 | Daoism: Origin, History, and Contemporary Relevance | 3 |
CHIN 545 | Chinese Science Fiction | 3 |
CHIN 551 | Chinese Poetry in Translation | 3 |
CLAR 395 | Independent Research in Classical Archaeology | 3 |
CLAR 474 | Roman Sculpture | 3 |
CLAR 512 | Ancient Synagogues | 3 |
CLAS 391 | Junior Seminar | 3 |
CLAS 395 | Independent Research in Classics | 3 |
CLAS 691H | Honors Course | 3 |
CLAS 692H | Honors Course | 3 |
CLSC 630 | Research Methods in Clinical Laboratory Science | 2 |
CMPL 232 | Imagining the City in Modern Korea: Text, Image, Space | 3 |
CMPL 395 | Research, Creativity, and Innovation in the Humanities | 3 |
CMPL 442 | Postcolonial Literature of the Middle East | 3 |
CMPL 460 | Transnational Romanticism: Romantic Movements in Europe and the Americas | 3 |
CMPL 495 | Advanced Seminar | 3 |
CMPL 545 | Chinese Science Fiction | 3 |
CMPL 691H | Comparative Lit Senior Honors Thesis Part I | 3 |
CMPL 692H | Comparative Lit Senior Honors Thesis Part II | 3 |
COMM 75 | First-Year Seminar: Researching Society and Culture | 3 |
COMM 84 | First-Year Seminar: Make A Zine! Do-It-Yourself Writing, Publishing, and Distribution | 3 |
COMM 120 | Introduction to Interpersonal and Organizational Communication H | 3 |
COMM 349 | Technology and Social Justice | 3 |
COMM 350 | Practices of Cultural Studies | 3 |
COMM 499 | The Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COMM 635 | Documentary Production | 3 |
COMM 691H | Honors in Cultural Studies | 3 |
COMM 692H | Honors in Cultural Studies | 3 |
COMM 693H | Honors | 3 |
COMM 694H | Honors | 3 |
COMP 495 | Mentored Research in Computer Science | 3 |
COMP 691H | Honors Thesis in Computer Science | 3 |
COMP 692H | Honors Thesis in Computer Science | 3 |
DHYG 495 | Research Methodology | 2 |
DRAM 691H | Honors Project in Dramatic Art | 3 |
DRAM 692H | Honors Project in Dramatic Art | 3 |
ECON 58 | First-Year Seminar: Researching the Tools for Success in College H | 3 |
ECON 394 | Advanced Entrepreneurship Practicum | 3 |
ECON 495 | Research Course | 1-3 |
ECON 510 | Advanced Microeconomic Theory H | 3 |
ECON 525 | Advanced Financial Economics | 3 |
ECON 545 | Advanced Industrial Organization | 3 |
ECON 550 | Advanced Health Econometrics | 3 |
ECON 551 | Economics of Education | 3 |
ECON 552 | The Economics of Health Care Markets and Policy | 3 |
ECON 560 | Advanced International Economics | 3 |
ECON 565 | Research in Development Economics | 3 |
ECON 573 | Machine Learning and Econometrics | 3 |
ECON 580 | Advanced Labor Economics | 3 |
ECON 691H | Honors Course | 3 |
ECON 692H | Honors Course | 3 |
EDUC 318 | Peer Leadership in the University Environment | 2 |
EDUC 320 | Navigating Education in Borderlands | 3 |
EDUC 517 | Educational Partnership Through Program Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC 530 | Free-Choice Learning in Informal Environments | 3 |
EDUC 691H | Honors Seminar in Education | 3 |
EDUC 694H | Honors Thesis in Education | 3 |
EMES 72H | First-Year Seminar: Field Geology of Eastern California | 3 |
EMES 395 | Undergraduate Research in Earth, Marine, and Environmental Sciences | 1-3 |
EMES 405 | Geochemistry | 3 |
EMES 691H | Honors in Earth, Marine, and Environmental Sciences | 3 |
EMES 692H | Honors in Earth, Marine, and Environmental Sciences | 3 |
ENEC 395 | Research in Environmental Sciences and Studies for Undergraduates | 1-3 |
ENEC 437 | Social Vulnerability to Climate Change | 3 |
ENEC 465 | Global Biodiversity and Macroecology | 3 |
ENEC 693H | Honors Research in Environmental Sciences and Studies | 3 |
ENEC 694H | Honors Project in Environmental Sciences and Studies | 3 |
ENGL 284 | Reading Children's Literature H | 3 |
ENGL 291 | Picture Books H | 3 |
ENGL 295 | Undergraduate Research Seminar H | 3 |
ENGL 425 | Literature, Archives, and Original Research | 3 |
ENGL 482 | Metadata, Mark-up, and Mapping: Understanding the Rhetoric of Digital Humanities | 3 |
ENGL 494 | Research Methods in Film Studies | 3 |
ENGL 495 | Mentored Research | 1-3 |
ENGL 691H | English Senior Honors Thesis, Part I | 3 |
ENGL 692H | English Senior Honors Thesis, Part II | 3 |
ENGL 693H | Creative Writing Senior Honors Thesis, Part I | 3 |
ENGL 694H | Creative Writing Senior Honors Thesis, Part II | 3 |
ENGL 695 | Research Seminar | 3 |
ENVR 135 | Environment-ECUIPP Lab: Connecting with communities through environmental research for Public Health | 3 |
ENVR 335 | Adv Environ-ECUIPP Lab: Connecting with Communities Through Environmental Research for PH Protection | 3 |
ENVR 691H | Honors Research | 3 |
ENVR 692H | Honors Thesis | 3 |
ENVR 695 | Undergraduate Research | 1-3 |
EURO 438 | Democracy and International Institutions in an Undivided Europe | 3 |
EURO 691H | Honors Thesis in European Studies | 3 |
EURO 692H | Honors Thesis in European Studies | 3 |
EXSS 273 | Research in Exercise and Sport Science | 3 |
EXSS 327 | Predictive Analytics in Sport H | 3 |
EXSS 395 | Undergraduate Research Course | 1-3 |
EXSS 573 | Sport Injury Epidemiology | 3 |
EXSS 693H | Senior Honors Thesis | 3 |
EXSS 694H | Senior Honors Thesis | 3 |
FOLK 370 | Southern Legacies: The Descendants Project | 4 |
FOLK 424 | Ritual, Festival, and Public Culture | 3 |
FOLK 472 | Traditions in Transition: Jewish Folklore and Ethnography | 3 |
FOLK 476 | Graffiti, Gods, and Gardens: Urban Folklore | 3 |
FOLK 481 | Jewish Belonging/s: The Material Culture of Jewish Experience | 3 |
FOLK 691H | Honors Project in Folklore | 3 |
FOLK 692H | Honors Thesis in Folklore | 3 |
FREN 80 | First-Year Seminar: Déjà vu. Medicine and Narration across Time and Space | 3 |
FREN 150 | Globalization and the French-Speaking World | 3 |
FREN 369 | Environment, Society, and Public Policy in Southern France | 3 |
FREN 387 | Paris/Versailles: The Court and the City in the 17th Century | 3 |
FREN 691H | Honors Thesis in French | 3 |
FREN 692H | Honors Thesis in French | 3 |
GEOG 63 | First-Year Seminar: The Problem with Nature and Its Preservation H | 3 |
GEOG 65 | First-Year Seminar: Climate Change in the Media H | 3 |
GEOG 68 | First-Year Seminar: Freshwaters in the Anthropocene | 3 |
GEOG 268 | Geography of Africa | 3 |
GEOG 392 | Research Methods in Geography | 3 |
GEOG 414 | Climate Change | 3 |
GEOG 416 | Applied Climatology: The Impacts of Climate and Weather on Environmental and Social Systems | 3 |
GEOG 428 | Global Cities: Space, Power, and Identity in the Built Environment | 3 |
GEOG 429 | Urban Political Geography: Durham, NC | 3 |
GEOG 435 | Global Environmental Justice | 3 |
GEOG 437 | Social Vulnerability to Climate Change | 3 |
GEOG 457 | Rural Latin America: Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources H | 3 |
GEOG 460 | Geographies of Economic Change | 3 |
GEOG 470 | Political Ecology: Geographical Perspectives | 3 |
GEOG 567 | Geospatial Data Analysis with Google Earth Engine | 3 |
GEOG 691H | Honors | 3 |
GEOG 692H | Honors | 3 |
GEOG 697 | Capstone Seminar in Geographic Research | 3 |
GLBL 691H | Honors in Global Studies | 3 |
GLBL 692H | Honors in Global Studies | 3 |
GREK 395 | Independent Research in Greek | 3 |
GSLL 295 | Research, Creativity, and Innovation in the Humanities | 3 |
GSLL 495 | Mentored Research | 3 |
GSLL 691H | Honors Course | 3 |
GSLL 692H | Honors Course | 3 |
GSLL 693H | Honors Seminar | 3 |
HIST 315 | Nation-Building in Latin America H | 3 |
HIST 320 | Art, History, and the Modern Museum | 3 |
HIST 335 | Cracking India: Partition and Its Legacy in South Asia H | 3 |
HIST 360 | Ideas in Modern America H | 3 |
HIST 395 | Research Related Skills | 1-3 |
HIST 398 | Undergraduate Seminar in History H | 3 |
HIST 439 | Environmental China: Premodern Political Ecology | 3 |
HIST 691H | Honors in History | 3 |
HIST 692H | Honors in History | 3 |
HPM 691H | Honors Research I | 3 |
HPM 692H | Honors Research II | 3 |
HPM 697 | Health Policy and Management BSPH Capstone | 3 |
IDST 691H | Senior Honors Thesis | 3 |
IDST 692H | Senior Honors Thesis | 3 |
INLS 691H | Research Methods in Information Science | 3 |
INLS 692H | Honors Thesis in Information Science | 3 |
ITAL 372 | Poetry, Parchment, Polis | 3 |
ITAL 374 | Italian Ecofiction in Global Perspective | 3 |
ITAL 525 | Italo Calvino in English | 3 |
ITAL 571 | Primo Levi in English | 3 |
ITAL 691H | Honors Thesis | 3 |
ITAL 692H | Honors Thesis in Italian | 3 |
JAPN 451 | Swords, Tea Bowls, and Woodblock Prints: Exploring Japanese Material Culture | 3 |
JWST 358 | Religion and Tradition in Israeli Cinema, TV, and Literature | 3 |
JWST 472 | Traditions in Transition: Jewish Folklore and Ethnography | 3 |
JWST 481 | Jewish Belonging/s: The Material Culture of Jewish Experience | 3 |
JWST 503 | Exploring the Dead Sea Scrolls H | 3 |
JWST 512 | Ancient Synagogues | 3 |
JWST 533 | Women, Gender, and Judaism | 3 |
KOR 232 | Imagining the City in Modern Korea: Text, Image, Space | 3 |
LATN 395 | Independent Research in Latin | 3 |
LING 60 | First-Year Seminar: How Reading Works: Language, Cognition, and Literacy | 3 |
LING 395 | Group Mentored Research | 1-3 |
LING 460 | Making Sense of Big Data: Textual Analysis with R | 3 |
LING 495 | Individual Mentored Research | 1-3 |
LING 691H | Senior Honors Thesis | 3 |
LING 692H | Senior Honors Thesis | 3 |
LTAM 402 | Heritage and Migration in North Carolina | 3 |
LTAM 691H | Honors in Latin American Studies | 3 |
LTAM 692H | Honors in Latin American Studies | 3 |
LTAM 697 | Capstone Seminar | 3 |
MATH 296 | Directed Exploration in Mathematics | 1-3 |
MATH 396 | Undergraduate Reading and Research in Mathematics | 1-3 |
MATH 563 | Introduction to Fluid Mechanics | 3 |
MATH 691H | Honors Research in Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 692H | Honors Thesis in Mathematics | 3 |
MEJO 691H | Introductory Honors Course | 3 |
MEJO 692H | Honors Essay | 3 |
MNGT 120 | Introduction to Interpersonal and Organizational Communication H | 3 |
MNGT 692H | Honors Spring Course | 3 |
MUSC 351 | Critical Approaches to Music: Guided Research | 3 |
MUSC 355 | History and Culture of Music H | 3 |
MUSC 691H | Senior Honors Thesis in Music I | 3 |
MUSC 692H | Senior Honors Thesis in Music II | 3 |
NDSS 697 | Neurodiagnostics and Sleep Science Capstone | 3 |
NDSS 698 | Neurodiagnostics and Sleep Science Capstone II | 3 |
NSCI 271 | Cellular Mechanisms in Addiction Lab | 3 |
NSCI 273 | Brainwaves: Human Electroencephalography Lab | 3 |
NSCI 274 | Neurophysiology Data Science Lab | 3 |
NSCI 277 | Addiction Neuroscience qPCR Laboratory | 3 |
NSCI 278 | Molecular Brain Imaging Lab | 3 |
NSCI 279 | Microglia Laboratory | 3 |
NSCI 395 | Independent Research | 1-3 |
NSCI 405 | Advanced Molecular Neuropharmacology | 3 |
NSCI 693H | Honors in Neuroscience I | 3 |
NSCI 694H | Honors in Neuroscience II | 3 |
NURS 302 | Research, Ethics, and Innovation: Carolina Core II | 3 |
NURS 691H | Honors in Nursing, Part I | 3 |
NURS 692H | Honors in Nursing, Part II | 3 |
NUTR 295 | Undergraduate Research Experience in Nutrition | 3 |
NUTR 691H | Honors Research in Nutrition | 3 |
NUTR 692H | Honors Research in Nutrition | 3 |
PHIL 211 | Perspectives on Gender, Race, and Marginality in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Science, and Medicine | 3 |
PHIL 251 | Inductive Logic and the Scientific Method | 3 |
PHIL 392 | Ethics Research Seminar for Undergraduates | 3 |
PHIL 395 | Undergraduate Research Seminar in Selected Topics | 3 |
PHIL 397 | Philosophy Research Seminar for Undergraduates | 3 |
PHIL 411 | Aristotle | 3 |
PHIL 691H | Courses for Honors | 3 |
PHIL 692H | Courses for Honors | 3 |
PHYS 231 | Physical Computing H | 4 |
PHYS 295 | Research with Faculty Mentor I | 1-12 |
PHYS 395 | Research with Faculty Mentor II | 1-12 |
PHYS 481L | Advanced Laboratory I | 2 |
PHYS 691H | Senior Honor Thesis Research I | 3 |
PHYS 692H | Senior Honor Thesis Research II | 3 |
PLAN 247 | Solving Urban Problems | 3 |
PLAN 428 | Global Cities: Space, Power, and Identity in the Built Environment | 3 |
PLAN 691H | Honors Seminar in Urban and Regional Studies | 3 |
PLCY 395 | Research in Public Policy H | 1-6 |
PLCY 581 | Research Design for Public Policy H | 3 |
PLCY 691H | Honors in Public Policy | 3 |
PLCY 692H | Honors in Public Policy | 3 |
POLI 333 | Race and Public Policy in the United States | 3 |
POLI 350 | Peace Science Research | 3 |
POLI 395 | Mentored Research in Political Science | 1-3 |
POLI 405 | Local Politics in the United States | 3 |
POLI 417 | Advanced Political Psychology H | 3 |
POLI 421 | Framing Public Policies | 3 |
POLI 424 | Legislative Procedure in Congress | 3 |
POLI 435 | Democracy and Development in Latin America H | 3 |
POLI 438 | Democracy and International Institutions in an Undivided Europe | 3 |
POLI 440 | How to Stay in Power When the People Want You Dead: The Politics of Authoritarian Survival | 3 |
POLI 444 | Terrorism and International Peace | 3 |
POLI 452 | Africa and International Conflict | 3 |
POLI 453 | When Countries Go Broke: Political Responses to Financial Crises | 3 |
POLI 458 | International Conflict Management and Resolution H | 3 |
POLI 691H | Honors Seminar in Research Design | 3 |
POLI 692H | Honors Thesis Research | 3 |
POLI 693H | Honors Thesis Research | 3 |
PORT 691H | Honors Thesis | 3 |
PORT 692H | Honors Thesis in Portuguese | 3 |
PSYC 58 | First-Year Seminar: The Psychology of Mental States and Language Use H | 3 |
PSYC 270 | Research Methods in Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 395 | Independent Research | 1-3 |
PSYC 438 | Research Topics in the Psychology of Language | 3 |
PSYC 528 | Clinical Research: Design, Analyze, Disseminate | 3 |
PSYC 535 | Programming for Psychologists: Computational Tools for Psychological Research | 3 |
PSYC 693H | Honors in Psychology I | 3 |
PSYC 694H | Honors in Psychology II | 3 |
PWAD 331 | Cracking India: Partition and Its Legacy in South Asia H | 3 |
PWAD 444 | Terrorism and International Peace | 3 |
PWAD 452 | Africa and International Conflict | 3 |
PWAD 458 | International Conflict Management and Resolution H | 3 |
PWAD 673 | Post-Conflict Security Challenges | 3 |
PWAD 674 | Research Seminar on the History of Covert Action | 3 |
PWAD 675 | War, Crimes against Humanity, and Justice | 3 |
PWAD 676 | Law and National Security from the U.S. Civil War to the Global War on Terror | 3 |
PWAD 680 | Research Seminar in Peace, War, and Defense | 3 |
PWAD 691H | Honors in Peace, War, and Defense | 3 |
PWAD 692H | Honors in Peace, War, and Defense | 3 |
RELI 67 | First-Year Seminar: Nature/Culture/Self-Identity: Religion in the Construction of Social Life | 3 |
RELI 324 | Religion and the Human: Interrogating Individuality | 3 |
RELI 395 | Guided Undergraduate Research | 1-3 |
RELI 429 | Religion and Society | 3 |
RELI 485 | Gender and Sexuality in Islam | 3 |
RELI 503 | Exploring the Dead Sea Scrolls H | 3 |
RELI 512 | Ancient Synagogues | 3 |
RELI 514 | Judaism and the Search for Christian Origins | 3 |
RELI 515 | Cultural Histories of the New Testament H | 3 |
RELI 533 | Women, Gender, and Judaism | 3 |
RELI 541 | Evangelicalism from a Global Perspective H | 3 |
RELI 580 | African American Islam | 3 |
RELI 614 | The Cult of Saints: Narratives, Materialities, Practices | 3 |
RELI 691H | Honors in Religious Studies | 3 |
RELI 692H | Honors in Religious Studies | 3 |
ROML 295 | Research, Creativity, and Innovation in the Humanities | 3 |
RUSS 515 | Advanced Russian Communication, Composition and Grammar in the Professions I | 3 |
RUSS 516 | Advanced Russian Communication, Composition and Grammar in the Professions II | 3 |
SOCI 419 | Sociology of the Islamic World | 3 |
SOCI 429 | Religion and Society | 3 |
SOCI 691H | Senior Honors Research and Seminar | 3 |
SOCI 692H | Senior Honors Research and Seminar | 3 |
SPAN 691H | Honors Thesis | 3 |
SPAN 692H | Honors Thesis in Spanish | 3 |
STOR 496 | Undergraduate Reading and Research in Statistics and Operations Research | 1-3 |
STOR 691H | Honors in Statistics and Analytics | 3 |
STOR 692H | Honors in Statistics and Analytics | 3 |
URES 195 | Undergraduate Research | 0 |
URES 295 | Undergraduate Research | 1 |
URES 395 | Undergraduate Research | 1-3 |
WGST 67H | First-Year Seminar: Sexuality and Salvation | 3 |
WGST 278 | Women in Science | 3 |
WGST 471 | Gender and Sexuality in Middle Eastern Literature | 3 |
WGST 533 | Women, Gender, and Judaism | 3 |
WGST 691H | Honors in Women's Studies | 3 |
WGST 692H | Honors in Women's Studies | 3 |
WGST 695 | Senior Seminar: Principles of Feminist Inquiry H | 3 |
H |
Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply. |