About Us
Our Mission
The mission of Carolina Cupboard is to provide food assistance to individuals of the UNC community by acquiring and distributing food to those in need on campus. The initiation of Carolina Cupboard stemmed from the idea of supporting and providing assistance to our community in other ways than academics and social events. Before we can be ambassadors of social change and serve the rest of the world, we must serve our own.
The purpose of Carolina Cupboard is multidimensional in that it seeks to provide hunger-relief as well as educating, empowering, and engaging the surrounding community on issues related to food insecurity, poverty, health, and nutrition.
The need for this organization comes at a time when individuals in our very own community are burdened by personal economic strife thus contributing to students experiencing food insecurities. Over the past years, we have heard numerous anecdotal stories from people expressing how at times they have gone without food because of extenuating circumstances – greatly affecting their academics. Even more so, a great deal of the staff that work for this university are below the poverty level – and these are some of the most hard-working individuals on UNC’s campus. They are priceless gems of this university just as much as students. Through this food pantry initiative, we hope to ensure that those in our community that are experiencing food poverty and insecurities will have one less burden to carry.
Help Us
As Tar Heels, in a sense we are a family. As a family, we should not overlook and neglect those that need help. One way that we believe this university can extend its reach in providing more assistance to students and eventually staff is through this program.