
Gail Heimann


“A work of art comparing the healthcare professionals determinedly confronting the coronavirus to 'modern heroes' has been donated to a hospital. The creator is an anonymous artist called Banksy.” This good news became a huge story. With many artists, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and others cheering on healthcare professionals in various ways, why has only Banksy received so much attention?


“We are never too far down to come back.” A Nike commercial released during the coronavirus pandemic has moved and encouraged people around the world. Unable to shoot new footage amid lockdowns, how could Nike produce a commercial containing high-quality footage?


“With events of all stripes cancelled on account of the coronavirus pandemic, popular rapper Travis Scott took decisive action to hold a concert in an online game. There were 12.3 million people watching.” This was surprising news. These 10 minutes in a virtual space were celebrated as a historical turning point for live performances. Just what happened here?

「ロックダウン中に発売され世界中の人々を癒している人気ゲーム『あつまれ どうぶつの森』内に、ラグジュアリーブランドやメトロポリタン美術館が参入!?」そんなニュースが話題をさらった。牧歌的な生活を楽しむゲームの中で、今何が行われているのか?

“'Animal Crossing: New Horizons,' the popular videogame soothing people around the world under lockdown, has luxury brands and the Metropolitan Museum of Art?!” This news grabbed everybody's attention. So what’s going on now in this game where you can enjoy an idyllic lifestyle?


“In Denmark, where events have been canceled due to extensive social distancing, a drive-in concert was held. Tickets sold out in minutes.” This good news was an attention-getter. But could musical artists connect with audience members sitting in their cars?.


“With stay-at-home orders in place, there is a popular tour where people can freely explore an art museum by controlling a robot remotely.” The spotlight shone on this news. Could this tour that allows people to see paintings in detail through the eyes of a robot change the way we appreciate art?

都市封鎖によりDV被害が増加。被害者を救う活動『MASK19』がすぐさま世界各地へ広がった。そんなニュースが多くの反響を呼んだ。さて、この活動はどのような仕組みなのか? 被害者と加害者がずっと一緒にいる状況で、無事に助けを呼ぶことができるのだろうか?

“City lockdowns are causing increasing cases of domestic violence. The Mask-19 campaign to rescue victims has quickly spread worldwide.” This news elicited a strong reaction. So just how does Mask-19 work? And are victims really free to call for help when they are constantly in the presence of their abusers?


“New Yorkers are coordinating applause from their home balconies and windows to commend the courage of healthcare workers and others.” This news attracted great attention. It was a large group of citizens putting out a direct message, but how did this action start and spread?.


“A Swedish company has released a free blueprint to remote workers for a handmade cardboard desk with a sophisticated design.” This news became a big story. What was the idea behind this company publicly sharing a blueprint for an excellent product?


“A shoe store in China prohibited from doing business due to the coronavirus pandemic has started up live commerce that has attracted many users and driven up sales.” Attention was drawn to this good news. Live commerce is described as a ray of hope for the struggling retail business, what exactly is it?


I believe that right now is the time for us, the creative industry and the whole communication industry to cooperate and stand together to face a new frontier in these uncertain times.


Confusing Information in the Coronavirus Pandemic – Everyone's a Player – Transparency a Must


It has been a good experience to learn about lots of different approaches in the virtual world, but I don't think the real world will go away, or at least I don't want it to.