Spaces, uppercase letters, and special characters are not allowed.
Provide a password for the new account in both fields.
Write your identification number exactly as it appears on your ID card. In case you don’t have it, please just write “000”. Examples of acceptable types of ID numbers include: National (or provincial/state) identification number or driver’s license number. This information is kept in a secure manner and is used only to authenticate your identity with the course certifications/certificates that you receive in our courses.
You must first select your country.
In the search box, write the first letters of the place where you live (Capital City, County, Municipality, or District). Wait for the results to appear and select it from the options. If you can't find it, select the nearest place and, if you wish, you can contact us through the VCPH Help Desk.


Si usted trabaja en el sistema de salud del país, solicitamos ingrese el nombre de la instalación de salud. Escriba en el buscador las primeras letras del nombre de la instalación de salud donde labora (centro de salud, unidad de atención primaria, hospital, centros de diagnóstico, lugares de dispensa de medicamentos, o similares), espere a que aparezcan los resultados y selecciónelo entre las opciones que aparecen. Si no la encuentra seleccione la instalación de salud más cercana y nos escribe a la Mesa de Ayuda.
I wish to receive information from the VCPH regarding courses and training activities in thematic areas of PAHO Technical Cooperation.