Caillou Wiki
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Caillou Sleeps Over (French Title: Caillou dors chez un ami) is an episode from Season 1 of "Caillou".


Caillou is ready for his first sleepover, which is with his best friend, Leo.

Caillou is about to leave with his mommy, but they then remember they forgot to get Teddy, so Caillou gets him and is then ready to go to Leo's house.

The first thing Caillou and Leo do is play in the treehouse which Leo's Daddy built.

Before they wash their hands, dinner, they brush their teeth.

At dinner, Caillou doesn't like what Leo's Mommy made, but then he and Leo have a race to dessert.

When it is time to go to bed, Caillou is feeling sad and misses his parents and his home. He calls Caillou's Mommy and she asks him if Teddy is lonely. Caillou says "Teddy?", meaning he forgot about him.

Caillou's Mommy says Teddy wants out of his bag and then Caillou isn't sad anymore and stays the whole night.


  • This is the first time Caillou and Leo have a sleepover. In the Season 3 episode, Sleepover Guest, Caillou and Leo have another sleepover, but this time Leo and Caillou sleepover at Leo's house.
  • Gilbert, Daddy and Rosie are absent in this episode.

Video Releases


Caillou Sleeps Over - Canadian English version (coming to this page on this wikia)

Caillou Sleeps Over - Canadian English version (G Major) (coming to this page on this wikia)
