- (Caillou is in the living room playing loudly with his drum)
- Caillou: La-la-la-la...
- Mommy: (enters the living room, holding Rosie) Caillou, you have to play quietly now. Rosie's going to take her nap.
- (Caillou continues playing his drum)
- Caillou: But I want to play.
- Mommy: You can still play, just do it quietly.
- Storyteller: Caillou felt that being quiet wasn't as much fun as being noisy.
- Mommy: Caillou… I asked you to play quietly.
- Caillou: Cookies! I want cookies, I'm hungry.
- Storyteller: So, Caillou went to the kitchen.
- Mommy: Oh, Caillou! What are you doing?
- Caillou: (cries) I'm making cookies.
- Mommy: Look at the mess you made! You wanna help Mommy clean it up?
- Caillou: Yes, Mommy. Me and you.