Caillou Gets Dressed (French Title: Caillou s’habille) is an episode from Season 1 of "Caillou". This episode aired on October 8, 1997 and on September 22, 2000 on PBS Kids.
It's laundry day at Calliou's house, so he decides to bring down his clothes to the laundry room. Mommy is washing the clothes and thanks Caillou for his contributions. When Caillou goes to get dressed, he realizes there is nothing for him to wear as all his clothes are being washed. Daddy comes in and they decide to play dress up. He dresses him an oversized yellow button up shirt, jeans, a brown hat, and draws a mustache on his face. Then Mommy takes a picture of Daddy and Caillou.
- When Doris says "You're getting to be a big boy" to Caillou, she says it like she does in the theme song.
- This is the first episode where Caillou's underwear is shown (the first is "New Clothes"). They are white briefs with a small heart on the center of the waistband.
- Rosie does not appear in this episode, but is mentioned by Daddy.