Caillou Wiki

Narrator: Late one night after everyone had gone to bed, Caillou was having a bad dream.

Caillou is tossing and turning in his sleep, then he wakes up crying, wailing, and screaming.

Caillou: MOMMY, DADDY!

Boris runs in the room.

Boris: What's wrong Caillou?

Caillou: I had a bad dream.

Boris: There there Caillou. (hugs Caillou) What did you dream?

Caillou: A scary monster was chasing me.

Boris: Bad dreams can be pretty scary sometimes. But it's ok, it's over now right?

Caillou wipes a tear off his cheek.

Caillou: (nodding) Yes Daddy.

Boris: Let's tuck you back in.

Boris puts a blanket over Caillou and kisses him, and Caillou yawns. Shortly after, Boris walks out of the room.

Boris: Goodnight Caillou.

Caillou: Goodnight Daddy.


Caillou is awake lying in his bed, Caillou then gasps.

Narrator: Caillou saw a shape on the wall that looked like a monster. He thought that if he hid in his blanket,

Caillou hides under the blanket.

Narrator: The monster wouldn't see him.

The blanket moving down causes Caillou's dinosaur toy to fall on the floor and make a squeaking sound. Caillou shows his face again, he is happy to know that the shadow showing the dinosaur is gone. He gets out of bed and steps on his dinosaur. It makes a squeaking sound causing Caillou to look down and see it.

Caillou: My dinosaur.

Caillou picks it up and looks around the room.

Narrator: Caillou felt scared being all alone in his room, so he decided to go join Mommy and Daddy in their bed.

Caillou runs out of his room and into his parents room. Boris and Doris are snoring.

Caillou: (shaking the bed sheet and whispering) Daddy wake up!

Boris wakes up and so does Doris.

Boris: What is it Caillou?

Doris: What's wrong?

Caillou: I don't want to sleep in my room, I want to sleep here.

Doris: I know, but you should stay in your own bed like a big boy.

Doris begins putting on her slippers.

Caillou: But I don't want to!

Doris: We all need our rest, Caillou. You'll be tired and grumpy tomorrow if you don't get some sleep.

Caillou gets out of his parents' bed and Doris takes Caillou to his room, Boris goes back to bed.


Caillou is in his bed. Doris is seen putting a blanket over him.

Caillou: Mommy, I wanna glass of water.

Doris: Ok, I'll be right back.

Narrator: Caillou wanted his mommy to stay and read him a story, so he went over to his shelf to pick out a book.

While the narrator says this, Caillou goes out of his bed to a bookshelf and picks out a book. Caillou goes back into his bed and Doris walks in holding his glass of water.

Doris: Here's your water.

Caillou drinks the water and hands it back.

Caillou: Can you read me a bedtime story Mommy? (hands her book)

Doris: (yawns) I'm sorry Caillou, but it's much too late for stories.

Caillou: Just one. Please?

Doris: It's very late. It's time to go to sleep.

Caillou: But I'm not sleepy. (yawns)

Doris: Yes, you are. (yawns) And so am I. See? All of your animals are sleepy, too.

(She kisses Caillou good night and leaves. Gilbert jumps onto the bed and knocks the glass of water over with his tail.)

Caillou: Huh? Gilbert! Mommy!

Doris: What is it, Caillou?

Caillou: Gilbert spilled my water.

Doris: That's okay. (She cleans up the mess.) See? All gone.

(Caillou is in bed again.)

Narrator: Caillou was really trying to fall asleep. But he just couldn't. No matter which way he turned, he didn't feel comfortable. He felt restless. Caillou was sure he would feel better sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed.

(Caillou crawls into his parents' bed and goes to sleep. He kicks Daddy in the side, and they both wake up.)

Boris: Oof! Huh? Caillou, what are you doing here?

Caillou: I want to sleep here. I don't like my bed.

Boris: But this bed can't fit all three of us, and your bed is the perfect size for you. And what about Teddy and Gilbert sleeping all alone in your room? They'll be very lonely without you,

Caillou: They can sleep here, too.

Boris: Nope, no room. (He gets up.) Come on, Caillou. Back to bed.

(He and Caillou leave the room.)

Caillou: Wait! I have to go to the bathroom!

(He runs into the bathroom.)

Boris: (yawns)

(Back in Caillou's room.)

Boris: Gilbert and Teddy sure are glad to have you back. Now you can all get some sleep.

Caillou: I don't want to sleep, Daddy. Let's play a game.

Boris: Look outside, Caillou. What do you see?

(He and Caillou look outside the window.)

Caillou: It's dark. I can't see anything.

Boris: That's right. Everybody's lights are out because they're all fast asleep in their beds. Even the sun has gone to sleep. You know, when I was a little boy, sometimes, I used to have bad dreams, too.

Caillou: Really?

Boris: Yup. And I had a trick that Grandma taught me that could help you, too. When I was in bed with my eyes closed, just before falling asleep, I used to think of good things. Some of my favorite things in the world.

Caillou: Like what?

Boris: Like rainbows and jumping in big piles of leaves. Things like that. What are some of your favorite things?

Caillou: Chocolate cookies, my trucks.

Boris: (laughs) Those sound perfect. (He kisses Caillou.) Good night, Caillou. And remember, think of good things, okay?

(He leaves.)

Narrator: Caillou started to think about all his favorite things, especially his fire truck. The problem was, he was thinking about them so much that he couldn't fall asleep. Caillou decided to get up and play.

(Caillou gets up, turns on the light, and plays with his toys.)

Caillou: Vroom, vroom, vroom! Beep! Beep!

(He knocks down a block tower with his toy truck. Then he starts up the siren on his firetruck.)

Caillou: Oh, no!

Narrator: Caillou was worried his parents might wake up, so he tried to stop the noise.

(Mommy comes into the room.)

Doris: What's all that noise? Caillou, why are you playing? It's the middle of the night!

Caillou: (cries)

Narrator: Caillou was really very tired now, but he still didn't want to sleep in his bed.

(Mommy picks up Caillou and carries him back to his bed.)

Doris: Sweetie, you just need some sleep. Now lie down and close your eyes and you'll drift off.

Caillou: What if I have another bad dream?

Doris: Let me see your pillow.

Caillou: How come?

(He hands his mom the pillow.)

Doris: There. I've flipped your pillow over to the good-dream side. Now you're sure to have good dreams. Gilbert's asleep, and Teddy's asleep, and Dinosaur's asleep, and Caillou's asleep.

(She turns off the light.)

Doris: Good night, Caillou. Sweet dreams.
