It’s free & takes less than a minute
Buy Me a Coffee is a free and beautiful Ko-fi alternative.
Buy Me a Coffee is a free, fast, and beautiful way to accept tips and monthly support from your audience. You can also share supporter-only posts, sell digital downloads, set goals, and more! Best part - all of these features are available to all, and we never ask you to pay a monthly fee to unlock a feature!
It’s free & takes less than a minute
Buy Me a Coffee | Ko-fi | |
One-time / Tipping | Yes | Yes |
Membership tiers | Yes | Yes |
Shop and commissions | Yes | Yes |
Email newsletter | Yes | No |
Mobile apps | Yes | No |
Analytics | Yes | $6/month gold plan |
Premium features | Available to all | $6/month gold plan |
Live chat support | 24/7 | No |
By opening up all features for free, we make money only when you do. By charging a reasonable transaction fee (5%), we make sure it’s in our best interest to help you make money and give a delightful experience for your supporters.
Our founders were creators who lived on a moderate advertising income from their creative gigs. Although $500 per month is what you pay for a gym membership in San Francisco, it's enough to make a living in many parts of the world. If it weren't for those Adsense checks, there would be no Buy Me a Coffee. We get what every coffee means to you. ✊
If you're already on Ko-fi, you can set up a page on Buy Me a Coffee using the same Stripe account. As for inviting your Ko-fi followers, we'd recommend publishing a post on Ko-fi about the switch, and updating all your social pages.
It’s free & takes less than a minute