Worms 2 (US) VS. Worms 2 (EU), 1997/8
April 28th 2020 14 notes
Bust A Move (JP) VS. Bust A Groove (US) VS. Bust A Groove (EU), 1998
This post was recommended on twitter by @NonTrotski
April 24th 2020 126 notes
T&E Virtual Golf (JP) VS. GOLF (US), 1995
The fine print on the JP box points out that the image is a stereogram, or magic eye style image. So cool.
April 17th 2020 13 notes
Iggy’s Reckin’ Balls (US) VS. Iggy-kun no Bura Bura Poyon (JP), 1998
April 15th 2020 19 notes
Final Fantasy VII (JP) VS. Final Fantasy VII (US) VS. Final Fantasy VII (EU) VS. Final Fantasy VII International (JP), 1997
April 11th 2020 33 notes
International Superstar Soccer 64 (EU) VS. International Superstar Soccer 64 (NA) VS. Jikkyou World Soccer 3 (JP), 1997
April 6th 2020 14 notes
Valence Theme by Luke Thompson