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I am meeting old colleagues again. Are you?

1 min read

Recently I have join the Internet of Things (IOT) Solutions Marketing team, supporting the oil, gas and mining industries and suddenly in my new role I am meeting with old pals from oil, gas and mining industries again, finding them in different events, conversations, and blogs that just some months ago I would never had […]

April 21, 2014


How The Internet of Everything will Cure Cancer

1 min read

I recently stumbled upon a mobile app that will utilize the compute power of your mobile phone, while you are sleeping to decrypt protein sequences for cancer research. Even though utilizing an idle computer CPU for research isn’t something new, it caught my attention for the fact that it has now evolved to a mobile […]

My #InternetofEverything Perspective: Integrating Cities with IoE and City24/7

1 min read

Tom Touchet, CEO of City24/7, shares his perspective on the Internet of Everything.  When the Internet of Everything is written about in history, the main determiner of its success or failure will be how it has benefited humanity. With this goal of ultimate connectivity in mind, Cisco and LG partnered with City24/7, a revolutionary IoE […]

April 10, 2014


Amsterdam Embraces the Internet of Everything, Paving the Way for a More Connected City

2 min read

When people think of the Dutch capital of Amsterdam, they often think of bicycles, canals and progressive social values. Some may even know about its leadership in international trade, catalyzed centuries ago by the Dutch East India Company, the world’s first multinational corporation. Others may be more familiar with Amsterdam because of U.S. President Obama’s […]

My #InternetofEverything Perspective: Driving Smarter with Technology and UPS

1 min read

Dave Barnes, CIO of UPS, shares his perspective on the Internet of Everything. The Internet of Everything has transformed the operations of UPS, the world’s largest package delivery company and a leading global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services. For starters, the Internet enables UPS to help businesses everywhere deliver on the promise of […]

April 1, 2014


#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep7 IoT

3 min read

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco’s Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we’re talking about the Internet of Things (IoT) with...

January 28, 2014


Summary: My Thermostat and the Internet of Everything

1 min read

To me, the Internet of Everything should provide real-time data converted and translated into actionable information, and this data should be available in the things I use every day. My car, my fridge, my…thermostat? Read my full article for a closer look!

January 8, 2014


IoE: My First Impression

2 min read

As Cisco is sharing its Internet of Everything ( IoE ) vision today at CES 2014, it makes me reflect on what the future of this technology will look like. We’re in such a connected society now, with more information available to us than ever before. I ask myself, “Will being more connected, with even more information […]

January 8, 2014


IoE and JiT: making the future more efficient through connectivity

3 min read

If there was a developing market opportunity that would bring you $19 trillion (with a “T”), you’d probably be interested, wouldn’t you. If that market’s impact on the world–not just the technology sphere–was going to have 5-10 times the impact ten years from now as it has been since the internet’s inception, you’d want to […]