jQuery Migrate 1.3.0 Released

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With jQuery 1.12.0 and 2.2.0 out the door, this is a good time to freshen up the jQuery Migrate plugin as well. This plugin provides diagnostics that can simplify upgrading to new versions of jQuery, since it can root out any uses of deprecated APIs or other changes in jQuery that may affect your code.

The 1.3.0 version of jQuery Migrate adds a few more warnings for features that have been deprecated and will help you prepare for jQuery 3.0 which will be out soon. (The next version of jQuery Migrate with full support for jQuery 3.0 will have even more new features, but we’ll save that news for later.) A complete list of the changes made in jQuery Migrate 1.3.0 can be found in the issue tracker. That’s also where you can report a bug if you find one. Be sure to provide a test case that reproduces the problem. We like to use jsbin.com or jsfiddle.net.

In particular, there is an issue with the combination of jQuery 1.12.0, jQuery UI 1.11.4, and the older jQuery Migrate 1.2.1 that can cause an error with methods such as .outerWidth. If you’re experiencing this error after upgrading to the latest jQuery, please upgrade to this version of jQuery Migrate and the problem should be solved. This release also debuts the jQuery.migrateVersion property, which as you might expect is the string "1.3.0" this time around.

You can get this new version at all the old familiar places:

jQuery CDN: https://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.3.0.js or https://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.3.0.min.js

npm: Just npm install [email protected] which is listed at https://www.npmjs.com/package/jquery-migrate.

Bower: In your bower.json file, you can use the following in the dependencies section to copy the CDN file:

 "dependencies": {
    "jquery-migrate": "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.3.0.js"

As always, we recommend that you use jQuery Migrate as a tool to find and fix issues when upgrading web sites to new versions of jQuery and associated plugins. The non-minified version provides extensive diagnostics on the console. Take advantage of them, we built them for you!

Many thanks to all the people who reported bugs and provided code or other help, including c24w, g7015412-trbvm-com, gibson042, KingRial, markelog, mgol, Mottie, thbaymet, timmywil, ocean90, wbinnssmith, and wisec.

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