Will the Real Deepfake Please Stand Up?

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the banking and financial services sector has made significant strides in leveraging technology to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, and strengthen security measures. Among these advancements, eKYC processes have become a cornerstone of digital transformation, offering a faster and more convenient way to verify identities and onboard customers. However, … Continue reading Will the Real Deepfake Please Stand Up?

Go : Just Go for it

Golang is an open-source, light-weight procedural programming language, developed in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google but launched in 2009 as an open-source programming language. Go is statically typed and compiled language, it is fast and easy to learn. Go is used for building servers and web apps. Why Go … Continue reading Go : Just Go for it

React native Vs. Flutter: Which Framework To Go with?

Programmers fall into a dilemma while choosing the right platform for product development. Nowadays, there are several different technologies available for App development. Among all, the most popular is Flutter and React native. Today we will be comparing these technologies in terms of various aspects given below. Learning curveInstallation setupUI buildingState managementDebuggingCommunity supportPerformanceToolchain processAutomation testing … Continue reading React native Vs. Flutter: Which Framework To Go with?