After a big conference Microsoft Build 2017 at Seattle, Washington in US in the beginning of May (my colleagues had written a report of Build), Microsoft also held another conference, de:code 2017, at The Prince Park Tower Tokyo in Japan f…
36th Monthly Technical Session (MTS) was held on July 21st, 2017. MTS is a knowledge sharing event, in which HDE members present some topics and have QA sessions, both in English. The moderator of the 36th MTS was Iskandar-san. The first t…
2017/08/03から2017/08/05までの3日間開催されたbuilderscon tokyo 2017に、弊社エンジニア複数名がスポンサー企業枠または当日スタッフとして参加しました。 以下、 気になったセッションのレポート The Evolution of PHP at Slack HQ 真のコンポーネント粒…
35th Monthly Technical Session (MTS) was held on June 16th, 2017. MTS is a knowledge sharing event, in which HDE members present some topics and have QA sessions, both in English. The moderator of the 35th MTS was Shihan-san. The first top…