

Attending de:code 2017 in Tokyo / de:code 2017 参加レポート

After a big conference Microsoft Build 2017 at Seattle, Washington in US in the beginning of May (my colleagues had written a report of Build), Microsoft also held another conference, de:code 2017, at The Prince Park Tower Tokyo in Japan f…

36th Monthly Technical Session (MTS) Report


36th Monthly Technical Session (MTS) was held on July 21st, 2017. MTS is a knowledge sharing event, in which HDE members present some topics and have QA sessions, both in English. The moderator of the 36th MTS was Iskandar-san. The first t…

builderscon tokyo 2017 参加レポート (セッション/コーヒーカップ裏話/当日スタッフ/懇親会) #builderscon

2017/08/03から2017/08/05までの3日間開催されたbuilderscon tokyo 2017に、弊社エンジニア複数名がスポンサー企業枠または当日スタッフとして参加しました。 以下、 気になったセッションのレポート The Evolution of PHP at Slack HQ 真のコンポーネント粒…

35th Monthly Technical Session (MTS) Report


35th Monthly Technical Session (MTS) was held on June 16th, 2017. MTS is a knowledge sharing event, in which HDE members present some topics and have QA sessions, both in English. The moderator of the 35th MTS was Shihan-san. The first top…