
Showing posts with the label jee

New in Spring MVC 3.1: CSRF Protection using RequestDataValueProcessor

Introduction As a software architect one of the common tasks I have to deal with is web applications security. Usually I would try to make sure that security is automatically enforced by the infrastructure, however this is not always that easy – sometimes the underlying frameworks don’t provide any built in support or configuration which globally turns on a security attribute. This is why the new interface in Spring MVC 3.1 seems to be very interesting: it provides a clean way to implement automatic CSRF protection.

Hibernate/JPA Identity Generators

Introduction As usually it has been a long time since I have last posted in my blog, and even longer (about half a year) since the last time I wrote about Hibernate but finally I have fond the tome for that. This post is about Hibernate standard compatible (TABLE, SEQUENCE, IDENTITY, and AUTO) identity generators: it explains what the identity generators are and illustrated the different considerations need to be taken when choosing identity generation strategy. Environment Hibernate - 3.5.6-Final PostgreSQL - 8.4

Hibernate 3.5/JPA 2.0 - New Query Expressions

Hi all, As usual it took me a long time to write to my blog again but finally here it is - in this post I continue writing about JPA 2.0 (my previous post is here ), more than that this is the first entry I'm publishing in my new (the old one is here ) blog - Congratulations to me :-). Anyhow in this post I'm trying to go over some of the new functions introduced by JPA 2.0 to the JPA query language. As always my platform is Hibernate but I am using only JPA standard annotation and query syntax. The post includes the following: The INDEX function (and the @OrderColumn annotation) The TYPE expression, and The four types of case expressions My environment Hibernate 3.5.2-Final PostgreSQL 8.3

Hibernate 3.5.0-CR-2/JPA 2.0 - Getting Started

Version 2.0 of the Java Persistency API (JPA), a.k.a JSR-317 , was released a while ago (10-December-2009) and Hibernate's next version (3.5.0) will implement this version of the specification. In this, and the next, blog entries I'm planning to explorer JPA 2.0 new features and Hibernate implementation of those feature. Since this is the first post in the series I'll focus on environment setup and include only few new mapping options: The orphanRemoval option The ElementCollection annotaiotn, and The CollectionTable annotation On my next posts I'll cover some more options. My Environment Hibernate 3.5.0-CR-2 (Please notice that Hibernate 3.5 is still a candidate release so things written in this blog entry might change in the future) Database PostgreSQL 8.3

Hibernate Derived Properties - Performance and Portability

Hi all, This time about derived properties, maybe this is not a commonly used feature, and maybe even a little bit hidden one (I don't think I have ever been asked about it in any of the Hibernate courses I had lectured in and this usually a sign that people are not familiar with that feature) but once you're familiar with that it is a powerful feature - however, as always, there are considerations regarding of how and when to use it. What Is a Derived Property? A derived, or calculated, property is a read only property which its value is calculated at fetch time using SQL expressions. For example a Product class might have a price and a calculated final price which is the price including VAT. The first (not so good) solution might be something like that: @Entity @Table(name="PRODUCTS") public class Product { @Column(name="PRICE") private float price; public float getFinalPrice() { return VAT*price; } } The getFinalPrice() method...

Content Negotiation using Spring MVC's ContentNegotiatingViewResolver

Hi all, One of the new features in Spring 3.0 is REST support, REST clients can use the restTemplate class and server as part of the MVC framework. In chapter 18 of the 3.0.M3 documentation we can find a section describing content negotiation using the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver class. Lately I was invited to give a lecture about the new Spring 3.0 features and I prepared a detailed HOWTO example (if you want to skip the theory scroll down to HOTWO) of REST content negotiation which I decided to load to my blog, here it is What is Content Negotiation? Sometimes different HTTP clients would like to get different representations of a the same resource, for example the resource http://localhost/app/rest/users will list all of the users in a specific server - however one client would like to get the result as a XML document, another in a JSON format and the third as a human readable fancy HTML table - the process in which a client notifying the server about the preferred format (...

Hibernate's hbm2ddl Tool

Hi again, The Hibernate hbm2ddl is a tool allows us to create, update, and validate a database schema using Hibernate mappings configuration. The .hbm files are Hibernate mapping files, but since the schema export/validation is done using the the internal configuration Hibernate creates for the entities mapping, we can use still use hbm2ddl when working with JPA. As usual in here I write about the JPA environment, just remember that the hbm2ddl can also be invoked from command line or using Ant task.

Hibernate Exception - Simultaneously Fetch Multiple Bags

One of my customers has just upgraded to JBoss 4.0.4-GA, the process also required us to upgrade Hibernate products to the following versions: Hibernate core – 3.2.0CR2 Hibernate Entity Manager – 3.2.0CR1 Hibernate annotations- 3.2.0CR1 We fixed some minor changes and improvements and then we bumped into the following exception javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.createEntityManagerFactory( at org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence.createEntityManagerFactory( ........ The Exception is thrown by org.hibernate.loader.BasicLoader and it means that when loading an entity Hibernate might has to simultaneously fetch two or more bags.