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���O�r�[������� [2009�N04��30���iThu�j]
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���s�����F 116km
���s���ԁF 5.47Hrs


�ʂ�ۂɂ���������Ȃ���Ride for a DREAM�̂��炵��n������A�T����ɔ��Ŗ߂��Ă��āA�u��t�������v�ƌ�����n���ꂽ�B


Subject: Fw:Day 6 Ride for A Dream

Total Ground Covered:116KM
Total Riding Time:5.47HRS
Lowest Speed: 8KM/Hr
Hghest Speed: 43KM/Hr

Overall it was a good day with handfull of steady climbing and few down hills Had a big Ramen with huge bowl of rice...On top of that usual diet which is ONIGIRI..So far I had 34 onigiris from start...
I can see mountains clearly and changing colors of forest which is breath taking...
I was supposed to be in one camp but i met this guy who was at gardening shop next to camp and he said this place is lonely and water and weater is cold and he guided me another place which is bike terminal with onsen...so as he was leaving ithanked him for going out of his way and gave him GDC flyer..He left but after 5Min he was rushing in with some cash folded in his hand..and he tells me he want to dnatae money and guess what his wife work for AXA..What are the odds of runing into someone in no where whos wife work for same company eh?
Day 7 is the most difficult day with many mountains to climb....i am terrified and worried I had nightmares of day 7 and I guess this is where I got to push the hardest..and today (day 7) I will need all the luck
���肪�Ƃ��������܂��i�r�s����j [2009�N04��30���iThu�j]
Ride for a DREAM�@�C�x���g��t��
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> Subject: Fw:Day 5 GDC Ride for a Dream
> I left Sendai early at the same time many people leaving homes to work..City traffic was prety heavy which slowed me down but I didnt mind I took it slow.
> It was cold or atleast people led me to beleive it was cold so I ad warm cloths but couple of hours into the ride it was hot and so once again I had to change my cloths in the middle of street..Motorists are getting free strip shows lol.
> It really was a day filed with amazing sceneries...I stared seeing snow in mountains and forest with mulpiple colors...rice fields...and so on
> It was also a day with handfull of climbings I guess those steady hills are preparing me for what is ahead..
> I picked up lots of speed and covred ground in less time than I expected....It was easier to find the camp and they are super nice folks they let me use Ofuro in the gym and worried if I would be OK inthe camp alone..I made myself curry ramen and went to sleep early.
> My body is well seasoned and cycle and gear is more than coorporative and weight is well balanced...today is a nice day so I am looking forward to another day...

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Ride for a DREAM�@�C�x���g��t��
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Subject: Fw:Ride for Dream Day 4 Report

Honey moon is over but the show must go on....Day 4 is last day for Uehara san...Sendai is where he stop and I will continue the rest of the journey alone. Many people would not have done what Uehara san did in last four days. The second day was brutal and many experienced riders would have call it a day but he made it all the way...Now if that is not inspiring I dont know what would...He kept telling me that I inspired him to ride and I pushed him but I think he had in last four days inspired me much more...

About the ride itself..yesterday we kept facing head wind but it was more or less easy ride and we were given heros welcome at AXA Sendai office and I felt like I just won big cycle race...Talking about races I decided today to race again this summer...
I am going to ride today(day 5) for those who joined me riding so far ....Kobayashi san, Nomura san, Abe san, Gary, Sam, Watanabe san, Sei, John, Honjo san and others whom I cant remember names, I will think ofthem today....
Here I come Ichinoseki

�������b�Z�[�W�i�r�l����j [2009�N04��28���iTue�j]
Ride for a DREAM�@�C�x���g��t��

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