When my friends and colleagues ask: ‘Which event or conference should I make sure to go to this year?’ I answer: ‘Let me tell you about beyond tellerrand’.
One of the main reasons why the event is a success is the help of you. Yes you. Because you spread the word about it on twitter, facebook, your blog and where ever you can. Keep on rocking and if you don't know what beyond tellerrand mean, check the information below.
beyond tellerrand is running in Düsseldorf in May and Berlin in November each year, selling out with 500 attendees each time. In 2018 Munich was added to the list of shows as well.
Let us know if anything is missing. And thanks a lot for you help!
Beyond What? (English)
In 2010 Marc Thiele founded beyond tellerrand. The name beyond tellerrand expresses the aim, that everybody involved wants look a bit further, look beyond the edge. It also reflects the global perspective of the event. The expression is a mix of the English word “beyond” and the German phrase “Über den Tellerrand schauen,” which means “Think outside the box”. The exact translation for the sentence is "Take a look beyond the edge of the plate" … makes sense? ;)
The community spirit and family atmosphere at beyond tellerrand are truly special and lead to an intense and memorable experience for all. This is also part of what drives our attractive pricing for attendees. Where else can you get two days with a high quality line-up for just €179 Euro including VAT and booking fees?
Beyond was? (German)
2010 wuchs in Marc Thiele die Idee den neuen Event beyond tellerrand zu veranstalten. Aber was hat der Name zu bedeuten? Zum einen soll es ausdrücken, dass jeder der mit dem Event zu tun hat gerne weiter denkt, eben über den Tellerrand hinausschaut und nicht nur vor seinen eigenen Füßen kehrt. Da die Wort für Wort Übersetzung nicht klingt und auch "beyond the box" nicht wirklich Sinn machte, wurde "beyond tellerrand" daraus.
Das Spezielle an beyond tellerrand Veranstaltungen ist die starke Verbindung zur Community und die familiäre Atmosphäre. Ein Ziel ist es den Event zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis für alle Beteiligten zu machen. Das spiegelt sich auch im attraktiven Preis für die Teilnehmer wieder. Oder wo sonst erhält man zwei Tage hochwertige Vortragende für gerade einmal €179 inkl. MwSt. und Buchungsgebühren?
What Other People Say
Next to the randomly appearing short quotes in the header, you can find a few more detailed statements below.
”beyond tellerrand is a conference that stands on its own. There is no faceless group of people running it, but it is Marc Thiele’s show. He has an incredible knack to always find new and surprising speakers. This is a conference where what happens in between the talks and the networking amongst the attendees is as important as what happens on stage. Don’t be surprised if amongst the conference volunteers you find film makers and amazingly creative designers. I have yet to meet a grumpy person or a diva presenter at beyond tellerrand. It is always a joy to attend and I leave brimming with ideas what to do next. This is the kind of event I missed for a long time, back in the days when web conferences were still a several-month-wait-time affair. beyond tellerrand is a community without trying to be one and forcing you into a portal or a slack channel. People network because they can’t help themselves. As a speaker, you are treated top-notch but not overwhelmed and the demands the conference has for you are sensible and I for one am happy to give my best there. The quality of the video recordings is great, there are always transcripts and nothing beats a live DJ mixing each talk into a pumping tune right after it finished.”
Chris Heilmann
“Believe it or not, I usually don't like big places/events with many human beings whom I have to interact with, a big introvert here! But beyond tellerrand has a very cozy and friendly atmosphere and I am very lucky to have had my first speaking experience in such inviting environment and community grown by marc.”
dina Amin
“Attending beyond tellerrand was one of the highlights this year. I was ecstatic and honoured when Marc invited me to speak at his well-reputed conference. And indeed, beyond tellerrand did not disappoint! I enjoyed the various talks that help us think outside of the box and make us better designers/developers. I also appreciate that Marc took care of speakers incredibly well. 100% would recommendation and attend again.”
Jenny Shen
”beyond tellerrand's incredible reputation reached me before I had ever been in contact with Marc. Several friends were regular attendees and they were filled with songs of praise for the event and its genuinely kind founder. Having now experienced it myself I can say with confidence that beyond tellerrand is one of the best events I’ve had the fortune of attending – and I feel incredibly honored to have contributed as a speaker. Marc cultivates an environment and culture that is fantastically warm, cooperative, inclusive, supportive and, well... simply bloody wonderful. I am now, like the friends who originally told me about it, converted. I await Marc’s next event and will be carving out time in my schedule to be there - and you should too!”
Mike Hill
”beyond tellerrand is an unforgettable experience. Marc’s passion is apparent and obvious throughout the entire event and you are welcomed with open arms by him, his team and the entire audience. There’s a real sadness on the final day as everyone leaves to go back to their lives but it’s a testament to the strength of the event that one day you know you’ll be back”
Rob Draper
”I’ve attended many conferences around the world, both as an attendee and speaker, and can honestly say beyond tellerrand is tip-toppity-notch. Marc has created something uniquely special with his gatherings. Lots of folks can bring audiences and speakers together, but few can curate an event that is as informative, entertaining, and personal as he has. So very happy I’ve been able to take part.”
Jeff Greenspan
What more/other people says about beyond tellerrand …
Logos are available in here. Please use the logos in a positive context. Need anything else? Let us know.
Photos of the latest events can be found on our photo page.
If you need older shots, you find a lot of photos on Flickr already. Also our Flickr Group is filled with very nice shots.
If you use them, that is ok, but please credit the one who took them.
Event Announcements
Please contact us to get information and facts about certain events. We're able to react in a very short time and send you texts, assets, and information that you can use to integrate or announce beyond tellerrand.
beyond tellerrand Fact Sheet
- beyond tellerrand was founded in 2010 by Marc Thiele
- Topics: beyond tellerrand is a conference about creative web design and development, graphic design, type, typography and much more
- Next event in Düsseldorf: 5–6 May 2025
- Conference venue Düsseldorf: Capitol Theater, Erkrather Straße 30, 40233 Düsseldorf
- Next event in Berlin: 6–7 November 2025
- Conference venue Berlin: Festsaal Kreuzberg, Am Flutgraben 2, 12435 Berlin
- Ticket prices include German VAT (19%) and ticket and booking fees
- Website: beyondtellerrand.com
- YouTube: youtube.com/btconf
- Mastodon: mastodon.social/@btconf
- Discord: btco.nf/discord
- Linkedin Page: linkedin.com/company/beyondtellerrand
- Linkedin Group: linkedin.com/groups/3808125
- Bluesky: bsky.app/profile/beyondtellerrand.com
- Facebook: facebook.com/beyondtellerrand
- The Dots: the-dots.com
- Flickr Pool: flickr.com/groups/beyondtellerrand
Anything missing? Let us know!
Articles, Reviews and Interviews (extract)
- Everything Düsseldorf All At Once – a lovely announcement by one of the Partners
- Day two in DÜSSELDORF 2014 – by Mario Janschitz (German)
- “t3n bei der Konferenz für Webentwickler: beyondtellerrand 2014” – a text about day one in DÜSSELDORF 2014 by Mario Janschitz for t3n (German)
- Article in t3n by Luca Caracciolo for DÜSSELDORF 2013 (German)
- Video report after DÜSSELDORF 2013: “Zu Besuch auf Deutschlands bester Webkonferenz – beyond tellerrand” by TechnikLOAD (German)
- A write-up by t3n of DÜSSELDORF 2011 – “beyond tellerrand überzeugt mit Flair und guten Inhalten” (German)
Would You Like To Cover The Event?
We are happy about any kind of announcement or report. No matter if you write something before or after the event. So you want to write about beyond tellerrand? Don't hesitate to contact us and we are getting back to you as soon as possible. Journalists have free entry to the conference after official accreditation.