Robin Berjon

Employee of the Month

Robin Berjon

Robin Berjon is an expert in Web technology with over two decades’ worth of experience in both Web development and driving standardisation efforts, notably within W3C. He was previously in charge of data governance at The New York Times where he worked on advancing privacy and imagining a capture-resistant future of the Web. He is currently Deputy Director of the IPFS Foundation where he works on next-generation Web architecture, seeking new approaches to digital systems that increase user agency and develop the missing layers enabling a people-centric governance of the Internet.

He lives in Brussels, Belgium with his spouse, two children, and a pair fluffy cats. He has a fondness for ranting and rambling, especially in writing, but generally starts to feel self-conscious after writing a few sentences about himself in the third person.

For more information, you can read my CV.

Robin Berjon's face against black volcanic sand