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We Carry Us

by Bell's Roar

supported by
Elizabeth Mitchell
Elizabeth Mitchell thumbnail
Elizabeth Mitchell The album is stunning, powerful, and healing. Favorite track: We Carry Us.
J. Edward Keyes
J. Edward Keyes thumbnail
J. Edward Keyes Absolutely gorgeous record.
Alexander Engquist
Alexander Engquist thumbnail
Alexander Engquist first great album I've heard in 2018. the vitality of their voice combined with the lush brilliance of their production/arranging makes for a truly spectacular DIY effort. buy this.
Wenda Rose
Wenda Rose thumbnail
Wenda Rose Most music I listen to focuses either on profound lyrics or on lush soundscapes, but Bell's Roar is one of those rare artists that manages to combine both with ease. Every song has a message, and yet also shrouds the listener in ethereal layers of sound like a favorite blanket. So glad to finally hear a full-length album! Favorite track: Defiance.
  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

      $7 USD  or more


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Includes unlimited streaming of We Carry Us via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $10 USD or more 


We Carry Us 03:47
Celebrate 04:13
Dear Me 03:28
Passing 03:13
Defiance 03:02
I'm Troubled 03:47
Fake Fantasy 03:54


This is my debut full length album and it's the beginning of how I see myself functioning within the music industry. This album was made for my community. I want to use my music as a direct action to support other QTPOC artists. That is the whole idea behind the ART FUNDS ART TOUR. I want to use my concerts as a platform to rally to the community and create a new model for how we can sustain ourselves. Budget cuts are already planned for 2018 and the arts community is one of the biggest to be hit. QTPOC artists are already the least likeliest to receive funding from foundations and therefore it will be even more felt by our community. More info at www.artfundsarttour.com


released January 12, 2018

Written, Produced and Engineered by Sean Desiree
Mixed and Mastered by Cody Davies


all rights reserved



Bell's Roar Albany, New York

The name bell’s roar symbolizes the focus and attitude held in Sean Desiree’s solo project. It’s a reference to feminist writer bell hooks who speaks of intersectionality and solidarity in their work. Being a queer, gender nonconforming person of color Sean cannot isolate forms of oppression. The roar represents the fight to not be silent and to use their creative voice to stop ongoing domination. ... more

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