it’s a work in progress but i have some very basic tiers set up and i’m quite excited to shift towards using patreon a little more than here or twitter
You’ve gotta be good at analyzing both good and bad media btw. You can’t just be good at taking something apart to see why it doesn’t work, you have to be good at taking something apart to see why it does.
For that matter:
- Recognize flaws even in works you adore; be willing to admit when things you think are amazing still had room to be better.
- Even more importantly, get good at recognizing what DOES work and what IS done well in media you don’t like. In things you think overall are BAD.
- Learn to accept that sometimes, in specific areas, bad media you hate can absolutely pull something off better than good media you love. That doesn’t have to change their overall rankings. If the good media does 98 things better and 2 thing worse, it’s not an insult, as much as it may feel like it, that something like that bad media did one or both of those better. And you are only ever limiting yourself if you refuse to acknowledge a glittering diamond just because it’s sitting next to some garbage.
- Despite the simplification, there’s no such thing as objectively Good Media or Bad Media. There’s media that’s easier or harder to understand, either via better or worse execution or by intentionally esoteric design. There’s media that resonates more with a broader audience and media that appeals to a more niche one. But every story has the potential to be loved by someone, and if you want to consider yourself good at analysis, you have to learn to figure out why.
do you have the generational brown dog? I fucking forgot to save the picture
how could i not have?
if im very well behaved my best friend who is a tarantula owner will let me get a surrogate spider to live w them since i cant have them in my apartment and i desperately want a redknee to name El Wiwi
tell me thats not a Wiwi
do you have the generational brown dog? I fucking forgot to save the picture
if im very well behaved my best friend who is a tarantula owner will let me get a surrogate spider to live w them since i cant have them in my apartment and i desperately want a redknee to name El Wiwi
His yucky face is my favourite thing ever
you want some big dog
Today’s Seal Is: Attempting To Noclip
Shred that cheese!
I don’t understand how people think I’m unapproachable. I’ve been standing on this widow’s walk staring out to sea for over a hundred years. Everyone in town knows where to find me.
I draw porn but not any of that sick nasty perverted sicko misogynist fetish porn made by and for disgusting sicknasty pervert men my porn is so cute and wholesome and feminist and queer and liberated trust me it’s not even porn it’s erotica my erotica is a pure honest true expression of human passions and emotions and the pure chaste passions of feminist lesbian wombyns trust me you’ll love it it’s so liberating see for yourself *hands you a drawing of Snufkin sucking his own penis*