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Beeminder Pricing

Core Beeminder is plenty for most users. If you want unlimited goals or other perks, we have those... but I swear, Core Beeminder is quite powerful all on its own. It even includes all our dozens of autodata integrations. If your eyes lit up at the mention of perks, however, you're in the right place to sign up for a premium plan. But we only want your money if you're actively getting value from Beeminder! In fact, if you stop using Beeminder, we automatically stop charging you.

Core Beeminder
Bee Plus
Track a limited number of goals, unlimited data
Cap pledges, schedule breaks
Web, iOS, Android, email, and Slack apps
Dozens of autodata integrations
IFTTT, Zapier, & custom API integration
Unlimited goals
Auto-trim safety buffer AKA auto-ratchet
Custom goals
SMS bot (US only)
Weekends off
Graph editor
50% charity option
Goals with no pledges
Pledge short-circuiting
Sometimes-synchronous support, nerd out w/ us in our dev chat
$0 / month
Sign up!
$8 / month
Sign up!
$16 / month
Sign up!
$64 / month
Sign up!

Exquisitely Fair Discount Slider: Choose any payment interval and the discount will increase accordingly.

  • Monthly
  • Two Yearsly

Pay yearly for 14% off

Premium FAQ

  • Do I need premium?
  • Not really. You pay for Beeminder primarily through the pledges you pay when you wind up on the wrong side of the bright red line. Most of the perks we've stuck in premium plans are things for power users and megafans. If all you're looking for is more goals, we recommend you be more ambitious with your beeminding. That's because every time you pay for a derailment, we increase your goal limit. Our philosophy is that derailing it is nailing it — that derailments are part of beeminding and that if you never derail, you're not actually pushing yourself.
  • If I already pay a lot in pledges can I apply those to a premium plan?
  • Alas, that is not a thing. We don't want to tamper with the incentives! We do have student and senior discounts, and discounts for jobseekers and those living in non-OECD countries. Say the word if you think you may qualify!
  • Why is the fancy Beemium tier so pricey?
  • The main reason is that we feel pledgeless goals are unbeemindery. Also we think the pledge schedule is user-awesomeness-maximizing and we don't think you should tamper with it. Other Beemium perks are just expensive for us to provide. But we've priced it rationally, given all that, and so if it sounds worth it to you at this price, then by all means, go for it!
  • Loophole idea! Can I get Infinibee temporarily just to create a bunch of goals?
  • Yes. Well, creating a bunch of placeholder goals to save for later sounds awfully weaselly. But you absolutely have our blessing to buy a single month of Infinibee by adding the plan and then immediately removing it again, and we don't take away any goals when you downgrade back to core Beeminder (though we do stop autoratcheting and scheduling weekends for them, etc).

    You can then create all the goals you want for a month, and no need to remember to cancel it when you're done since you already did that.
  • What charities can I donate to?
  • You can choose to send half of your pledge, should you derail, to one of GiveDirectly, Watsi, or the Electronic Frontier Foundation. At the moment these are the only charities that we offer, and we track the total amounts owed to each, and make monthly donations from Beeminder's coffers. If getting a receipt for your donation (and personal credit for it) is something that's important to you, let us know!
  • What does pledge short-circuiting mean?
  • If you know that $5 will not motivate you at all, you can jump straight up to an amount that you know you would be scared to lose (we call this your Motivation Point).
  • Do you plan on adding SMS support for international numbers?
  • We certainly haven't ruled it out! If this is something you'd really like to have available, let us know.
  • How does an auto-canceling subscription work?
  • If you disappear from Beeminder and stop adding data to all your goals for more than a month, we'll stop renewing your premium subscription until you show up again. No worrying about remembering to cancel! Details on our blog.
  • What if I get yearly Bee Plus but then want to downgrade after a month?
  • Mostly the answer is don't do that. This is probably obvious but the point of the Exquisitely Fair Discount Slider is that, by opting to pay for longer periods, like yearly, you're committing to having that plan (or higher) for that long. In other words, you get a discount in exchange for buying more at once. Still, you can ask us for a refund if the perks feel disappointing and we'll do what's fair.
  • Do you have a much more discursive version of all this on your blog, full of links to whole other blog posts about various perks and glossary entries for your esoterica, all sprinkled with allusions to higher mathematics and/or behavioral economics?
  • Yeah.
  • What if I just want to know what pledge shortcircuiting or custom goals or the SMS bot or weekends off or the graph editor are?
  • By the magic of hyperlinks, your question is self-answering. Better yet, hover over those links instead of clicking them for the short versions.
  • What if I want more handholding with my goal setting? Someone to personally ride my butt and make sure I get stuff done?
  • Some of you remember our Beekeeper lifecoaching program. Our integration partner, Boss as a Service, is similar! So far the integration means that if you want more personal accountability, we point you to Boss as a Service and say "Try it!" and if you're using Boss as a Service and need some hard consequences, your boss will help you set up a Beeminder goal, and even enter data for you.

Fine print: This is kind of a placeholder for various nitty gritty in case any one cares but we've tried hard to make it so you don't need to care. For upgrading / downgrading / canceling we always do the exquisitely fair thing and break ambiguities in your favor, with prorating and whatnot. Basically the opposite of whatever your phone company would do.