The yearly Advent of Code is always a source of interesting coding challenges. You can often solve them the easy way, or spend days trying to solve them “the right way.” I personally prefer the latter. This year I decided to do some yak shaving with a puzzle that involved looking for patterns in a grid. The pattern was the string XMAS, and it could start at any location and go in any direction whatsoever.

My immediate impulse was to elevate the grid to a comonad. The idea is that a comonad describes a data structure in which every location is a center of some neighborhood, and it lets you apply an algorithm to all neighborhoods in one fell swoop. Common examples of comonads are infinite streams and infinite grids.

Why would anyone use an infinite grid to solve a problem on a finite grid? Imagine you’re walking through a neighborhood. At every step you may hit the boundary of a grid. So a function that retrieves the current state is allowed to fail. You may implement it as returning a Maybe value. So why not pre-fill the infinite grid with Maybe values, padding it with Nothing outside of bounds. This might sound crazy, but in a lazy language it makes perfect sense to trade code for data.

I won’t bore you with the details, they are available at my GitHub repository. Instead, I will discuss a similar program, one that I worked out some time ago, but wasn’t satisfied with the solution: the famous Conway’s Game of Life. This one actually uses an infinite grid, and I did implement it previously using a comonad. But this time I was more ambitious: I wanted to generate this two-dimensional comonad by composing a pair of one-dimensional ones.

The idea is simple. Each row of the grid is an infinite bidirectional stream. Since it has a specific “current position,” we’ll call it a cursor. Such a cursor can be easily made into a comonad. You can extract the current value; and you can duplicate a cursor by creating a cursor of cursors, each shifted by the appropriate offset (increasing in one direction, decreasing in the other).

A two-dimensional grid can then be implemented as a cursor of cursors–the inner one extending horizontally, and the outer one vertically.

It should be a piece of cake to define a comonad instance for it: extract should be a composition of (extract . extract) and duplicate a composition of (duplicate . fmap duplicate), right? It typechecks, so it must be right. But, just in case, like every good Haskell programmer, I decided to check the comonad laws. There are three of them:

extract . duplicate = id
fmap extract . duplicate = id
duplicate . duplicate = fmap duplicate . duplicate

And they failed! I must have done something illegal, but what?

In cases like this, it’s best to turn to basics–which means category theory. Compared to Haskell, category theory is much less verbose. A comonad is a functor W equipped with two natural transformations:

\varepsilon \colon W \to \text{Id}

\delta \colon W \to W \circ W

In Haskell, we write the components of these transformations as:

extract :: w a -> a
duplicate :: w a -> w (w a)

The comonad laws are illustrated by the following commuting diagrams. Here are the two counit laws:

and one associativity law:

These are the same laws we’ve seen above, but the categorical notation makes them look more symmetric.

So the problem is: Given a comonad W, is the composition W \circ W also a comonad? Can we implement the two natural transformations for it?

\varepsilon_c \colon W \circ W \to \text{Id}

\delta_c \colon W \circ W \to W \circ W \circ W \circ W

The straightforward implementation would be:

W \circ W \xrightarrow{\varepsilon \circ W} W \xrightarrow{\varepsilon} \text{Id}

corresponding to (extract . extract), and:

W \circ W \xrightarrow{W \circ \delta} W \circ W \circ W \xrightarrow{\delta \circ W \circ W} W \circ W \circ W \circ W

corresponding to (duplicate . fmap duplicate).

To see why this doesn’t work, let’s ask a more general question: When is a composition of two comonads, say W_2 \circ W_1, again a comonad? We can easily define a counit:

W_2 \circ W_1 \xrightarrow{\varepsilon_2 \circ W_1} W \xrightarrow{\varepsilon_1} \text{Id}

The comultiplication, though, is tricky:

W_2 \circ W_1 \xrightarrow{W_2 \circ \delta_1} W_2 \circ W_1 \circ W_1 \xrightarrow{\delta_2 \circ W} W_2 \circ W_2 \circ W_1 \circ W_1

Do you see the problem? The result is W_2^2 \circ W_1^2 but it should be (W_2 \circ W_1)^2. To make it a comonad, we have to be able to push W_2 through W_1 in the middle. We need W_2 to distribute over W_1 through a natural transformation:

\lambda \colon W_2 \circ W_1 \to W_1 \circ W_2

But isn’t that only relevant when we compose two different comonads–surely any functor distributes over itself! And there’s the rub: Not every comonad distributes over itself. Because a distributive comonad must preserve the comonad laws. In particular, to restore the the counit law we need this diagram to commute:

and for the comultiplication law, we require:

Even if the two comonad are the same, the counit condition is still non-trivial:

The two whiskerings of \varepsilon are in general not equal. All we can get from the original comonad laws is that they are only equal when applied to the result of  comultiplication:

(\varepsilon \circ W) \cdot \delta = (W \circ \varepsilon) \cdot \delta.

Equipped with the distributive mapping \lambda we can complete our definition of comultiplication for a composition of two comonads:

W_2 \circ W_1 \xrightarrow{W_2 \circ \delta_1} W_2 \circ W_1^2 \xrightarrow{\delta_2 \circ W} W_2^2 \circ W_1^2 \xrightarrow{W_2 \circ \lambda \circ W_1} (W_2 \circ W_1)^2

Going back to our Haskell code, we need to impose the distributivity condition on our comonad. There is a type class for it defined in Data.Distributive:

class Functor w => Distributive w where
  distribute :: Functor f => f (w a) -> w (f a)

Thus the general formula for composing two comonads is:

instance (Comonad w2, Comonad w1, Distributive w1) => 
Comonad (Compose w2 w1) where extract = extract . extract . getCompose duplicate = fmap Compose . Compose . fmap distribute . duplicate . fmap duplicate . getCompose

In particular, it works for composing a comonad with itself, as long as the comonad distributes over itself.

Equipped with these new tools, let’s go back to implementing a two-dimensional infinite grid. We start with an infinite stream:

data Stream a = (:>) { headS :: a
                     , tailS :: Stream a}
  deriving Functor

infixr 5 :>

What does it mean for a stream to be distributive? It means that we can transpose a “matrix” whose rows are streams. The functor f is used to organize these rows. It could, for instance, be a list functor, in which case you’d have a list of (infinite) streams.

  [   1 :>   2 :>   3 .. 
  ,  10 :>  20 :>  30 ..
  , 100 :> 200 :> 300 .. 

Transposing a list of streams means creating a stream of lists. The first row is a list of heads of all the streams, the second row is a list of second elements of all the streams, and so on.

  [1, 10, 100] :>
  [2, 20, 200] :>
  [3, 30, 300] :>

Because streams are infinite, we end up with an infinite stream of lists. For a general functor, we use a recursive formula:

instance Distributive Stream where
    distribute :: Functor f => f (Stream a) -> Stream (f a)
    distribute stms = (headS  stms) :> distribute (tailS  stms)

(Notice that, if we wanted to transpose a list of lists, this procedure would fail. Interestingly, the list monad is not distributive. We really need either fixed size or infinity in the picture.)

We can build a cursor from two streams, one going backward to infinity, and one going forward to infinity. The head of the forward stream will serve as our “current position.”

data Cursor a = Cur { bwStm :: Stream a
                    , fwStm :: Stream a }
  deriving Functor

Because streams are distributive, so are cursors. We just flip them about the diagonal:

instance Distributive Cursor where
    distribute :: Functor f => f (Cursor a) -> Cursor (f a)
    distribute fCur = Cur (distribute (bwStm  fCur)) 
                          (distribute (fwStm  fCur))

A cursor is also a comonad:

instance Comonad Cursor where
  extract (Cur _ (a :> _)) = a
  duplicate bi = Cur (iterateS moveBwd (moveBwd bi)) 
                     (iterateS moveFwd bi)

duplicate creates a cursor of cursors that are progressively shifted backward and forward. The forward shift is implemented as:

moveFwd :: Cursor a -> Cursor a
moveFwd (Cur bw (a :> as)) = Cur (a :> bw) as

and similarly for the backward shift.

Finally, the grid is defined as a cursor of cursors:

type Grid a = Compose Cursor Cursor a

And because Cursor is a distributive comonad, Grid is automatically a lawful comonad. We can now use the comonadic extend to advance the state of the whole grid:

generations :: Grid Cell -> [Grid Cell]
generations = iterate $ extend nextGen

using a local function:

nextGen :: Grid Cell -> Cell
nextGen grid
  | cnt == 3 = Full
  | cnt == 2 = extract grid
  | otherwise = Empty
      cnt = countNeighbors grid

You can find the full implementation of the Game of Life and the solution of the Advent of Code puzzle, both using comonad composition, on my GitHub.

Previously: Covering Sieves.

We’ve seen an intuitive description of presheaves as virtual objects. We can use the same trick to visualize natural transformations.

A natural transformation can be drawn as a virtual arrow \alpha between two virtual objects corresponding to two presheaves S and P. Indeed, for every s_a \in S a, seen as an arrow a \to S, we get an arrow a \to P simply by composition \alpha \circ s_a. Notice that we are thus defining the composition with \alpha, because we are outside of the original category. A component \alpha_a of a natural transformation is a mapping between two arrows.

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This composition must be associative and, indeed, associativity is guaranteed by the naturality condition. For any arrow f \colon a \to b, consider a zigzag path from a to P given by \alpha \circ s_b \circ f. The two ways of associating this composition give us \alpha_a \circ S f = P f \circ \alpha_b.

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Let’s now recap our previous definitions: A cover of u is a bunch of arrows converging on u satisfying certain conditions. These conditions are defined in terms of a coverage. For every object u we define a whole family of covers, and then combine them into one big collection that we call the coverage.

A sheaf is a presheaf that is compatible with a coverage. It means that for every cover \{u_i\} , if we pick a compatible family of x_i \in P u_i that agrees on all overlaps, then this uniquely determines the element (virtual arrow) x \in P u.

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A covering sieve of u is a presheaf that extends a cover \{u_i\} . It assigns a singleton set to each u_i and all its open subsets (that is objects that have arrows pointing to u_i); and an empty set otherwise. In particular, the sieve includes all the overlaps, like u_i \cap u_j, even if they are not present in the original cover.

The key observation here is that a sieve can serve as a blueprint for, or a skeleton of, a compatible family \{ x_i \}. Indeed, S_u maps all objects either to singletons or to empty sets. In terms of virtual arrows, there is at most one arrow going to S_u from any object. This is why a natural transformation from S_u to any presheaf P produces a family of arrows x_i \in P u_i. It picks a single arrow from each of the hom-sets u_i \to P.

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The sieve includes all intersections, and all diagrams involving those intersections necessarily commute. They commute because the category we’re working with is thin, and so is the category extended by adding the virtual object S_u. Thus a family generated by a natural transformation \alpha \in Nat (S_u, P) is automatically a compatible family. Therefore, if P is a sheaf, it determines a unique element x \in P u.

This lets us define a sheaf in terms of sieves, rather than coverages.

A presheaf P is a sheaf if and only if, for every covering sieve S_u of every u, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of natural transformations Nat (S_u, P) and the set P u.

In terms of virtual arrows, this means that there is a one-to-one correspondence between arrows \alpha \colon S_u \to P and x \colon u \to P.

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Previously: Sheaves as Virtual Objects.

In order to define a sheaf, we have to start with coverage. A coverage defines, for every object u, a family of covers that satisfy the sub-coverage conditions. Granted, we can express coverage using objects and arrows, but it would be much nicer if we could use the language of functors and natural transformations.

Let’s start with the idea that, categorically, a cover of u is a bunch of arrows converging on u. Each arrow p_i \colon u_i \to u is a member of the hom-set \mathcal C (u_i, u). Now consider the fact that \mathcal C (-, u) is a presheaf, \mathcal C^{op} \to \mathbf{Set}, and ask the question: Is a cover a “subfunctor” of \mathcal C (-, u)?

A subfunctor of a presheaf P is defined as a functor S such that, for each object v, S v is a subset of P vand, for each arrow f \colon v \to w, the function S f \colon S w \to S v is a restriction of P f.

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In general, a cover does not correspond to a subfunctor of the hom-functor. Let’s see why, and how we can fix it.

Let’s try to define S, such that S u_i is non-empty for any object u_i that’s in the cover of u, and empty otherwise. As a presheaf, we could represent it as a virtual object with arrows coming from all \{ u_i \}‘s.

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Now consider an object v that is not in the cover, but it has an arrow f \colon v \to u_k connecting it to some element u_k of the cover. Functoriality requires the (virtual) composition s_k \circ f to exist.Untitled Artwork

Thus v must be included in the cover–if we want S to be a functor.

In particular, if we are looking at a category of open sets with inclusions, this condition means that all (open) sub-sets of the covering sets must also be included in the cover. Such a “downward closed” family of sets is called a sieve.

Imagine sets in the cover as holes in a sieve. Smaller sets that can “pass through” these holes must also be parts of the sieve.

If you start with a cover, you can always extend it to a covering sieve by adding more arrows. It’s as if you started with a few black holes, and everything that could fall into them, would fall.

We have previously defined sheaves in terms of coverings. In the next installment we’ll see that they can equally well be defined using covering sieves.

Next Sieves and Sheaves.

Previously: Coverages and Sites

The definition of a sheaf is rather complex and involves several layers of abstraction. To help us navigate this maze we can use some useful intuitions. One such intuition is to view objects in our category as some kind of sets (in particular, open sets, when we talk about topology), and arrows as set inclusions. An arrow from v to u means that v is a subset of u.

A cover of u is a family of arrows \{ p_i \colon u_i \to u \}. A coverage assigns a collection of covers to every object, satisfying the sub-coverage conditions described in the previous post. A category with coverage is called a site.

The next layer of abstraction deals with presheaves, which are set-valued contravariant functors. Interestingly, there is a way to interpret a presheaf as an extension of the original category. I learned this trick from Paolo Perrone.

We may represent a presheaf P using virtual hom-sets. First we add one virtual object, let’s call it \bullet , to our category. The set P u is then interpreted as the set of arrows from u to \bullet.

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Moreover, we can represent the action of P on arrows as simple composition. Take an arrow f \colon v \to u. The presheaf lifts it to a function between sets: P f \colon P u \to P v (contravariance means that the arrow is reversed). For any h \in P u we can define the composition h \circ f to be (P f) h.

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Incidentally, if the functor P is representable, it means that we can replace the virtual object \bullet with an actual object in our category.

Notice that, even though the category of open sets with inclusions is a poset (hom-sets are either singletons or empty, and all diagrams automatically commute), the added virtual hom-sets usually contain lots of arrows. In topology these hom-sets are supposed to represent sets of continuous functions over open sets.

We can interpret the virtual object \bullet as representing an imaginary open set that “includes” all the objects u for which P u is non-empty, but we have to imagine that it’s possible to include an object in more than one way, to account for multiple arrows. In fact, in what follows we won’t be assuming that the underlying category is a poset, so virtual hom-sets are nothing special.

To express the idea of intersections of open sets, we use commuting diagrams. For every pair of objects u_i and u_j that are in the cover of u,  an object v is in their intersection if  the following diagram commutes:

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Note that in a poset all diagrams commute, but here we’re generalizing this condition to an arbitrary category. We could say that v is in the intersection of u_i and u_j seen as covers of u.

Equipped with this new insight, we can now express the sheaf condition. We assume that there is a coverage defined in our category. We are adding one more virtual object \bullet for the presheaf P, with bunches of virtual arrows pointing to it.

For every cover \{ p_i \colon u_i \to u \} we try to select a family of virtual arrows, s_i \colon u_i \to \bullet. It’s as if the objects u_i, besides covering u, also covered the virtual object \bullet.

We call the family \{s_i \} a matching family, if this new covering respects the existing intersections. If v is in the intersection of u_i and u_j (as covers of u, see the previous diagram), then we want the following diagram to also commute:
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In other words, the \{u_i\}‘s intersect as covers of \bullet.

A presheaf P is a sheaf if, for every covering family p_i and every matching family s_i there exists a unique s \colon u \to \bullet that factorizes those s_i‘s:
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Translating it back to the language of topology: There is a unique global function s defined over u whose restrictions are s_i‘s.

The advantage of this approach is that it’s easy to imagine the sheafification of an arbitrary presheaf by freely adding virtual arrows (the s‘s and their compositions with p_i‘s in the above diagram) to all intersection diagrams.

Next: Covering Sieves

Previously: Sheaves and Topology.

In our quest to rewrite topology using the language of category theory we introduced the category of open sets with set inclusions as morphisms. But when we needed to describe open covers, we sort of cheated: we chose to talk about set unions. Granted, set unions can be defined as coproducts in this category (not to be confused with coproducts in the category of sets and functions, where they correspond to disjoint unions). This poset of open sets with finite products and infinite coproducts is called a frame. There is however a more general definition of coverage that is applicable to categories that are not necessarily posets.

A cover of an open set u is a family of open sets u_i that doesn’t leave any part of u uncovered. In terms of inclusions, we can rephrase this as having a family of of morphisms p_i \colon u_i \to u. But then how do we ensure that these sets indeed cover the whole of u?
The familiar trick of category theory is to look at the totality of all covers. Suppose that for every open set u we have not one, but a whole collection of covers: that is a collection of families \{u_i\}, each indexed by a potentially different set I.

Now consider an open subset v \subseteq u. If the family u_i is a cover of u than the family of intersections of v_i = v \cup u_i should form a cover of v.

Cover Subcover

Indeed, an intersection of two open sets is again an open set, so all v_i‘s are automatically open. And if no part of u was left uncovered by u_i‘s, then no part of v is left uncovered by v_i‘s.

Conversely, imagine that we had an incomplete cover, with a hole large enough to stick an open set v in it. The empty intersection of that “cover” with v would then produce no cover of v. So the requirement that each cover produces a smaller sub-cover eliminates the possibility of substantial holes in coverage. This is good enough for our generalization.

We are now ready to define coverage using categorical language. We just have to make sure that this definition reproduces the set-theoretic picture when we replace objects with open sets, and arrows with inclusions.

A coverage J on a category \mathcal C assigns to each object u a collection of families of arrows p_i \colon u_i \to u.


For every such family \{ p_i\}, and every object v equipped with an arrow g \colon v \to u, there exist a covering family q_j \colon v_j \to v that is a sub-family of u_i.


This means that for every v_j we can find its “parent” u_i, i.e., every inclusion g \circ q_j \colon v_j \to u can be factored through some p_i:

g \circ q_j = p_i \circ k_{i j}


A category with a coverage is called a site. As we’ve seen before, the definition of a sheaf uses a coverage, so a site provides the minimum of structure for a sheaf.

For completeness, here’s the definition of a sheaf on a site (\mathcal C , J) as explained in detail in the previous post:

Our starting point is a presheaf P \colon \mathcal C^{op} \to Set, abstracting the idea of assigning a set of functions to every open set (an object of \mathcal C). P maps arrows in \mathcal C (inclusions of open sets) to restrictions of said functions. This presheaf is a sheaf if:

  • For every covering family p_i \colon u_i \to u
  • and every compatible family (tuple) of elements s_i \in P u_i, such that for every v that has arrows to two objects: f \colon v \to u_i and g \colon v \to u_j, such that p_i \circ f = p_j \circ g, we have:
    (P f) s_i = (P g) s_j

    (the restrictions on all overlaps coincide)

  • there is a unique element s \in P u such that (P p_i) s = s_i for all i (we can collate all individual functions).

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As you’d expect in topology, this definition doesn’t mention sizes or distances. More interestingly, we don’t talk about points. Normally a topological space is defined as a set of points, and so are open sets. The categorical language lets us talk about point-free topologies.

There is a further generalization of sheaves, where the target of the functor P is not \mathbf{Set} but a category with some additional structure. This makes sense, because the set of functions defined over an open set has usually more structure. It’s the structure induced by the target of these functions. For instance real- or complex-valued functions can be added, subtracted, and multiplied–point-wise. Division of functions is not well defined because of zeros, so they only form a ring.

There is an intriguing possibility that the definition of a coverage could be used to generalize convolutional neural networks (CNN). For instance, voice or image recognition involves applying a sliding window to the input. This is usually done using fixed-sized (square) window, but what really matters is that the input is covered by overlapping continuous areas that capture the 2-dimensional (topological) nature of the input. The same idea can be applied to higher dimensional data. In particular, we can treat time as an additional dimension, capturing the idea of continuous motion.

Next Sheaves as Virtual Objects.

Previously: Presheaves and Topology.

In all branches of science we sooner or later encounter the global vs. local duality. Topology is no different.

In topology we have the global definition of continuity: counter-images of all open sets are open. But we perceive a discontinuity as a local jump. How are the two pictures related, and can we express this topologically, that is without talking about sizes and distances?

All we have at our disposal are open sets, so exactly what properties of open sets are the most relevant? They do form a (thin) category with inclusions as arrows, but so does any set of subsets. As it turns out open sets can be stitched together to create coverings. Such coverings let us zoom in on finer and finer details, thus creating the bridge between the global and the local picture.

Open sets are plump–they can easily fill the bulk of space. They are also skinless, so they can’t touch each other without some overlap. That makes them perfect for constructing covers.

Covering, unlike tiling, requires overlapping. To create a leak-free roof, you need your tiles to overlap. The idea is that, if we were defining functions over a tiling, it would be possible for them to make sudden jumps at tile boundaries. Open coverings overlap, so such functions have to flow continuously.


An open cover of a set u is a family of open sets \{u_i\} such that u is their union:

u = \bigcup_{i \in I} u_i

Here I is a set used for indexing the family.

If we have a continuous function f defined over u, then all its restrictions f|_{u_i} are also continuous (this follows from the condition that an intersection of open sets is open). Thus going from global to local is easy.

The converse is more interesting. Suppose that we have a family of functions f_i, one per each open set u_i, and we want to reconstruct the global function f defined over the set u covered by u_i‘s. This is only possible if the individual functions agree on overlaps.

Take two functions: f_i defined over u_i, and f_j defined over u_j. If the two sets overlap, each of the functions can be restricted to the overlap u_i \cap u_j. We want these restrictions to be equal:

f_i|_{u_i \cap u_j} = f_j|_{u_i \cap u_j}


If all individual continuous functions agree on the overlaps then they uniquely determine a global continuous function f defined over the whole set u. You can stitch or collate functions that are defined locally.

In the language of category theory we talk about functions in bulk. We define a functor–a presheaf P–that maps all open sets to sets of continuous functions. In this language, to an open cover \{u_i\} corresponds a family of functions \{f_i\} that are members of the individual sets P u_i. Every such selection forms a giant I-indexed tuple, that is an element of the cartesian product:

\{f_i | i \in I\} \in \prod_{i} P u_i

Similarly, we can gather functions that are defined over the intersections of sets into a product:

\prod_{i j} P (u_i \cap u_j)

(Notice that every empty intersection corresponds to a single trivial function that we call absurd in Haskell.)

Set inclusions generate function restrictions. In particular, for every intersection u_i \cap u_j we have a pair of restrictions:

f_i \mapsto f_i|_{u_i \cap u_j}

f_j \mapsto f_j|_{u_i \cap u_j}

These restrictions can be seen as functions between sets:

P u_i \to P (u_i \cap u_j)

P u_j \to P (u_i \cap u_j)

If all such restrictions are pairwise equal, we call \{f_i\} a matching family, and for every such matching family there is a unique element f \in P u such that f_i = f|_{u_i}, for all i.

These pairs of restrictions define two mappings between our big products:

p, q : \prod_i P u_i \rightrightarrows \prod_{i j} P (u_i \cap u_j)

Think of each function as acting on a tuple \{f_k\} and producing a matrix indexed by elements of I:

(p\; \{f_k\})_{i j} = f_i|_{u_i \cap u_j}

(q\; \{f_k\})_{i j} = f_j|_{u_i \cap u_j}

Our matching condition can be expressed in the language of category theory by saying that the following diagram is an equalizer of p and q (the two parallel arrows):

P u \xrightarrow{e} \prod_i P u_i \rightrightarrows \prod_{i j} P (u_i \cap u_j)

Here e is defined as mapping a function f \in P u to a tuple of its restrictions \{ f|{u_i}\}. These restrictions are then required to match when further restricted by p and q to all possible intersections.

A presheaf P is called a sheaf if, for every open covering \{u_i\}, a matching family \{f_i\} uniquely determines the element of P u of the equalizer above. This element corresponds to the function f that is the result of stitching of individual functions.

Notice that, even though we tried to use the categorical language as much as possible, we still had to rely on the language of sets to define coverings. To abstract away from set theory and traditional topology, we need to talk about sites.

Next: Coverages and Sites .

Previously: Topology as a Dietary Choice.

Category theory lets us change the focus from individual objects to relationships between them. Since topology is defined using open sets, we’d start by concentrating on relations between sets.

One such obvious relation is inclusion. It imposes a categorical structure on the subsets of a given set X. We draw arrows between two sets whenever one is a subset of the other. These arrows satisfy the axioms of a category: there is an identity arrow for every object (every set is its own subset) and arrows compose (inclusion is transitive). Not every pair of objects is connected by an arrow–some sets are disjoint, others overlap only partially. We may include the whole space as the terminal object (with arrows coming from every subset) and the empty set \emptyset as the initial object (with arrows going to every set). As categories go, this is a thin category, because there is at most one arrow between any two objects.


Every topological space gives thus rise to a thin category that abstracts the structure of its open sets. But the real reason for defining a topology is to be able to talk about continuous functions. These are functions between topological spaces such that the inverse image of every open set is open. Here, again, category theory tells us not to think about the details of how these functions are defined, but rather what we can do with them. And not just one function at a time, but the whole bunch at once.

So let’s talk about sets of functions. We have our topological space X, and to each open subset u we will assign a set of continuous function on it. These could be functions to real or complex numbers, or whatever–we don’t care. All we care about is that they form a set.

Since open sets in X form a (thin) category, we are talking about assigning to each object (open set) u its own set (of continuous functions) P u. Notice however that these sets of functions are not independent of each other. If one open set is a subset of another, it inherits all the functions defined over the larger set. These are the same functions, the only difference being that their arguments are restricted to a smaller subset. For instance, given two sets v \subseteq u and a function f \colon u \to \mathbb R, there is a function f|_{v} \colon v \to \mathbb R such that f|_{v} = f on v.


Let’s restate these statements in the categorical language. We already have a category X of open sets with inclusion. The sets of functions on these open sets are objects in the category \mathbf{Set}. We have defined a mapping P between these two categories that assigns sets of functions to open sets.

Notice that we are dealing with two different categories whose objects are sets. One has inclusions as arrows, the other has functions as arrows. (To confuse matters even more, the objects in the second category represent sets of functions.)

To define a functor between categories, we also need a mapping of arrows to accompany the mapping of objects. An arrow v \to u means that v \subseteq u. Corresponding to it, we have a function P u \to P v that assigns to each f \in P u its restriction f|_{v} \in P v.


Together, these mappings define a functor P \colon X^{op} \to \mathbf{Set}. The “op” notation means that the directions of arrows are reversed: the functor is “contravariant.”

A functor must preserve the structure of a category, that is identity and composition. In our case this follows from the fact that an identity u \subseteq u maps to a trivial do-nothing restriction, and that restrictions compose: (f|_v)|_w = f|_w for w \subseteq v \subseteq u.

There is a special name for contravariant functors from any category \mathcal C to \mathbf{Set}. They are called presheaves, exactly because they were first introduced in the context of topology as precursors of “shaves.” Consequently, the simpler functors \mathcal C \to \mathbf{Set} had to be confusingly called co-presheaves.

Presheaves on \mathcal C form their own category, often denoted by \hat{\mathcal C}, with natural transformations as arrows.

Next: Sheaves and Topology.

What is Topology?

When talking about topology, people draw cups with handles turning into donuts. When I think of topology, I see nutritious food.

In mathematics, topology is defined as a family of subsets of some space X. We call these subsets open. Open sets are like meaty, skinless fruits.


For instance, in standard topology, the inside of a ball in 3-d is considered meaty. Contrast this with an empty sphere, a curve, or a point–these are skinny when embedded in 3-d–they have no nutritional value.

In one dimension (on a line), the inside of a segment is meaty, but a segment with endpoints is not open, because it has a rind (the endpoints).

These four conditions define a topology.

  1. The intersection of any two open sets is again an open set. This is what I mean by skinlessness. If you included skins, the intersection could end up skinny.
  2. A union of open sets is again open. It’s even more juicy, and no skin can be produced by a union. There is a subtlety there: You can take a union of an arbitrary number of open sets and it’s still open. But you have to be careful with intersections–only finite intersections are allowed. That’s because by intersecting an infinite number of open sets you could end up with something very skinny–like a single point.
  3. The whole space X is open. In a sense, it defines what it means to be juicy and it doesn’t have a skin because it has no contact with the outside–it is its own Universe.
  4. As usual, an empty set is an odd item. Even though it’s empty, it’s considered open. You may think of it as a union of zero open sets.

There are some extreme topologies, like the discrete topology in which all subsets are open (even individual points), and a trivial (indiscrete) topology where only the whole space and the empty set are open. But most topologies are reasonable and adhere to our intuitions. So let’s not worry about pathologies.


Consider a function from one topological space X to another topological space Y. Intuitively, a function is continuous if it doesn’t make sudden jumps. So naively you might think that a continuous function would map open sets to open sets. But that’s not true. For instance a constant function maps any open set to a point which, in most topologies, is not open.


In fact any time a function stalls, or makes a turnaround (like the function y = x^2 at x = 0) you get a skinny point in its image.


The correct definition goes in the opposite direction: a function is continuous if and only if the pre-image of every open set is open.

First of all, a function cannot stall or turn around in the x direction, since that would mean mapping one point to many.

Secondly, if a function makes a jump at some point x, it’s possible to surround f(x) with a small open set whose counter-image contains x as its boundary.


It’s also possible to define a continuous function as a pair of functions. One function f is the usual mapping of points from X to Y. The other function g maps open sets in Y to open sets in X. The pair (f, g) defines a continuous function if for all points x \in X and open sets O in Y we have the following equivalence:

f(x) \in O \iff x \in g(O)

The left-hand side tells us that x is in the pre-image of O under f. The right-hand side tells us that g maps O to this preimage. This formula looks a bit like an adjunction between f and g. It’s an example of a more general notion of Chu constructions.

Finally, the cups and donuts magic trick uses invertible continuous functions called homeomorphisms to deform shapes without tearing or gluing them.

Next: Presheaves and Topology.

I will now provide the categorical foundation of the Haskell implementation from the previous post. A PDF version that contains both parts is also available.

The Para Construction

There’s been a lot of interest in categorical foundations of deep learning. The basic idea is that of a parametric category, in which morphisms are parameterized by objects from a monoidal category \mathcal P:

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 15.00.20
Here, p is an object of \mathcal P.

When two such morphisms are composed, the result is parameterized by the tensor product of the parameters.

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 15.00.34

An identity morphism is parameterized by the monoidal unit I.

If the monoidal category \mathcal P is not strict, the parametric composition and identity laws are not strict either. They are satisfied up to associators and unitors of \mathcal P. A category with lax composition and identity laws is called a bicategory. The 2-cells in a parametric bicategory are called reparameterizations.

Of particular interest are parameterized bicategories that are built on top of actegories. An actegory \mathcal C is a category in which we define an action of a monoidal category \mathcal P:

\bullet \colon \mathcal P \times \mathcal C \to C

satisfying some obvious coherency conditions (unit and composition):

I \bullet c \cong c

p \bullet (q \bullet c) \cong (p \otimes q) \bullet c

There are two basic constructions of a parametric category on top of an actegory called \mathbf{Para} and \mathbf{coPara}. The first constructs parametric morphisms from a to b as f_p = p \bullet a \to b, and the second as g_p = a \to p \bullet b.

Parametric Optics

The \mathbf{Para} construction can be extended to optics, where we’re dealing with pairs of objects from the underlying category (or categories, in the case of mixed optics). The parameterized optic is defined as the following coend:

O \langle a, da \rangle \langle p, dp \rangle \langle s, ds \rangle = \int^{m} \mathcal C (p \bullet s, m \bullet a) \times \mathcal C (m \bullet da, dp \bullet ds)

where the residues m are objects of some monoidal category \mathcal M, and the parameters \langle p, dp \rangle come from another monoidal category \mathcal P.

In Haskell, this is exactly the existential lens:

data ExLens a da p dp s ds = 
  forall m . ExLens ((p, s)  -> (m, a))  
                    ((m, da) -> (dp, ds))

There is, however, a more general bicategory of pre-optics, which underlies existential optics. In it, both the parameters and the residues are treated symmetrically.

The PreLens Bicategory

Pre-optics break the feedback loop in which the residues from the forward pass are fed back to the backward pass. We get the following formula:

\begin{aligned}O & \langle a, da \rangle \langle m, dm \rangle \langle p, dp \rangle \langle s, ds \rangle = \\  &\mathcal C (p \bullet s, m \bullet a) \times \mathcal C (dm \bullet da, dp \bullet ds)  \end{aligned}

We interpret this as a hom-set from a pair of objects \langle s, ds \rangle in \mathcal C^{op} \times C to the pair of objects \langle a, da \rangle also in \mathcal C^{op} \times C, parameterized by a pair \langle m, dm \rangle in \mathcal M \times \mathcal M^{op} and a pair \langle p, dp \rangle from \mathcal P^{op} \times \mathcal P.

To simplify notation, I’ll use the bold \mathbf C for the category \mathcal C^{op} \times \mathcal C , and bold letters for pairs of objects and (twisted) pairs of morphisms. For instance, \bold f \colon \bold a \to \bold b is a member of the hom-set \mathbf C (\bold a, \bold b) represented by a pair \langle f \colon a' \to a, g \colon b \to b' \rangle.

Similarly, I’ll use the notation \bold m \bullet \bold a to denote the monoidal action of \mathcal M^{op} \times \mathcal M on \mathcal C^{op} \times \mathcal C:

\langle m, dm \rangle \bullet \langle a, da \rangle = \langle m \bullet a, dm \bullet da \rangle

and the analogous action of \mathcal P^{op} \times \mathcal P.

In this notation, the pre-optic can be simply written as:

O\; \bold a\, \bold m\, \bold p\, \bold s = \bold C (\bold m \bullet \bold a, \bold p \bullet \bold b)

and an individual morphism as a triple:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet \bold b)

Pre-optics form hom-sets in the \mathbf{PreLens} bicategory. The composition is a mapping:

\mathbf C (\bold m \bullet \bold b, \bold p \bullet \bold c) \times \mathbf C (\bold n \bullet \bold a, \bold q \bullet \bold b) \to \mathbf C (\bold (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \bullet \bold a, (\bold q \otimes \bold p) \bullet \bold c)

Indeed, since both monoidal actions are functorial, we can lift the first morphism by (\bold q \bullet -) and the second by (\bold m \bullet -):

\mathbf C (\bold m \bullet \bold b, \bold p \bullet \bold c) \times \mathbf C (\bold n \bullet \bold a, \bold q \bullet \bold b) \xrightarrow{(\bold q \bullet) \times (\bold m \bullet)}

\mathbf C (\bold q \bullet \bold m \bullet \bold b, \bold q \bullet \bold p \bullet \bold c) \times \mathbf C (\bold m \bullet \bold n \bullet \bold a,\bold m \bullet \bold q \bullet \bold b)

We can compose these hom-sets in \mathbf C, as long as the two monoidal actions commute, that is, if we have:

\bold q \bullet \bold m \bullet \bold b \to \bold m \bullet \bold q \bullet \bold b

for all \bold q, \bold m, and \bold b.
The identity morphism is a triple:

(\bold 1, \bold 1, \bold{id} )

parameterized by the unit objects in the monoidal categories \mathbf M and \mathbf P. Associativity and identity laws are satisfied modulo the associators and the unitors.

If the underlying category \mathcal C is monoidal, the \mathbf{PreOp} bicategory is also monoidal, with the obvious point-wise parallel composition of pre-optics.

Triple Tambara Modules

A triple Tambara module is a functor:

T \colon \mathbf M^{op} \times \mathbf P \times \mathbf C \to \mathbf{Set}

equipped with two families of natural transformations:

\alpha \colon T \, \bold m \, \bold p \, \bold a \to T \, (\bold n \otimes \bold m) \, \bold p \, (\bold n \bullet a)

\beta \colon T \, \bold m \, \bold p \, (\bold r \bullet \bold a) \to T \, \bold m \, (\bold p \otimes \bold r) \, \bold a

and some coherence conditions. For instance, the two paths from T \, \bold m \, \bold p\, (\bold r \bullet \bold a) to T \, (\bold n \otimes \bold m)\, (\bold p \otimes \bold r) \, (\bold n \bullet \bold a) must give the same result.

One can also define natural transformations between such functors that preserve the two structures, and define a bicategory of triple Tambara modules \mathbf{TriTamb}.

As a special case, if we chose the category \mathcal P to be the trivial one-object monoidal category, we get a version of (double-) Tambara modules. If we then take the coend, P \langle a, b \rangle = \int^m T \langle m, m\rangle \langle a, b \rangle, we get regular Tambara modules.

Pre-optics themselves are an example of a triple Tambara representation. Indeed, for any fixed \bold a, we can define a mapping \alpha from the triple:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet \bold b)

to the triple:

(\bold n \otimes \bold m, \bold p, \bold f' \colon (\bold n \otimes \bold m) \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet (\bold n \bullet \bold b))

by lifting of \bold f by (\bold n \bullet -) and rearranging the actions using their commutativity.
Similarly for \beta, we map:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet (\bold r \bullet \bold b))


(\bold m , (\bold p \otimes \bold r), \bold f' \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to (\bold p \otimes \bold r) \bullet \bold b)

Tambara Representation

The main result is that morphisms in \mathbf {PreOp} can be expressed using triple Tambara modules. An optic:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet \bold b)

is equivalent to a triple end:

\int_{\bold r \colon \mathbf P} \int_{\bold n \colon \mathbf M} \int_{T \colon \mathbf{TriTamb}} \mathbf{Set} \big(T \, \bold n \, \bold r \, \bold a, T \, (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \, (\bold r \otimes \bold p) \, \bold b \big)

Indeed, since pre-optics are themselves triple Tambara modules, we can apply the polymorphic mapping of Tambara modules to the identity optic (\bold 1, \bold 1, \bold{id} ) and get an arbitrary pre-optic.

Conversely, given an optic:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet \bold b)

we can construct the polymorphic mapping of triple Tambara modules:

\begin{aligned} & T \, \bold n \, \bold r \, \bold a \xrightarrow{\alpha} T \, (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \, \bold r \, (\bold m \bullet \bold a) \xrightarrow{T \, \bold f} T \, (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \, \bold r \, (\bold p \bullet \bold b) \xrightarrow{\beta} \\ & T \, (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \, (\bold r \otimes \bold p) \, \bold b  \end{aligned}


  1. Brendan Fong, Michael Johnson, Lenses and Learners,
  2. Brendan Fong, David Spivak, Rémy Tuyéras, Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learning, 34th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 2019, pp. 1-13, 2019.
  3. G.S.H. Cruttwell, Bruno Gavranović, Neil Ghani, Paul Wilson, Fabio Zanasi, Categorical Foundations of Gradient-Based Learning
  4. Bruno Gavranović, Compositional Deep Learning
  5. Bruno Gavranović, Fundamental Components of Deep Learning, PhD Thesis. 2024


Neural networks are an example of composable systems, so it’s no surprise that they can be modeled in category theory, which is the ultimate science of composition. Moreover, the categorical ideas behind neural networks can be immediately implemented and tested in a programming language. In this post I will present the Haskell implementation of parametric lenses, generalize them to pre-lenses and introduce their profunctor representation. Using the profunctor representation I will build a working multi-layer perceptron.

In the second part of this post I will introduce the bicategory \mathbf{PreLens} of pre-lenses and the bicategory of triple Tambara profunctors and show how they related to pre-lenses.

Complete Haskell implementation is available on gitHub, where you can also find the PDF version of this post, complete with the categorical picture.

Haskell Implementation

Every component of a neural network can be thought of as a system that transform input to output, and whose action depends on some parameters. In the language of neural networsks, this is called the forward pass. It takes a bunch of parameters p, combines it with the input s, and produces the output a. It can be described by a Haskell function:

fwd :: (p, s) -> a

But the real power of neural networks is in their ability to learn from mistakes. If we don’t like the output of the network, we can nudge it towards a better solution. If we want to nudge the output by some da, what change dp to the parameters should we make? The backward pass partitions the blame for the perceived error in direct proportion to the impact each parameter had on the result.

Because neural networks are composed of layers of neurons, each with their own sets or parameters, we might also ask the question: What change ds to this layer’s inputs (which are the outputs of the previous layer) should we make to improve the result? We could then back-propagate this information to the previous layer and let it adjust its own parameters. The backward pass can be described by another Haskell function:

bwd :: (p, s, da) -> (dp, ds)

The combination of these two functions forms a parametric lens:

data PLens a da p dp s ds = 
  PLens { fwd :: (p, s) -> a
        , bwd :: (p, s, da) -> (dp, ds) }

In this representation it’s not immediately obvious how to compose parametric lenses, so I’m going to present a variety of other representations that may be more convenient in some applications.

Existential Parametric Lens

Notice that the backward pass re-uses the arguments (p, s) of the forward pass. Although some information from the forward pass is needed for the backward pass, it’s not always clear that all of it is required. It makes more sense for the forward pass to produce some kind of a care package to be delivered to the backward pass. In the simplest case, this package would just be the pair (p, s). But from the perspective of the user of the lens, the exact type of this package is an internal implementation detail, so we might as well hide it as an existential type m. We thus arrive at a more symmetric representation:

data ExLens a da p dp s ds = 
  forall m . ExLens ((p, s)  -> (m, a))  
                    ((m, da) -> (dp, ds))

The type m is often called the residue of the lens.

These existential lenses can be composed in series. The result of the composition is parameterized by the product (a tuple) of the original parameters. We’ll see it more clearly in the next section.

But since the product of types is associative only up to isomorphism, the composition of parametric lenses is associative only up to isomorphism.

There is also an identity lens:

identityLens :: ExLens a da () () a da
identityLens = ExLens id id

but, again, the categorical identity laws are satisfied only up to isomorphism. This is why parametric lenses cannot be interpreted as hom-sets in a traditional category. Instead they are part of a bicategory that arises from the \mathbf{Para} construction.


Notice that there is still an asymmetry in the treatment of the parameters and the residues. The parameters are accumulated (tupled) during composition, while the residues are traced over (categorically, an existential type is described by a coend, which is a generalized trace). There is no reason why we shouldn’t accumulate the residues during composition and postpone the taking of the trace untill the very end.

We thus arrive at a fully symmetrical definition of a pre-lens:

data PreLens a da m dm p dp s ds =
  PreLens ((p, s)   -> (m, a))
          ((dm, da) -> (dp, ds))

We now have two separate types: m describing the residue, and dm describing the change of the residue.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 12.19.58

If all we need at the end is to trace over the residues, we’ll identify the two types.

Notice that the role of parameters and residues is reversed between the forward and the backward pass. The forward pass, given the parameters and the input, produces the output plus the residue. The backward pass answers the question: How should we nudge the parameters and the inputs (dp, ds) if we want the residues and the outputs to change by (dm, da). In neural networks this will be calculated using gradient descent.

The composition of pre-lenses accumulates both the parameters and the residues into tuples:

preCompose ::
    PreLens a' da' m dm p dp s ds -> 
    PreLens a da n dn q dq a' da' ->
    PreLens a da (m, n) (dm, dn) (q, p) (dq, dp) s ds
preCompose (PreLens f1 g1) (PreLens f2 g2) = PreLens f3 g3
    f3 = unAssoc . second f2 . assoc . first sym . 
         unAssoc . second f1 . assoc
    g3 = unAssoc . second g1 . assoc . first sym . 
         unAssoc . second g2 . assoc

We use associators and symmetrizers to rearrange various tuples. Notice the separation of forward and backward passes. In particular, the backward pass of the composite lens depends only on backward passes of the composed lenses.

There is also an identity pre-lens:

idPreLens :: PreLens a da () () () () a da
idPreLens = PreLens id id

Pre-lenses thus form a bicategory that combines the \mathbf{Para} and the \mathbf{coPara} constructions in one.

There is also a monoidal structure in this category induced by parallel composition. In parallel composition we tuple the respective inputs and outputs, as well as the parameters and residues, both in the forward and the backward passes.

The existential lens can be obtained from the pre-lens at any time by tracing over the residues:

data ExLens a da p dp s ds = 
  forall m. ExLens (PreLens a da m m p dp s ds)

Notice however that the tracing can be performed after we are done with all the (serial and parallel) compositions. In particular, we could dedicate one pipeline to perform forward passes, gathering both parameters and residues, and then send this data over to another pipeline that performs backward passes. The data is produced and consumed in the LIFO order.


As an example, let’s implement the basic building block of neural networks, the neuron. In what follows, we’ll use the following type synonyms:

type D = Double
type V = [D]

A neuron can be decomposed into three mini-layers. The first layer is the linear transformation, which calculates the scalar product of the input vector and the vector of parameters:

a = \sum_{i = 1}^n p_i \times s_i

It also produces the residue which, in this case, consists of the tuple (V, V) of inputs and parameters:

fw :: (V, V) -> ((V, V), D)
fw (p, s) = ((s, p), sumN n $ zipWith (*) p s)

The backward pass has the general signature:

bw :: ((dm, da) -> (dp, ds))

Because we’re eventually going to trace over the residues, we’ll use the same type for dm as for m. And because we are going to do arithmetic over the parameters, we reuse the type of p for the delta dp. Thus the signature of the backward pass is:

bw :: ((V, V), D) -> (V, V)

In the backward pass we’ll encode the gradient descent. The steepest gradient direction and slope is given by the partial derivatives:

\frac{\partial{ a}}{\partial p_i} = s_i

\frac{\partial{ a}}{\partial s_i} = p_i

We multiply them by the desired change in the output da:

dp = fmap (da *) s
ds = fmap (da *) p

Here’s the resulting lens:

linearL :: Int -> PreLens D D (V, V) (V, V) V V V V
linearL n = PreLens fw bw
    fw :: (V, V) -> ((V, V), D)
    fw (p, s) = ((s, p), sumN n $ zipWith (*) p s)
    bw :: ((V, V), D) -> (V, V)
    bw ((s, p), da) = (fmap (da *) s
                      ,fmap (da *) p)

The linear transformation is followed by a bias, which uses a single number as the parameter, and generates no residue:

biasL :: PreLens D D () () D D D D
biasL = PreLens fw bw 
    fw :: (D, D) -> ((), D)
    fw (p, s) = ((), p + s)
    -- da/dp = 1, da/ds = 1
    bw :: ((), D) -> (D, D)
    bw (_, da) = (da, da)

Finally, we implement the non-linear activation layer using the tanh function:

activL :: PreLens D D D D () () D D
activL = PreLens fw bw
    fw (_, s) = (s, tanh s)
    -- da/ds = 1 + (tanh s)^2
    bw (s, da)= ((), da * (1 - (tanh s)^2))

A neuron with m inputs is a composition of the three components, modulo some monoidal rearrangements:

neuronL :: Int -> 
    PreLens D D ((V, V), D) ((V, V), D) Para Para V V
neuronL mIn = PreLens f' b'
    PreLens f b = 
      preCompose (preCompose (linearL mIn) biasL) activL
    f' :: (Para, V) -> (((V, V), D), D)
    f' (Para bi wt, s) = let (((vv, ()), d), a) = 
        f (((), (bi, wt)), s)
                         in ((vv, d), a)
    b' :: (((V, V), D), D) -> (Para, V)
    b' ((vv, d), da) = let (((), (d', w')), ds) = 
        b (((vv, ()), d), da)
                       in (Para d' w', ds)

The parameters for the neuron can be conveniently packaged into one data structure:

data Para = Para { bias   :: D
                 , weight :: V }

mkPara (b, v) = Para b v
unPara p = (bias p, weight p)

Using parallel composition, we can create whole layers of neurons, and then use sequential composition to model multi-layer neural networks. The loss function that compares the actual output with the expected output can also be implemented as a lens. We’ll perform this construction later using the profunctor representation.

Tambara Modules

As a rule, all optics that have an existential representation also have some kind of profunctor representation. The advantage of profunctor representations is that they are functions, and they compose using function composition.

Lenses, in particular, have a representation using a special category of profunctors called Tambara modules. A vanilla Tambara module is a profunctor p equipped with a family of transformations. It can be implemented as a Haskell class:

class  Profunctor p => Tambara p where
  alpha :: forall a da m. p a da -> p (m, a) (m, da)

The vanilla lens is then represented by the following profunctor-polymorphic function:

type Lens a da s ds = forall p. Tambara p => p a da -> p s ds

A similar representation can be constructed for pre-lenses. A pre-lens, however, has additional dependency on parameters and residues, so the analog of a Tambara module must also be parameterized by those. We need, therefore, a more complex type constructor t that takes six arguments:

t m dm p dp s ds

This is supposed to be a profunctor in three pairs of arguments, s ds, p dp, and dm m. Pro-functoriality in the first two pairs is implemented as two functions, diampS and dimapP. The inverted order in dm m means that t is covariant in m and contravariant in dm, as seen in the unusual type signature of dimapM:

dimapM  :: (m -> m') -> (dm' -> dm) -> 
  t m dm p dp s ds -> t m' dm' p  dp  s  ds

To generalize Tambara modules we first observe that the pre-lens now has two independent residues, m and dm, and the two should transform separately. Also, the composition of pre-lenses accumulates (through tupling) both the residues and the parameters, so it makes sense to use the additional type arguments to TriProFunctor as accumulators. Thus the generalized Tambara module has two methods, one for accumulating residues, and one for accumulating parameters:

class TriProFunctor t => Trimbara t where
  alpha :: t m dm p dp s ds -> 
           t (m1, m) (dm1, dm) p dp (m1, s) (dm1, ds)
  beta  :: t m dm p dp (p1, s) (dp1, ds) -> 
           t m dm (p, p1) (dp, dp1) s ds

These generalized Tambara modules satisfy some coherency conditions.

One can also define natural transformations that are compatible with the new structures, so that Trimbara modules form a category.

The question arises: can this definition be satisfied by an actual non-trivial TriProFunctor? Fortunately, it turns out that a pre-lens itself is an example of a Trimbara module. Here’s the implementation of alpha for a PreLens:

alpha (PreLens fw bw) = PreLens fw' bw'
    fw' (p, (n, s)) = let (m, a) = fw (p, s)
                      in ((n, m), a)
    bw' ((dn, dm), da) = let (dp, ds) = bw (dm, da)
                         in (dp, (dn, ds))

and this is beta:

beta (PreLens fw bw) = PreLens fw' bw'
    fw' ((p, r), s) = let (m, a) = fw (p, (r, s))
                      in (m, a)
    bw' (dm, da) = let (dp, (dr, ds)) = bw (dm, da)
                   in ((dp, dr), ds)

This result will become important in the next section.


Since Trimbara modules form a category, we can define a polymorphic function type (a categorical end) over Trimbara modules . This gives us the (tri-)profunctor representation for a pre-lens:

type TriLens a da m dm p dp s ds =
    forall t. Trimbara t => forall p1 dp1 m1 dm1. 
      t m1 dm1 p1 dp1 a da -> 
      t (m, m1) (dm, dm1) (p1, p) (dp1, dp) s ds

Indeed, given a pre-lens we can construct the requisite mapping of Trimbara modules simply by lifting the two functions (the forward and the backward pass) and sandwiching them between the two Tambara structure maps:

toTamb :: PreLens a da m dm p dp s ds -> 
    TriLens a da m dm p dp s ds
toTamb (PreLens fw bw) = beta . dimapS fw bw . alpha

Conversely, given a mapping between Trimbara modules, we can construct a pre-lens by applying it to the identity pre-lens (modulo some rearrangement of tuples using the monoidal right/left unit laws):

fromTamb :: TriLens a da m dm p dp s ds -> 
    PreLens a da m dm p dp s ds
fromTamb f = dimapM runit unRunit $  
             dimapP unLunit lunit $ 
             f idPreLens 

The main advantage of the profunctor representation is that we can now compose two lenses using simple function composition; again, modulo some associators:

triCompose ::
    TriLens b db m dm p dp s ds -> 
    TriLens a da n dn q dq b db ->
    TriLens a da (m, n) (dm, dn) (q, p) (dq, dp) s ds
triCompose f g = dimapP unAssoc assoc . 
                 dimapM unAssoc assoc . 
                 f . g

Parallel composition of TriLenses is also relatively straightforward, although it involves a lot of bookkeeping (see the gitHub implementation).

Training a Neural Network

As a proof of concept, I have implemented and trained a simple 3-layer perceptron.

The starting point is the conversion of the individual components of the neuron from their pre-lens representation to the profunctor representation using toTamb. For instance:

linearT :: Int -> TriLens D D (V, V) (V, V) V V V V
linearT n = toTamb (linearL n)

We get a profunctor representation of a neuron by composing its three components:

neuronT :: Int -> 
  TriLens D D ((V, V), D) ((V, V), D) Para Para V V
neuronT mIn = 
  dimapP (second (unLunit . unPara)) 
         (second (mkPara . lunit)) .
  triCompose (dimapM (first runit) (first unRunit) .
  triCompose (linearT mIn) biasT) activT

With parallel composition of tri-lenses, we can build a layer of neurons of arbitrary width.

layer :: Int -> Int -> 
  TriLens V V [((V, V), D)] [((V, V), D)] [Para] [Para] V V
layer mIn nOut = 
  dimapP (second unRunit) (second runit) .
  dimapM (first lunit) (first unLunit) .
  triCompose (branch nOut) (vecLens nOut (neuronT mIn))

The result is again a tri-lens, and such tri-lenses can be composed in series to create a multi-layer perceptron.

makeMlp :: Int -> [Int] -> 
  TriLens V V -- output
          [[((V, V), D)]] [[((V, V), D)]] -- residues
          [[Para]] [[Para]] -- parameters
          V V -- input

Here, the first integer specifies the number of inputs of each neuron in the first layer. The list [Int] specifies the number of neurons in consecutive layers (which is also the number of inputs of each neuron in the following layer).

The training of a neural network is usually done by feeding it a batch of inputs together with a batch of expected outputs. This can be simply done by arranging multiple perceptrons in parallel and accumulating the parameters for the whole batch.

batchN :: (VSpace dp) => Int -> 
    TriLens  a da m dm p dp s ds -> 
    TriLens [a] [da] [m] [dm] p dp [s] [ds]

To make the accumulation possible, the parameters must form a vector space, hence the constraint VSpace dp.

The whole thing is then capped by a square-distance loss lens that is parameterized by the ground truth values:

lossL :: PreLens D D ([V], [V]) ([V], [V]) [V] [V] [V] [V]
lossL = PreLens fw bw 
    fw (gTruth, s) = 
      ((gTruth, s), sqDist (concat s) (concat gTruth))
    bw ((gTruth, s), da) = (fmap (fmap negate) delta', delta')
        delta' = fmap (fmap (da *)) (zipWith minus s gTruth)

In the next post I will present the categorical version of this construction.