Week 118 - Birthday

  • It was my birthday this week. I decided not to take the day off work and wasn’t sure if I’d regret that decision, but I worked from home so could pop out for a pub lunch with L.
  • I received some lovely presents, some of which I hadn’t even added to my wishlist. The boys were excited to give me theirs: Super Mario Odyssey. So far I’ve played it for 15 minutes; they’re many worlds ahead of me already.
  • The boys had an INSET school day on Friday so on Thursday evening L drove them to her parents’ in Wiltshire for a couple of nights. Although she claimed this meant I had two days all to myself, I had two pretty busy work days. On the plus side, after work I did manage to watch a couple of sci-fi films she wouldn’t have liked, ate microwave curries and slept soundly with the whole bed to myself.
  • Before they returned I did some DIY. Perhaps foolishly, given I was on my own, I decided to climb on to the shed roof to pin down the felt. Next I screwed together a loose gate and WD40’d all the stiff gate bolts. On a roll, I then raked the lawn and collected up all the loose leaves, putting my birthday leaf-grabbers to good use. Satisfying.
  • H missed his team’s Saturday match while in Wiltshire so I took him and his brother to the very muddy park for a kick-around on Sunday. We lasted 20 minutes of our boys v Daddy match (I lost 4-3) before returning home. I then spent exactly the same time cleaning all our boots.



