W. Neil Thomas

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W. Neil Thomas
Image of W. Neil Thomas
Prior offices
11th Judicial District Circuit Court



University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


University of Michigan

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W. Neil Thomas III was a judge for the Eleventh Circuit Court in Tennessee. He joined the court in 1997 and retired from the bench on October 5, 2017.[1][2]


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Thomas earned his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and his J.D. from the University of Michigan. His experience includes work as a trial lawyer and service as a trustee for The Baylor School, the chair of the Salvation Army and the Hamilton County Republican Party, and the president of the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, The Baylor School Alumni Association, and the Tennessee Safety Council.[2]



See also: Tennessee judicial elections, 2014
Thomas ran for re-election to the Eleventh Circuit Court.
Primary: He ran unopposed in the Republican primary on May 6, 2014.
General: He won without opposition in the general election on August 7, 2014. [3][4]

See also

External links
