Mississippi 7th Chancery District

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Ballotpedia:Trial Courts
Mississippi 7th Chancery District

The Mississippi 7th Chancery District is one of 20 chancery court districts in Mississippi. The court has jurisdiction over equity disputes, sanity hearings, wills, adoptions, custody disputes, divorces, guardianships, and hears all cases in which a state law or set of state laws are constitutionally challenged.[1] The 7th District serves Bolivar, Coahoma, LeFlore, Quitman, Tallahatchie and Tunica counties.[2]


See also

External links


See also: Mississippi judicial elections

Mississippi is one of 43 states that hold elections for judicial positions. To learn more about judicial selection in Mississippi, click here.

Selection method

See also: Nonpartisan election

Judges of the Mississippi Chancery Court are each elected to four-year terms. The elections for this court are nonpartisan contested elections. To serve on this court, a judge must be at least 26 years old and have been a district (and state) resident for five years and have five years of experience as an attorney.[3]

Election rules

Primary election

Mississippi does not hold primary elections for judicial candidates.[4]

General election

Qualified judicial candidates, including those running unopposed, appear on the general election ballot. There is no indication of party affiliation. When two or more candidates are competing for a seat, they are listed in alphabetical order.[4]

The winner of the general election is determined by majority vote. If no candidate receives a majority (over 50 percent) of the total vote, the top two candidates advance to a runoff election that takes place three weeks later.[4]
