Herbert Gruendel

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F. Herbert Gruendel
Image of F. Herbert Gruendel
Prior offices
Connecticut Appellate Court



Drew University, 1969


University of Maryland, 1971


University of Connecticut School of Law, 1984

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F. Herbert Gruendel was a judge on the Connecticut Appellate Court.[1] Governor Mary Jodi Rell first appointed Gruendel to an eight-year term January 26, 2005. In 2013 he was confirmed for another eight-year term.[2][3][4] He retired, assuming senior status, in 2017.[5]


Gruendel graduated from Drew University in 1969. He went on to receive a master's degree from the University of Maryland in 1971, a master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1974, and a master's degree in education from Rutgers University in 1976. He received his law degree from the University of Connecticut School of Law in 1984. From 1983 to 1984, he conducted research in juvenile law through a Yale University program. He worked as a teacher and principal before he became an attorney.[1]


Gruendel joined the law firm of Jacobs, Grudberg, Belt & Dow in 1984. He left the firm in 1998 when he was appointed to the Superior Court. In 2001, he became the chief administrative judge for the family division.[1]

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See also

Connecticut Judicial Selection More Courts
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Courts in Connecticut
Connecticut Appellate Court
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