City elections in Columbus, Ohio (2021)

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2021 Columbus elections
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Election dates
Filing deadline: February 3, 2021
Primary election: May 4, 2021
General election: November 2, 2021
Election stats
Offices up: City council, city attorney, and city auditor
Total seats up: 5
Election type: Nonpartisan
Other municipal elections
U.S. municipal elections, 2021

The city of Columbus, Ohio, held general elections for city council, city attorney, and city auditor on November 2, 2021. A primary was scheduled for May 4, 2021. The primary election was canceled due to the fact that in all of the races on the ballot, not more than twice the number of candidates as open seats filed to run. The filing deadline for this election was February 3, 2021.


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City attorney

General election

General election for Columbus City Attorney

Incumbent Zachary Klein won election in the general election for Columbus City Attorney on November 2, 2021.

Image of Zachary Klein
Zachary Klein (Nonpartisan)

Total votes: 74,744
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Nonpartisan primary election

The primary election was canceled. Incumbent Zachary Klein advanced from the primary for Columbus City Attorney.

City auditor

General election

General election for Columbus City Auditor

Incumbent Megan Kilgore won election in the general election for Columbus City Auditor on November 2, 2021.

Megan Kilgore (Nonpartisan)

Total votes: 74,115
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Nonpartisan primary election

The primary election was canceled. Incumbent Megan Kilgore advanced from the primary for Columbus City Auditor.

City council

General election

General election for Columbus City Council (3 seats)

Incumbent Shannon Hardin, Lourdes Barroso de Padilla, and Nick Bankston defeated Tom Sussi and Sheila Eubanks in the general election for Columbus City Council on November 2, 2021.

Image of Shannon Hardin
Shannon Hardin (Nonpartisan)
Lourdes Barroso de Padilla (Nonpartisan)
Nick Bankston (Nonpartisan)
Tom Sussi (Nonpartisan)
Sheila Eubanks (Nonpartisan) (Write-in)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 225,271
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Nonpartisan primary election

The primary election was canceled. Incumbent Mitchell Brown, incumbent Shannon Hardin, incumbent Priscilla Tyson, Lourdes Barroso de Padilla, and Tom Sussi advanced from the primary for Columbus City Council.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Additional elections on the ballot

See also: Ohio elections, 2021

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What was at stake?

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Ballotpedia researches issues in local elections across the United States, but information availability is a challenge for us in many areas. Please contact us about the issues that impact your local election. Note that not all submissions may meet Ballotpedia's coverage requirements for inclusion.

Candidate survey

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Ballotpedia invites candidates to participate in its annual survey.
Click here to fill out the survey.

About the city

See also: Columbus, Ohio

Columbus is the seat of Franklin County, Ohio, and is the state capital. As of 2020, its population was 905,748.

City government

See also: Mayor-council government

The city of Columbus uses a strong mayor and city council system. In this form of municipal government, the city council serves as the city's primary legislative body and the mayor serves as the city's chief executive.[1]


The following table displays demographic data provided by the United States Census Bureau.

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Demographic Data for Columbus, Ohio
Columbus Ohio
Population 905,748 11,799,448
Land area (sq mi) 220 40,858
Race and ethnicity**
White 57.4% 80.5%
Black/African American 29.2% 12.4%
Asian 5.9% 2.3%
Native American 0.2% 0.2%
Pacific Islander 0% 0%
Two or more 4.9% 3.6%
Hispanic/Latino 6.3% 3.9%
High school graduation rate 89.8% 90.8%
College graduation rate 36.8% 28.9%
Median household income $54,902 $58,116
Persons below poverty level 19.1% 13.6%
Source: population provided by U.S. Census Bureau, "Decennial Census" (2020). Other figures provided by U.S. Census Bureau, "American Community Survey" (5-year estimates 2015-2020).
**Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

See also

Columbus, Ohio Ohio Municipal government Other local coverage
Seal of Columbus, Ohio.svg
Seal of Ohio.png
Municipal Government Final.png
Local Politics Image.jpg

External links
