Board of Selectmen recall, Chelmsford, Massachusetts (2011)

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Chelmsford Selectmen recall
Ballotpedia Election Coverage Badge.png
George Dixon
Jon Kurland
Pat Wojtas
Matt Hanson
Recall status
Recall defeated
Recall election date
August 2, 2011
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2011
Recalls in Massachusetts
Massachusetts recall laws
City council recalls
Recall reports

A vote about whether to recall George Dixon, Jon Kurland, Pat Wojtas and Matt Hanson from their positions as selectmen of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, took place on August 2, 2011. All four recall targets were retained in their seats.

Reasons for recall

Chelmsford resident Roland Van Liew formed a group called "Better Not Bigger" in his effort to recall the selectmen. He believes the selectmen failed to protect residents' interests, committed serious ethics violations, and engaged in backroom dealing regarding the development of a property on 9 North Road. Van Liew previously tried to recall Planning Board members George Zaharoolis and Susan Carter, but he failed to gather enough signatures.[1]

Path to the ballot

In May, it was announced that Van Liew had submitted enough signatures to force a recall election. The election was held on August 2, 2011. The ballot was composed of four separate questions, asking if each of the four targeted selectmen should be recalled.[2]

Election results

  • Number of votes to recall George Dixon: 3,294 Defeatedd
  • Number of votes to retain George Dixon: 4,378[3]

  • Number of votes to recall Jon Kurland: 3,068 Defeatedd
  • Number of votes to retain Jon Kurland: 4,596[3]

  • Number of votes to recall Pat Wojtas: 3,063 Defeatedd
  • Number of votes to retain Pat Wojtas: 4,589[3]

  • Number of votes to recall Matt Hanson: 3,191 Defeatedd
  • Number of votes to retain Matt Hanson: 4,481[3]

See also

External links
