Enterprise Zone
please see information below
Colorado’s Enterprise Zone program provides tax incentives to encourage businesses to locate and expand in designated economically distressed areas of the state. Baca County qualifies for both the Enterprise Zone AND Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone tax credits. There are 16 Enterprise Zones and 2 sub-zones in Colorado. Businesses located in an Enterprise Zone may qualify for up to nine Enterprise Zone Tax Credits that encourage job creation and investment in the Enterprise Zone. Local jurisdictions may have additional incentive opportunities in the Enterprise Zone. Links to other EZ resources (Tax Credits, State Map, EZ Administrator Contact Info, Enhanced Rural EZ, Contribution Projects, Public Records Law & Annual Reports).
For more information on legislative changes, please visit the EZ Legislation web page.
Overview Table
Please use the links provided in the table below to access the Department of Revenue tax form and FYI Publication for each tax credit. If claiming Enterprise Zone tax credits, it is recommended that you review the Enterprise Zone FYI Publications available from the Department of Revenue.
Investment Tax Credit | 3% of equipment purchases | Online form | FYI Income 11 |
Job Training Tax Credit | 12% of qualified training expenses | Online form | FYI Income 31 |
New Business Facility (NBF) Tax Credits: | — | — | |
Jobs Credit | $1,100 per new job | Online form | FYI Income 10 |
Ag Processing Jobs Credit | $500 total per new a.p. job | Online form | FYI Income 10 |
Health Insurance Credit | $1,000 per new insured job (avail for first 2 years in EZ) | Online form | FYI Income 10 |
R&D Increase Tax Credit | 3% of increased R&D expenditures | Online form | FYI Income 22 |
Vacant Building Rehabilitation Tax Credit | 25% of rehabilitation expenditures | Online form | FYI Income 24 |
Manufacturing / Mining Sales and Use Tax | Expanded S&U tax exemption in EZ | DR1191 | Currently Unavailable |
Commercial Vehicle Investment Tax Credit (CVITC) | 1.5% of commercial vehicle purchases | CVITC Application | CVITC Details FYI Income 11 |
Contributions to Enterprise Zone Projects | 25% cash / 12.5% in-kind of donation | DR0075 | FYI Income 23 |
*EZ Contribution Project will provide contributor w/ the DR0075 form.
For more information, please visit the Tax Credits page of our website, or click to download a Fact Sheet:
- Enterprise Zone Fact Sheet
- Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone Fact Sheet
- Enterprise Zone CVITC Fact Sheet
Certification Forms
Enterprise Zone tax certification forms:
Form DR0074, DR0076, and DR0077 require on-line completion. Forms DR1191 and CVITC may be completed in hard copy; for these, click on the form name to download the form.
Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print forms. To download the free Adobe software, click here.
The steps for PRE-CERTIFICATION are as follows:
- Log on to www.choosecolorado.com to request the PRE-certification of Enterprise Zone Tax Credits.
- Fully complete date the enterprise zone tax form and submit.
- After the form is processed, notification is provided via email. If approved, please keep Certification Number for future reference for filing year end activity.
The steps for certification are as follows:
- Log on to http://choosecolorado.com/doing-business/incentives-financing/ez/ to complete the certification of Enterprise Zone Tax Credits. Please answer all questions on the form, including employment and investment figures, whether or not you are claiming credits related to employment and/or investments. These figures are used for state statistical purposes.
- Automatic electronic delivery of Baca County Enterprise Zone and Enhance Rural Enterprise Zone tax forms are submitted for approval to:
Stephanie Gonzales
Enterprise Zone Administrator
Phone: 719-336-3850
Email: [email protected] - Upon receiving your fully completed on-line certification form from the state, SECED will certify that your location is located within the Baca County Enterprise Zone. It will be electronically approved with a confirmation via email returned within 48 hours.
- As of January 2012, forms submitted via hard copy will no longer be accepted. All tax credits must be submitted electronically at https://www.colorado.gov/apps/oedit/enterpriseCert/home.jsf. In order to receive the tax credit, a copy of the electronic form submitted in addition to the confirmation e-mail needs to accompany the Colorado income tax return. It is important documentation required by the State to substantiate your claim for credits taken. Do not send the form independently of your tax return; it must be attached to your return like any other supporting schedule.
For more information on the Enterprise Zone, please contact:
Baca County Economic Development
P.O. Box 95
Springfield, CO 81073
Phone: 719-353-2244
Email: [email protected]