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Zoryu Park is a large recreational area located in the Fire Nation Capital's western Harbor City. Named after Fire Lord Zoryu, it is a popular place for inhabitants of the capital to spend their free time.[1]


Zoryu Park is quite extensive and located next to one of the capital's largest open-air markets. It regularly attracts many people who want to rest, play outdoor games, or catch up with friends. The park also hosts an aviary, which was used as headquarters by the Fire Finches, a criminal gang of street children, by the late Hundred Year War.

The presence of the Fire Finches led to most locals who visited the park to always watch their money. Repeated efforts by the Domestic Forces to clear the park of criminals failed up to 95 AG.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Quickstart, Version 1.0, 2021, p. 33.